The Strongest Beast Guarding System

Chapter 265: The Outer World

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Chapter 265: The Outer World

Lu Yang didn't expect that he would be able to subdue such a strong yellow beast, and he still used that aggrieved method, but because of this, his strength would have improved by leaps and bounds, otherwise, even if he subdued No amount of yellow rank beasts is useless, just like the boa constrictor.

Even though the boa constrictor and the three-eyed tortoise king are both yellow-rank beasts, but if it is really counted, the strength of the three-eyed tortoise king is probably countless times stronger than the boa constrictor, and even dozens of boa constrictors may not be the three-eyed tortoise King's opponent.

However, if the strength of the boa constrictor is improved, it may not necessarily be the result. Of course, if the boa constrictor and the three-eyed turtle king are given the same room for improvement, the three-eyed tortoise king may not be able to suppress the boa constrictor just like this.

This is the suppression of strength and realm, and this is also a problem that both yellow-rank beast masters and yellow-rank beasts may encounter. After all, if you really want to improve after reaching the yellow rank, there is no chance, just like the three-eyed turtle king, if you don't find this bead, I'm afraid it will take at least dozens, or even hundreds of years, to improve your strength time to consume.

Of course, in the heart of the Three-Eyed Turtle King, it still has another selfish intention, that is, after it reaches the middle stage of the Yellow Rank, its defense will reach an unprecedented level. At that time, it may be able to Entering that place to experience it, maybe you will get more benefits.

Of course, even if it has that kind of defense, it needs to be a human being with its tail between its legs, otherwise, it will die miserably. After all, not to mention the yellow-rank beasts there, even the black-rank beasts would die if they were not careful, but the more dangerous they were, the more benefits they would have.

It's just that it still doesn't know where it is.

"What, there is still such a space?" Lu Yang was shocked in his heart.

Because he could feel that in that place, the strength of the three-eyed tortoise king was simply scum, and the number of yellow-rank beasts was almost tens of thousands. The number is as many as tens of thousands, and that is only less than one percent of the space in that world.

This time Lu Yang was really dumbfounded.

Of course, he knows that such a place must not be leaked out easily. Once the beast inside finds out, he will die. Once people in this world find out, he will also not be able to survive. Even if he kept his mouth shut to anyone, if it hadn't been for the big python to plot against him purely, it would be impossible to know such a secret.

Well now, this secret has been known by Lu Yang, and although the Three-Eyed Turtle King has some disadvantages, he is more reliable than anyone else in keeping the secret. After all, its tortoise shell is not so easy to fool. In this way, Lu Yang is equivalent to mastering the big secret of a decision.

But what exactly is there?

Lu Yang didn't want to tell the big python for the time being, after all, it might be someone else's beast in the future. It's not that Lu Yang doesn't trust others, but that such a secret will definitely be more dangerous if others know it, even if it's his closest person, so the less such a secret is known, the safer it will be.

Of course, unless one day, he also has the ability to keep this secret in his own hands forever, at that time, this secret can be announced by him, so that his Tianyimen can be opened by the way. Entered the experience.

"How about it, three-eyed turtle king, do you want to surrender to me now?" Lu Yang looked at the bloody wind on the water, and then looked at the scarred three-eyed turtle king in the pet space and said with a smile.

Don't think that others are afraid of its perverted defense, but to Lu Yang, its defense is nothing but scum to him.

"Although you are using space power, you have to admit that space power is also a kind of power. Since you are stronger than me, smarter than me, and have better luck than me, so what if I admit defeat and become your pet in battle So what? If you want, you can make me the battle pet of other beast masters." The three-eyed turtle king seemed to have thought of something, although he was a little unwilling, he still said with great determination.

"It's not bad. If you can voluntarily accept what I said, it means that you are still very smart. Well, you can stay on my body, and this python will replace you as the king here. Boa, would you like it?" ?" Lu Yang waved his hand and let the python out.

Lu Yang subdued too many yellow-rank beasts, and now he injected them into the body of the boa constrictor. Although he didn't get a real transformation, it is still no problem to suppress these ordinary yellow-rank beasts.

"Master, how could I not want to. Don't worry, I will definitely restrain these black-rank and yellow-rank beasts while you are away!" The big python shook its body violently, and it The huge body flew out like a long whip, slapping the originally rough water on the river surface, and some fierce beasts that were at odds with it were immediately hanged to death by it.

With this blow, all the ferocious beasts that were still somewhat dissatisfied with it were crushed to the brim, but those ferocious beasts that were still respectful to it were indeed useless at all. It can be seen that this boa constrictor is not a fool, otherwise, its entire clan would have been wiped out, how could it be left alone.

You can figure out the problem with a little thought.

"Okay, let's go, follow me to see its palace." Lu Yang didn't expect that this big python was not only obedient, but also quite tricky, and he even wanted this big python to continue to be the king of beasts here up.

And this boa constrictor did have these plans, and even if it became the king of beasts, in front of Lu Yang not only

There is no airs at all, but I keep pretending that I am your pet in battle.

"Master, when our family was glorious in the past, I used to be in the palace of the Three-Eyed Turtle King. Unfortunately, nearly a hundred years have passed, and now my family members are no longer here. Otherwise, if they saw that I was here The Beastmaster doesn't know how excited he is."

"In addition, although I am not a human race, I know how to be grateful. After all, when I was injured when I was young, there was a beast master who raped me. Although he didn't save me, he just gave me a chance to continue. A chance to survive, but that's enough!" Along the way, seven or eight powerful yellow beasts followed, but the big python didn't seem to care much about the subordinates behind him, but kept talking to Lu Yang.

Lu Yang could feel that the python should be showing his loyalty to him!

"It seems that the relationship between you and the human race is relatively close, not bad. If you can really keep this way, I don't mind letting you continue to manage this place." Seeing the performance of the big python, Lu Yang finally let go.

"Really?" There was an extremely surprised expression on the python's face. Although it was only a snake head and did not have the rich expression of a human, but now that the python's strength has improved, its expression can be changed to some extent.

If it can reach the level of a mysterious beast, then it can even transform into a human form. Perhaps by coincidence, it may even have a chance to become an existence beyond the mysterious level. But that kind of opportunity is not something that any ferocious beast can have.

But once the boa constrictor becomes the beast king, it means that its luck has increased a bit, and there may be further opportunities in the future.

After all, unlike the Beastmaster, the ferocious beast has the heart of the city to gather luck for them, so it can only try its best to fight for those that can be fought for, such as attaching itself to a lucky person like Lu Yang.

The boa constrictor is not stupid, it is even very smart, it knows its position, and as long as it can make Lu Yang more confident in it, the position of the beast king is an obvious sign.

"Of course it is true. You are smart and know what you should do. It's not impossible for me to reward you a little bit, but you still have to fight for it yourself!" Lu Yang didn't want to say too much, after all, some things need to be done. I went to comprehend it myself.

And the boa constrictor is not a fool, even if it is a fool, it would not be able to live today. Lu Yang believed that if it had the understanding in this aspect, it would not ask any more questions.

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