The Strongest Beast Guarding System

Chapter 279: The Beast Tide Is Coming

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Chapter 279: The Beast Tide Is Coming

Just when the City Lord's Mansion was about to find Lu Yang, tens of thousands of beasts had swarmed out from the mountains near the buried forest. The tribe of the steel-armored turtle and bear is also a descendant of the ancient turtle and bear.

However, in its current generation, its appearance has undergone great changes, and the holy blood in its body has become sparse and messy, even thinner than the holy blood in the body of King Flame Jinyi.

But it doesn't mean that it can't advance to the Yellow Rank Dzogchen, and it's only one step away from entering the Xuan Rank. And it has a promise from the patriarch that if it can win five second-tier cities and one first-tier city in a short period of time, then Heizhuang will personally empower it and let it be promoted smoothly.

And this second-tier city is its first attack location.

However, it is impossible for a large number of ferocious beasts to rush to Donglai City in a short time, and there is at least a day's interval in between. In this process, the first to get information is the king of the buried forest, the boa constrictor.

However, Lu Yang has already explained in advance that if the beast tide breaks out, the fierce beasts of its lineage will not be able to participate and must hide, so a large number of fierce beasts have entered the river before the beast tide comes, and some even cannot swim. The fierce beast also hid in the cave of the boa constrictor.

In short, as long as there are a large number of ferocious beasts in the buried forest, they have been placed by it as long as they are related to the boa constrictor, and most of the ferocious beasts have been secretly disposed of by it in order to save their lives.

It can be said that in order to surrender to Lu Yang, the big python almost went to the extreme. At the same time, it also personally sent a dozen ordinary birds to enter Donglai City through various channels to report to Lu Yang.

At this moment, in Donglai City, Lu Yang had just received an invitation from Murong Fuye, and was about to enter the City Lord's Mansion to have a conversation with the City Lord.

In Donglai City, all the big families in history will be invited to the City Lord's Mansion as guests. On the one hand, the City Lord's Mansion will test these big families, on the other hand, the City Lord's Mansion will show enough sincerity, and even match up for these big families. Once these big families develop to a certain level, the City Lord's Mansion will introduce them to Settle down in big cities. In this way, the status of the city lord's mansion can be consolidated, and it can also contribute to the superior city.

This kind of thing has become a practice in almost all the city lord's mansions. Lu Yang had also spoken to Luo Yunshan and Elder Chen before, so he was no stranger to it.

Just when he left Tianyi Gate, four or five sparrows suddenly appeared from the sky.

It would be unreasonable to say that there is not a single sparrow in Donglai City, but these sparrows are flying towards Lu Yang like puppies at this moment, which makes him a little puzzled.

Just when Lu Yang was about to drive these sparrows away, a familiar voice appeared in his mind.

"Huh? How could it be so fast? It seems that I still underestimated the Cult of the Evil God!" After receiving the news, Lu Yang immediately returned to Tianyimen, and at the same time, he immediately sent someone to send the news to some sects related to Tianyimen. Especially the Du family, so he rushed to the city lord's mansion as soon as possible.

Right inside the City Lord's Mansion, Murong Qiankun looked anxiously at the information he had collected. Some of this information was obtained before, and some was just obtained, but no matter what kind of information it is, it shows that the head of the Tianyi Sect is definitely not an easy character to deal with, especially the rising trend of the Tianyi Sect has become inevitable.

He sighed and looked at his daughter sitting across from him, and asked curiously: "Ye'er, what kind of ability does this Lu Yang have, which allowed you and Du Xian to improve their cultivation realm in a short period of time, and even Even your hearts have been bribed by him, making you turn your elbows out to speak for this outsider?"

"Father, I used to perform missions with the head of Lumen to escort the caravan. His character is still guaranteed, so this time he is here, father must not put too much pressure on him. After all, he is a person Personality is soft but not tough. What's more, the entire Guangdu City is now covered by the beast tide. I think the rumors about the beasts in our human race should be close. I hope that father will put the future of the human race as the most important thing!" Murong Fuye desperately wanted to speak well to Lu Yang, but Murong Qiankun didn't seem to appreciate it.

