The Strongest Beast Guarding System

Two hundred and seventieth chapters military division fierce beast

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Two hundred and seventieth chapters military division fierce beast

The main reason why the Flaming Jinyi King dared to attack was because the three hellhounds and the blue feather bird king were present at the same time. With these two high-level ferocious beasts, these human beast masters can be well protected, so that he can give it a go.

Otherwise, once one of the Tianyi sect disciples is lost, it will also fail this mission. When Lu Yang came back to investigate, it was his dereliction of duty, but he couldn't afford to lose face.

But now that there are these two beasts that are infinitely close to the yellow rank, he can give it a go.

What's more, the King of Flaming Jinyi also wants to know how powerful this holy bloodline is.


This blaze shot at the dragon-horned cat demon like a red light, and its speed was extremely fast to the extreme. Just when everyone thought that the dragon-horned cat monster would be injured, the dragon-horned cat monster suddenly flickered, and one dragon-horned cat monster became blurred and turned into three dragon-horned cat monsters.

The three dragon-horned cat demons were standing in the void, with some distance between them. Although the flame hit one of the dragon-horned cat demons, causing the phantom to flicker slightly, it did not harm its essence.

Those who don't know why the flame power of the Flaming King of Jinyi has become so weak, but in fact, the flame just hit a phantom, and did not hurt the dragon-horned cat demon.

"Hmph, King of Flame Jinyan, although your realm is higher than mine, I know that I may have to pay some price to defeat you, but don't forget, my blood is much stronger than yours, and the power in my body is much stronger than yours. Your spiritual power is born to restrain you, so even if your attack power really falls on me, the possible damage will be extremely weak." After being attacked by the Flaming Golden King, the dragon-horned cat demon had no intention of fighting back , still looks tepid.

But judging by her appearance, she probably didn't want to let them go, otherwise she wouldn't have blocked their way and refused to leave.

"What exactly do you want?" Forced by the dragon-horned cat demon, there was nothing he could do, and the Flaming Jinyi King finally said helplessly.

After all, he is not a fool. It can be seen that the dragon-horned cat demon must have mastered some kind of rune, and although the attack power of this rune is not strong, it is almost accurate to kill a disciple these days. The reason why he didn't do anything was probably for some purpose.

Otherwise, she is extremely proud of being a monster, can she keep blocking a disciple for these days?

"Don't be angry, I just want to wait for your master to come back. After all, I know very well that if you didn't have a good relationship between your master and the beast king in this buried forest, you think these fierce beasts will rush to be yours Battle pet? Hmph, don't think I'm an idiot. But with your intelligence, it's normal if you can't guess it!" The dragon-horned cat demon glanced around, and found that where these human races appeared, all the fierce beasts were To be honest, even if some ferocious beasts wanted to kill these human beast masters, they were stopped by some more powerful beasts with their thoughts.

If this is not what the Beastmaster meant, it would be a lie.

It's just that what she didn't understand was how that man could make all the beasts in the forest work for him!

"Okay, since you think so, then let's wait. Everyone prepares tools, cleans up the beast's fur, and prepares to eat!" After being beaten again and again, the King of Flaming Jinyi really couldn't bear the pride of the dragon-horned cat demon. It looked like this, and he made a ruthless move.

Since the dragon-horned cat demon wants to please Lu Yang wholeheartedly, he will definitely not do anything excessive to them. Instead of being angry, it's better to show some color to the other party, otherwise, wouldn't it be a joke for nothing these days? ?

Sure enough, this action of King Flame Jinyi immediately got the response of the disciple elders of Tianyi Sect. After all, although they are afraid of the dragon-horned cat monster, they are deeply disgusted by this fierce beast's actions. If they blindly let it go on like this, although it will not have any impact on themselves, it will definitely reduce their influence on the sect. If there is a sense of dependence, then the loyalty to the sect will also decrease in the future.

However, after such a toss, although it did not cause substantial damage to Longjiao Elvis, it could increase his momentum and replenish his physical strength at the same time, which can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

So the bonfire was quickly lit, and as the flesh and fur of the beast was cut, a lot of firewood was lit, and many sect disciples had already started to put the skinned and processed flesh of the beast into the pile of firewood. Floating, plus some seasoning, the taste is definitely several times better than eating it raw.

This time, the dragon-horned cat demon was greedy.

You must know that even if she is a cat demon who can transform into a human form, she has no chance to leave the ancient space seal. If it wasn't for the recent loosening of the seal and the fact that Lu Yang broke in by mistake, she might die. In the space channel, how could it be possible to eat delicious food made by the human race?

So once these delicious scents are released, the dragon-horned cat demon can't stand it anymore.

And this is exactly the effect that the King of Flaming Jinyi expected.

At this time, the dragon-horned cat demon instinctively wanted to move forward to steal a piece. Just as she was about to move forward, she was suddenly blocked by a fiery red shadow, and then the flame golden king blocked her way.

"How about it, are you greedy? If you are willing to join us, the meat will be yours!" The King of Flaming Jinyi knew very well that the pride in the hearts of those who have holy blood was deliberately said so.

Sure enough, upon hearing the words of the Flame King Yan, the fluff on the dragon-horned cat demon's body almost exploded.

But she felt ashamed and turned around to stand away.

"Hmph, if you want to eat but don't dare to eat, you're really asking for it!" Seeing that the effect had been achieved, the King of Flaming Jinyi also stood in midair to help them guard everything.

Just when they were almost done with their meal, suddenly a powerful aura approached quickly from not far away. This time, not only Sun Wu Ergouzi and the others, but even the Flaming Jinyi King and the dragon-horned cat demon became vigilant.

It stands to reason that it is impossible for such a powerful beast to exist in this wilderness, but now it happened to appear in front of them. For a while, the disciples of Tianyi Sect and several beasts were ready for a big battle.

At this moment, a familiar face appeared in front of them.



"It's that person?"

These people reacted differently when they saw Lu Yang, but they all smiled at the same time. For them, Lu Yang is not only their sect master, but also the hope of the entire Tianyi sect.

"Why, did you make delicious food to welcome me?" When he came to the brother he had been thinking about day and night, seeing that the strength of the disciples and elders of the first school had improved these days, Lu Yang's face suddenly showed satisfaction smile.

Not only the disciples and elders of Tianyi Sect, but even the three beasts had made some progress, but the beast that had been confronting the Flaming Jinyi King not far away made Lu Yang somewhat curious.

It's not because of how strong this beast is, but because it feels a unique aura that only beasts in that world have.

He looked at the dragon-horned cat demon, and asked a little strangely: "Why is this fierce beast attracted by someone's arrogance? Why doesn't it dine with you?"

Now all the beast masters and beasts are eating, except for the extremely proud guy like the King of Flames, and this dragon-horned cat monster. Lu Yang didn't know what it was doing here, so he asked a little strangely.

"Brother, isn't she here for you!" Sun Wu is the only person here who dares to call Lu Yang that, so it's harmless for him to make a joke.

What's more, when Lu Yang was not capable, Sun Wu had been taking care of Lu Yang, and the relationship between the two was very deep.

"What, it's coming for me? The dragon-horned cat demon, tell me, did you sneak out of that world?" What kind of person is Lu Yang, who just came out of this cat demon all of a sudden? of the source.

"That's where I left, how about it, can you eat me? Besides, it's not because of you that I can come out!" Seeing Lu Yang talking to himself, the dragon-horned cat demon suddenly became a The girl said shyly.

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