The Strongest Beast Guarding System

Chapter 271 Punishment and Reward

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Chapter 271 Punishment and Reward

To put it bluntly, these two fierce beasts are still Lu Yang's followers, not confidantes.

What is a follower, that is, they just follow Lu Yang to do things. Once Lu Yang is in danger, they are likely to turn against him, and they may even kill Lu Yang. This is a follower, and the loyalty is very low, although it cannot be said to be Zero, but about the same. This is also the reason why Lu Yang kept Bi An locked in the pet space and never used it.

Originally, Lu Yang wanted to tolerate them, but now that these two guys don't know how to advance or retreat, he has changed his mind.

Anyway, the battle between the Snake Tiger King and the Dragon Horn Chicken King will take some time to end, so he doesn't mind cleaning up his internal troubles during this time.

"Haha, Bi An, your fox tail is finally exposed. It seems that it is just a joke to talk about taking refuge in me now! Don't I know your intentions? Don't forget, you are here Inside my pet space!" With a bang, Lu Yang directly pulled the three-eyed Turtle King and Bi An's consciousness out of their bodies.

Now in Lu Yang's mind, the consciousness of these two beasts stood in front of Lu Yang like two giants. In comparison, Bi An's consciousness is far stronger than that of the Three-Eyed Turtle King, but their consciousness is now light black, which is not harmonious with the surrounding environment.

"Master, I really don't know what you're talking about, so please give me some pointers." Bi An is cunning by nature, and it naturally hides its emotions. But it doesn't know that under the supervision of the beast control system, they don't have any secrets to hide.

"Hmph, do you still want me to tell? You can see for yourself!" As soon as Lu Yang stretched out his hand, he recorded some thoughts about Bi An in the Beast Familiar System, all of which were how to calculate Lu Yang, how to let him die, and then get away. There are even some things that want to take the opportunity to occupy Lu Yang's body, each of which is extremely sinister.

Seeing this, Bi An was so frightened that he couldn't say anything, while the Three-Eyed Turtle King kept rolling his eyes, as if he was recalling whether he had any bad thoughts about Lu Yang in the future.

"What? What else do you have to say?" In view of the fact that Bi An still has some usefulness, Lu Yang still wants to give it a way to survive, but it is not so laissez-faire. If beating is not enough, then use Thunder means.

"Ah, master, it's bad for the villain. I don't know why I have these thoughts in my mind. The villain promises that I won't think like this again in the future!" Although Bi An begged for mercy, Lu Yang saw through him thoughts.

"It's useless. I know that you, as a demon, must have a lot of evil thoughts in your mind, but it's your fault if you use these evil thoughts on me. Now I won't give you any punishment. Do you think I'm a vegetarian? "

"Just like what happened today, if someone else, under your instigation, went to seize the Ten Thousand Years Dragon Snake Grass, wouldn't there be no bones left? Let me tell you, if I die, you won't be able to live either. , but now you don't have this chance anymore, go and accept the punishment!" In his own mind, Lu Yang grabbed Bi An's body into a small black ball and threw it directly into the depths of his mind Hand it over to Xiaomei to suppress it.

"Ah, no, master..." Bi An didn't expect Lu Yang to know his thoughts completely. Although he was a little annoyed, he didn't expect Lu Yang to dare to do anything to him. After all, he knew a lot of things. If Lu Yang left him I'm afraid I don't even know how to use space runes.

This is also the reason why Bi An is very self-reliant. But it didn't expect Lu Yang to suppress him so easily. If it still has a chance to repent, its intestines are probably already green.

But it no longer has this chance, because Lu Yang has chosen to completely seal it up.

"How about the three-eyed turtle king, what do you have to say?" After suppressing Bi An, Lu Yang looked at the trembling three-eyed turtle king.

At this time, the Three-Eyed Turtle King was already many times more honest than before. Even if Lu Yang didn't force him to question him, he would still explain everything he thought, almost exactly what it thought.

After explaining, the three-eyed turtle king knelt on the ground and begged for mercy.

The reason why Lu Yang did this was not because he didn't have the capacity to tolerate others, but because he felt that he had given Bi An and the Three-Eyed Turtle King a chance to perform, but these two fierce beasts didn't know how to advance or retreat, and kept urging him to do it. It is acceptable to make a wrong move once or twice, but the third time is not simply sinister, but treats him like an idiot part-time.

Lu Yang absolutely cannot allow such a thing to happen.

"Master, I am willing to swear in the name of my spiritual consciousness that I will never betray the master!" The three-eyed turtle king knew that he would not be spared this time. However, he was able to be suppressed by force by Lu Yang, and indeed he had grasped the handle, and he was convinced that he lost.

In the world of fierce beasts, although there are intrigues, but in the end it is about strength.

So now the three-eyed turtle king is completely convinced.

"Okay, then you can stay in my pet space from now on, remember what to say and what not to say, you have to distinguish clearly, go back!" Lu Yang stretched out his hand and sent the three-eyed turtle king back to the pet space.

"Master, I have already figured out a solution!" Just as Bi An and the Three-Eyed Turtle King were being punished, Xiao Mei suddenly appeared in front of Lu Yang and said with a smile.

This time Xiaomei appeared a little too impatient, and even forgot to hide her identity.

Now she is no longer the one who looks extremely dull, just a combination of a few pixels, but

It has evolved to look like a beautiful woman in a landscape painting, and the shyness of a young girl can be seen on her face.

This is no ordinary artificial intelligence, but a girl who is alive and well.

"Oh? Let's talk about it as soon as possible, maybe it will be a surprise!" Lu Yang and the Beast Familiar System are almost connected, and his trust in Xiaomei is also unconditional. At this moment, Xiaomei's little girl psychology is in his eyes Immediately revealed. But he just smiled, and didn't expose Xiaomei's current changes, and she seemed to have forgotten this.

"Surprise, oh, I got it, the master wants to reward me!" Hearing Lu Yang's words, Xiao Mei suddenly thought happily, and then she hurriedly said, "The master's beast control system can not only absorb the nutrients in the Ten Thousand Years Dragon Snake Grass Saint-level blood, and can also absorb the energy in it. Because the energy in this plant not only contains the aura of heaven and earth, but also spiritual power, and some basic rune power. As for what, you have to get the Wannian Dragon Snake Grass Only after that can we judge.”

"Okay, I will do it with all my strength in a while. But I want to ask, did you make these formations in my mind?" Lu Yang turned around and looked around, and found that not only the previous space runes, but also his own The space runes obtained from the space channel seem to have been gradually used by Xiaomei. It can be said that the space in his mind has increased by half, and there is even more room for development.

In this way, his understanding of space runes will greatly increase. So this is a good thing, and it is also Xiaomei's credit.

But Xiaomei didn't know, she looked at Lu Yang, as if she wanted to judge that the master would not punish her, so she just asked tremblingly: "Master, aren't you angry?"

"Angry? Why are you angry? You have surprised me. If you have to punish me for doing the right thing, then wouldn't I be very incompetent as a host? Don't worry, the host will definitely reward you." Lu Yang said this Keep things in mind, after all, the battle between the Dragon Horn Chicken King and the Snake Tiger King is about to be decided.

"Three-color runes!" With the roar of the Snake Tiger King, thousands of runes were seen spiraling from its body towards the Dragon Horned Chicken King.

"Hmph, old man, you have been persecuting our clan for so many years, you deserve to die today! Longyang Shenzhu!" As he spoke, a fiery red bead spit out from the mouth of the Dragon Horned Chicken King, and flew straight to the snake and tiger king.

"Damn, dead chicken king, you really want to fight, I don't believe you can survive..."

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