"Hmph, you guys, you know what the future of the human race is. There is no rule. Does the human race have a future? Well, I will pay attention to everything you say!" Murong Qiankun has a fiery temper, and no one can get along with him , he was about to put out the water, even if it was his beloved daughter who interceded with Lu Yang, he would not appreciate it.

Of course you can sit in this position, which one is a fool?

In Murong Qiankun's heart, he had already thought about how to suppress Lu Yang, and then gave him a sugar-coated shell to soften him, and then suppress him. In short, his attitude towards Lu Yang would definitely not be blindly soft. Otherwise, blindly giving Lu Yang benefits will only make him feel that the City Lord's Mansion is easy to bully, and it will become more and more difficult to discipline in the future.

"Report, Lu Yang, the head of Tianyi Sect, is visiting!" Just as Murong Qiankun was still suspicious, the servants of the City Lord's Mansion immediately ran over to report.

"Let him come to see me!" Murong Qiankun looked like an old man, and had no plans to go out to meet Lu Yang at all, which made Murong Fuye feel depressed for a while.

But she still walked a few steps quickly and came to a small square outside the gate of the city lord's mansion with this servant, and saw Lu Yang.

"Master Lu, don't come here!" Murong Fuye soon became Du Xian's wife, and Du Xian was Lu Yang's friend.

There is also a life-and-death friendship between them, so Murong Fuye was naturally very happy when he saw Lu Yang.

However, when she thought that her father would definitely commit the old problem again, she was still somewhat unhappy.

"It turned out to be Miss Murong. First of all, congratulations on your good relationship with Du Ge for a hundred years. By the way, I don't know why the city lord is looking for me this time?" Seeing Murong Fuye, Lu Yang congratulated first, and then asked.

"Hey, it's not the same old way. Now Tianyimen has become more powerful, and even moved into Kun's house. As the manager of the City Lord's Mansion, my father naturally wants to meet you!" Murong Fuye said with a somewhat embarrassed expression.

"Hehe, Miss Murong, you don't need to worry about these things. Mr. Murong is also my elder. He said that we as juniors must obey what he says. It's just a hard work for Miss Murong. I will change my name to sister-in-law in the future!" Lu Knowing Murong Fuye's difficulty, Yang explained beside him.

"That's right, we will be a family in the future, so there is no need to be so polite. But when you see my father later, don't contradict him. After all, he has been sitting in this position for a long time. Officer There must be some prestige." Murong Fuye couldn't just say good things to Lu Yang blindly, but had to explain to his father appropriately.

Soon Lu Yang came to the City Lord's Mansion, Murong Qiankun's study.

"Junior Lu Yang has met City Lord Murong!" Lu Yang walked into the study and saw Murong Qiankun sitting on his chair drinking tea. Seeing Lu Yang come in, Murong Qiankun stood up and asked Lu Yang to sit down, and asked someone to pour tea for Lu Yang.

This can be regarded as a blow to Lu Yang and a sweet date.

"Hehe, Master Lu is indeed extraordinary in appearance. But this time the old man brought you here because he actually wanted to ask you something!" Murong Qiankun said so far, the smile on his face disappeared instantly, and It became extremely serious.

Lu Yang knew that this was going to beat him.

"I don't know if Master Lu knows. Some time ago, the Kun family lost more than 20 fake yellow-rank beast masters, or even four or five yellow-rank beast masters. Does Master Lu know why?" Murong said. Qian Kun said with a half-smile.

"Oh? There are other things like this. But I think it's better for Miss Murong to talk about some things!" Lu Yang gave Murong Fuye a wink. He knew that Murong Fuye had some things that even his own father didn't tell. , but now that the Kun family is involved, she has to say it.

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