The Strongest Beast Guarding System

Chapter 273 Dragon Snake Bloodline

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Chapter 273 Dragon Snake Bloodline

Although the energy of the system has been fully replenished with the Wannian Dragon Snake Grass, the owner's body has indeed suffered unprecedented heavy injuries. Even the two fierce beasts are half dead, almost more serious than the owner's injuries. This is not a good phenomenon for Xiaomei.

She is very clear that the Beast Familiar System is constantly upgraded by being attached to Lu Yang, but now that the host of this system is close to death, she must do her best to save her master. As for the others, she has no time for the time being. to think about it.

"Ten Thousand Years Dragon Snake Grass, break it down for me!" Xiaomei no longer cares whether the Ten Thousand Years Dragon Snake Grass has a long-term development plan. For her, what she has to do now is to save the director.

"Soft water runes, flame runes, that's right. Now the master only has space runes. If they can be integrated into the master's body, the master's strength will definitely be greatly enhanced."

"The blood of the dragon and snake can also be injected into the master's body to make his vitality more vigorous. Even if he is injured in the future, the recovery power will be abnormally amazing!"

"There is also a large amount of energy in the Ten Thousand Years Dragon Snake Grass, which may be able to summon the ancient blood of the master. I don't know what kind of blood power the master has in his body. It's really exciting!"

Looking at the baby decomposed from the Ten Thousand Years Dragon Snake Grass, Xiaomei wasn't surprised at all, but she was calm beyond ordinary people. No, she is an intelligent system, and she should be as calm as a human being.

"Shall I heal the master first, or inject runes?" Xiaomei hesitated for a long time, and finally made up her mind to inject runes into it first.

In fact, Xiaomei did this not because she was not decisive, or because she didn't want to rescue her master, but because the damage Lu Yang's body had suffered had reached a critical value, and any slight move could cause Lu Yang to suffer a catastrophe , That's why Xiaomei is so cautious.

But now that Xiaomei has made a decision, she believes that the master will support her.

Because although her doing so may put the master in greater danger, after the transformation, especially if the body is rune, then Lu Yang's ability to survive in the future will increase exponentially.

If Lu Yang encounters such a danger again, with these runes, he is likely to be unscathed, and he may even completely absorb the ice energy into his body to increase his strength, instead of not only being unlucky now Accept it, and be beaten like a dead dog.

"Master, please don't blame Xiaomei for being too ruthless, inject it!" As Xiaomei's eyes became colder, the two runes of water and fire entered Lu Yang's body at once, and the power of these two runes became stronger and stronger. , A fierce battle broke out directly in Lu Yang's body.


Even though Lu Yang was unconscious at the moment, he couldn't help moaning due to the huge pain. This pain is almost doubled by Chaos Blade.

"Inject the essence of the Wannian Dragon Snake Grass!" With Xiaomei's loud roar, a stream of strong essence was injected into Lu Yang's body. These essences are the magic weapon for maintaining the balance of water and fire in the Wannian Dragon Snake Grass . Sure enough, after the injection of essence, the pain on Lu Yang's face seemed to be much less, and even the recovery speed of the flesh and blood in his body continued to accelerate.

"Now it's the blood of the dragon and snake!" Xiaomei added more powerful medicine to Lu Yang little by little, and Xiaomei was a little terrified watching it, fearing that Lu Yang would die if he couldn't bear it alone.

Of course, this is not what Xiaomei wants to see. But she had to do so for her master to be infinitely powerful in the future.

Xiaomei finally made up her mind to inject the blood of the dragon snake into Lu Yang's body.

Because the ancient python's blood was the mildest, it was injected into Lu Yang's body first.

But even so, after Lu Yang's body received the blood of the ancient giant python, his whole body still couldn't bear the power of the blood and trembled uncontrollably, as if his fragile body would not be able to bear the power of the rich blood Like an explosion anytime.

However, the beast-following system is not useless. Although the blood of the ancient giant python entered his body and rammed around, causing Lu Yang's body to be devastated, but because of the strong energy support of the beast-following system and the extremely fast and ferocious repair speed However, Lu Yang survived the first wave of shock.

Then, Xiaomei started to die again, injecting the blood of the ancient dragon into it. The dragon and the snake fought each other, and Lu Yang's body immediately became a battlefield.

Although the ancient giant python tried its best to resist and even regarded Lu Yang's body as its lair, compared with the dragon's bloodline, its power is not very strong, especially when it has pulled the battle line to Lu Yang's whole body, it is inevitable will cause it to weaken.

Sure enough, after the ancient dragon occupied most of Lu Yang's body, the dragon-snake battle seemed to be slowly coming to an end. In Lu Yang's body, two forces filled his whole body at once, destroying his body almost to the point of exhaustion. This time, Xiaomei didn't try to repair Lu Yang's body too actively, but let these two ancient beasts fight non-stop.

However, Xiaomei didn't do nothing, but concentrated most of the repairing power on the vital parts of Lu Yang's body. Of course, she didn't completely repair it, but maintained it above the bottom line of Lu Yang's life.

In this way, the battle between dragons and snakes became more and more fierce. Just when they were about to lose both, the essence of Wannian Dragon Snake Grass suddenly injected into Lu Yang's body at no cost, which made both the ancient giant python and the ancient dragon feel There is a feeling of being reborn.


Due to the need of life for the continuation of the blood, these two old enemies stopped fighting, but both entered Lu Yang's almost completely damaged body to repair it.

Almost another day passed, and Lu Yang's body was finally completely repaired.

"Crunch, crunch..."

Because the proportions of dragon and snake blood are different, Lu Yang's upper body turned into a dragon's head and a dragon's body, while his lower body was a snake's tail, which looked extremely weird. It's not surprising that Lu Yang is now a dragon and snake. .

What's more exaggerated is that Lu Yang also has the blood of dragon and snake in his body, and he is now a fierce beast with holy blood. Of course, this is just a numerical value.

Just after Xiaomei fiddled with the beast control system for a while, Lu Yang's body returned to normal. Otherwise, the master woke up and saw that he had turned into a monster. Xiaomei couldn't guarantee whether she could continue to live. go down.

"Master, please forgive me!" Xiaomei seemed to realize that she seemed to have done something wrong. After wiping her butt, she immediately woke up Lu Yang from his sleep.

But at this moment, Xiaomei entered into hibernation again because of consuming a lot of mental power and energy, while Lu Yang woke up smoothly.

"I'm fine." Lu Yang stood up from the snow, feeling that his body seemed to have adapted to the environment here. Although he also felt a little cold, it was no longer the unbearable state of the past.

"What's going on?" Lu Yang looked at his body, as if something really happened during his deep sleep.

But he didn't have time to think about it anymore, and then he walked towards the bodies of the snake and tiger king and the dragon-horned chicken king. He found that the snake and tiger king didn't seem to be dead, so he communicated with the snake and tiger king with mental power, and he got the other party's support. respond.

"Weak human beings, I didn't expect me to fight with the Dragon Horn Chicken King, and I ended up taking advantage of you. I'm really mad at me. But we beasts always regard strength as the king. You are stronger than me now, I am willing Be your battle pet." Saying that, the body of Snake Tiger King immediately shrank into a ball, and appeared in front of Lu Yang like an ordinary little snake. But if you look carefully, you will find that the head of this little snake looks like a tiger's head, which is really cute.

After Lu Yang tested it with the beast control system, he found that although the snake and tiger king's injuries had recovered, its body was only at the fighting level of a low-level beast. It can be said that if Lu Yang didn't take it in, it would definitely die!

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