The Strongest Beast Guarding System

Chapter 272: Wannian Dragon Snake Grass Succeeded

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Chapter 272: Wannian Dragon Snake Grass Succeeded

At this moment, the battle between the Dragon Horn Chicken King and the Snake Tiger King had almost reached a fever pitch, to the point where both sides suffered losses and died together.

All of a sudden, the Longyang God Pill was supposed to compete with the Snake Tiger King's three-color rune, but somehow it was sucked away by the Wannian Dragon Snake Grass.

All of a sudden, the Longjiao Chicken King was taken aback.

But it didn't have time to think about it anymore, as the dragon's horn swiped across the void, its body suddenly disappeared. Immediately afterwards, it has appeared behind the Snake and Tiger King.

Although the Snake Tiger King has reached the Yellow Rank Dzogchen and is close to Xuan Rank, it is also afraid of the dragon horn of the Dragon Horn King Chicken King, and now this long horn is cut off from its body as if it is dying.

Ten meters, twenty meters, thirty meters, a long wound quickly extended from the body of the Snake Tiger King. The huge pain almost made the Snake Tiger King almost crazy.

He turned around suddenly, because of the huge pain, his body instinctively wanted to break free from the Dragon Horn Chicken King, but the Dragon Horn Chicken King had already lost the Longyang God Orb, and her pair of claws firmly grasped the body of the Snake Tiger King , the dragon horn has been cutting on the body of the snake and tiger king, desperately trying to kill the snake and tiger king.

This moment is really a desperate time.

"Longjiaoji King, you forced me!" The snake and tiger king was really scared at this moment, because it knew that if the Longjiaoji King didn't die, he would definitely die.

"Ice Rune!" As a layer of ice condensed from its body, the ice's continued eyes completely glued the Dragon Horn Chicken King to the Snake Tiger King.

Immediately afterwards, King Snake and Tiger opened his mouth and swallowed King Dragon Horn and Chicken, and swallowed his own body. Immediately afterwards, King Snake and Tiger's body fell to the bottom of the valley with a bang, and was about to be covered by ice and snow. A pothole was directly smashed into the ground, and then the Dragon Tiger Snake King rolled desperately on the ground.

Wherever it passed, a large area of ​​traces were crushed on the ground, and then the body of the Snake Tiger King violently rolled away on the ground again.

"Zi la, zi la..."

Hei Xin saw that the dragon horn of the chicken king tore several gaps in the body of the dragon, tiger, and snake king. Each wound brought out a large amount of black mist and some soft water runes. It seemed that the black mist was a snake. The blood of the tiger king, and the soft water rune exists to protect the snake and tiger king.


Just after Snake Tiger King's body completely exploded, its body actually lay motionless on the ground.

"Dead?" Lu Yang looked at the dragon, tiger and snake king, but he couldn't see the result of the battle between these two peerless beasts.

But it doesn't matter, he no longer has the mind to pay attention to this hill made of minced meat and blood, but has come to the place that is very close to the Wannian Dragon Snake Grass.


As Lu Yang wanted to get close to the Ten Thousand Years Dragon Snake Grass, he felt a layer of cold air rushing towards him, as if as long as he took another step, the cold air could completely freeze his body, so Lu Yang stopped at this moment Come down, because he knows that he can no longer take a few steps forward.

"The King of Gold and the Three-Eyed Turtle King fit together!" Lu Yang knew that his pure body could not resist the severe cold, so he immediately integrated these two beasts into his body.


With the fusion of these two ferocious beasts, a powerful force suddenly appeared in his body. At the same time, his body was covered by a layer of powerful muscles, and a golden battle armor made of thick fluff was also covered by him at this moment. Put it on your body. But the difference is that there is a huge turtle shell behind him.

"Battle Pet: Three-Eyed Turtle King."

"Attribute: Earthen Rune."

"Level: Mid-Yellow Stage Fierce Beast."

"Bloodline: One-tenth of the holy bloodline."

"Innate supernatural power: ultimate defense, can form a strong defense within a certain range, and rebound the attack power at the right time."

