The Strongest Beast Guarding System

Chapter 277: The Large-Scale Beast Tide Begins

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Chapter 277: The Large-Scale Beast Tide Begins

"What, are you here for me?" Lu Yang couldn't help but stare, he didn't expect that he was so powerful and brought the beast out of that world, and felt depressed for a while.

But there is no way, if what she said is true, then he should take the responsibility, "Well, since I brought you out of that world, why do you still follow me?"

"Your Majesty, the little girl who was sealed from the ancient space has nothing to rely on. Why don't you take over the servant's family, maybe you can leave a son and a half for you!" The dragon-horned cat demon heard Lu Yang If you don't want to, quickly make a shy look and say it in a very straightforward tone.

"Damn it!" Lu Yang hadn't sweared for a long time, but this time he was really cornered.

Because he has seen a lot of girls, but he has never seen such a straightforward one. If it is not in front of many Tianyi disciples and elders, he really wants to ask this cat demon what he likes about him. No way. Doesn't this cat demon know the different ways of a transvestite?

"That demon girl, don't you know that monsters have different ways?" Seeing the surprised expression of the dragon-horned cat monster, Lu Yang really didn't know what to say, but he still wanted to use a tactful method Express your feelings.

"How could it be? The blood of sages is flowing in my body, and I will soon raise the level to the yellow rank, so the blood power in my body will increase. And you are the most outstanding among the human race. Is there anything wrong with our being together?" Seeing that he was rejected by Lu Yang, the dragon-horned cat demon suddenly said aggrieved.

"Of course it's not good! You can go!" Lu Yang almost grabbed one of the legs of the dragon-horned cat monster and threw it out with black hair.

"Don't be so fierce, I'm afraid!" After being scolded by Lu Yang, the dragon-horned cat demon immediately rushed up to hug Lu Yang's thigh to act like a spoiled child. As a result, Lu Yang kicked him and flew him away.

You must know that the Beast Familiar System now eats the Wannian Dragon Snake Grass, while Lu Yangze's body is a fused Dragon Snake bloodline, which is extremely attractive to some fierce beasts with holy bloodlines. The main reason why the cat demon said such a thing. But Lu Yang himself didn't feel it.

But even if he knew about such a thing, he wouldn't want to have sex with the dragon-horned cat demon.

"No, even if you don't like me, if you get him out, you must at least give him a place to live. Otherwise, unless you kill me, I will always follow you and torture you!" The previous few sentences Lu Yang didn't feel anything at all, but the last sentence almost broke Lu Yang.

I didn't expect women to be so difficult, let alone a banshee!

"Forget it, since you like to follow me so much, then you can stay at Tianyimen from now on." Lu Yang couldn't stand the torture of the dragon-horned cat demon, so he had to surrender.

Just when Lu Yang was about to lead the Tianyimen disciples back to Donglai City, a large number of beasts had left Shenlong Mountains and approached the first first-level city.

Although in every first-tier city, there will be at least one beast master of the Xuan rank guarding him, and he will not appear unless he suffers a catastrophe, but the fierce beasts almost send out two, or even three, even more than the human beast masters. Twice as many mysterious beasts were attacking human cities.

However, their focus is not the first-tier city, but the third-tier main city located in the center of the first-tier city.

On this continent, at the level of the first-level main city, it is equivalent to a small country in Lu Yang's previous life.

Even if it is a smaller first-level main city, there are seven or eight second-level main cities below it, more than forty third-level main cities, more than one hundred first-level cities, two to three hundred second-level cities, and three The number of super cities may even reach thousands. In such a large range, there are more than a hundred Xuan-level beast masters, and there are even more Huang-level beast masters.

However, in the face of the beast tide, there are not many of these cities that can really defend, especially this time when the witch envoy launched such a large-scale beast tide, it can be said that a battle between the human race and the beast is inevitable no.


In the deep mountains near a second-level city, beside a black dragon, there are dozens of mysterious beasts standing. These beasts are all descendants of dragon blood, but their appearance is less and less similar to their ancestors. Some descendants of flood dragons have already grown the characteristics of the third beast.

For example, this golden flood dragon not only grew a pair of wings on its body, but also grew a compound eye on its forehead.

There is another khaki dragon with a huge cockscomb growing out of the horns on its forehead, and a fin-like existence on its abdomen, which looks very strange.

But even so, these ferocious beasts are definitely several times stronger than ordinary ferocious beasts by virtue of their strong bloodlines.

Especially the leader of their clan, Jiaolong Dongzhi, the strength of the blood in his body has reached more than one-tenth, infinitely close to one-fifth. With such a bloodline, it still has a chance to be promoted to the rank of beast.

Of course, this is only a possibility. Even if the great witch envoy is afraid of its strength, it doesn't need to be much stronger than the earth-level beast.

Of course that is the case, the strength of the witch envoy is much stronger than them.

"This second-tier main city of the human race has probably not been attacked by large-scale beasts for a long time. Since we are here, we must give them a fatal blow and go to receive my orders.

There are ferocious beasts preparing to go out of the mountain to flatten this main human city. "Dong Zhi's eyes were sharp, and he directly entered the main city through the protective formation of the human main city. He found that the human race here has no sense of danger at all, so as long as they can attack this city from the city, what they want to do It doesn't matter. At that time, they still have to eat a big meal.

What's more, a human main city contains not only resources, but also the heart of the main city. This thing is definitely a treasure, and it is also an extremely powerful energy source. It is not only for the promotion of humans, but also for the promotion of ferocious beasts. of. So once Dongzhi wins this second-level main city, the first thing to do is to completely eat the heart of the main city.

"Hoo hoo hoo..."

After Dongzhi issued the order, more than 100,000 high-level beasts poured out from the depths of the mountains, and there were thousands of high-level beasts mixed in.

In addition to the high-level beasts, there were hundreds of yellow-rank beasts acting as the vanguard to open the way ahead, and at the end of the team was the army of black-rank beasts led by Dong Zhi.

All of a sudden, hundreds of thousands of ferocious beasts rushed towards a second-tier main city.

In less than two days, the main city was surrounded by ferocious beasts. Because the human beast masters have already made preparations, but it is inevitable that a big battle will get in the way.

There was a lot of melee for a while, and all the beast masters were killed, but there were still too many fierce beasts. With this fighting speed, I am afraid that this second-level main city will definitely be captured by fierce beasts within five days.

If the human race captures the city, at most it will kill its hostile forces, but if the beast occupies the city, it may kill all the beast masters in the city, and those poor people will be fed by the beast as food. At that time, the ferocious beast will eat up a batch until all the human races in the city are eaten up.

It can be said that once the fierce beasts capture the city, almost all the beast masters in the entire city will be killed.

Just as Dongzhi was attacking the city, the leaders of the other two fierce beast clans also began to lead their clansmen to attack the second-tier cities.

For a time, all the second-level main cities below the first-level main city Guangdu City were caught in the flames of war.

At this moment, Lu Yang had brought the Tianyi disciples back to Donglai City. As soon as he returned to Donglai City, he saw Elder Chen from Duobao Pavilion waiting at the gate of Tianyi Gate.

After seeing Elder Chen, Lu Yang was slightly taken aback, and asked a little strangely: "Elder Chen, why did you come to Tianyi Sect? Did you bring any important news?"

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