"Growth value: 20015910000000."

That's right, another innate supernatural power has been added, not bad!

Lu Yang felt the rapid increase in his defense power, and knew that he was much stronger, but in this extremely cold place, he didn't have the slightest chance to take chances.

"Gold Shield!"

As Lu Yang moved forward slowly, the ice covering his body gradually increased, and some cold air had even entered his body.


About a few hundred meters away, about half the distance, Lu Yang suddenly felt that his whole body seemed to have lost his intuition, and he was in great pain. He knew that this was the limit of his ability, and he had to use space power.

"here we go!"

At this moment, Lu Yang closed his eyes tightly. He seemed to be able to feel the part of the power contained in the dark. At the same time, a powerful momentum was transmitted from the void, and then a long hole was torn in the void. , A large piece of space runes fell from the void.

This time seemed to be very long, but it was actually only one-twentieth of the time it took to breathe. Then Lu Yang felt the rune pages contained in his body surge out, and the whole world instantly became pitch black.

As soon as the runes around him appeared, they completely entangled the runes falling from the sky, and then a road only ten centimeters appeared at Lu Yang's feet, as if as long as he took such a small step, he would be able to In an instant, it reached the side of the Ten Thousand Years Dragon Snake Grass.

"Go all out!" Just as Lu Yang was about to take a step,

Suddenly another kind of rune appeared in the void. This piece of red rune contained incomparably huge destructive power. In an instant, a large number of space runes were burned and turned into powder , and finally returned to an incomparably powerful basic energy.

"I didn't expect this flame rune to be so powerful, but even so, you can't stop my footsteps and swallow it for me!" Lu Yang commanded the space rune again, and more space runes followed Lu Yang. The guidance of Yang's spiritual sense began to spin rapidly.

All of a sudden, tens of thousands of space runes turned into space storms and completely absorbed the flame runes.

All of a sudden, the flame rune was crushed, and the road in front of Lu Yang became clear again. Lu Yang didn't intend to stop, and immediately stepped forward. At this moment, he took out the knife with one hand, and the space rune immediately condensed into a knife light and chopped out. , a space crack was opened and appeared in front of Lu Yang.

"Hoo hoo hoo..."

A lot of flames flew out from the void, but the Ten Thousand Years Dragon Snake Grass itself was not very warm. Lu Yang gritted his teeth and reached out to grab the Ten Thousand Years Dragon Snake Grass.

However, he has a mind, and he didn't really use his body to grab it, but formed a big suction hand from the space rune, and grabbed the Wannian Dragon Snake Grass from some extremely cold place.

"Woo woo woo..."

Just when the Wannian Dragon Snake Grass was taken away, the boundary between the extreme heat and the extreme cold finally collapsed, and a powerful icy energy rushed into the void at once.

"Not good!" Lu Yang turned around and stepped out of the void, entering another world.

With a "boom", Lu Yang staggered and fell from the void, and then an extremely powerful ice energy rushed directly behind him. All of a sudden, Lu Yang's body flew hundreds of meters away before stopping.

Not only the golden shield he condensed, but even the tortoise shell on his back and the golden battle armor on his body were torn to pieces, and his body also suffered huge injuries at this moment, and he fell to the ground without a trace. Province.

All of a sudden, the little girl was frightened.

Because the owner was injured, although it affected the spiritual power she absorbed, it would not have a substantial impact on her, especially since she had just obtained the Wannian Dragon Snake Grass, the energy in the system had never been enriched, and even reached the full state. This made Xiaomei think that with the upgrade of the system, the Beast Familiar System needs more and more energy, but the Ten Thousand Years Dragon Snake Grass really greatly supplemented her needs.

Because of the abundance of energy, Xiaomei's original simple image was suddenly perfected and turned into a colorful figure. Although it is not plump, at least it has changed from black and white animation to color animation, especially her pair of water Wang Wang's big eyes can almost fascinate any middle-aged uncle.

It's just that at this moment Xiaomei is standing in Lu Yang's mind, frowning.

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