The Strongest Beast Guarding System

Chapter 280 Emergency Preparations

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Chapter 280 Emergency Preparations

"The specific situation of the invasion is like this!" Murong Fuye sighed, knowing that there were some things that she could no longer hide.

"What, there is such a thing!" Murong Qiankun knew that the Kun family and the Du family had irreconcilable conflicts, but he did not expect that the Kun family would send so many Huang rank masters to intercept and kill them.

If it wasn't for Lu Yang's action, both Murong Fuye and Du Xian might have died in Lu Yang who was escorting the caravan, which made Murong Qiankun break out in a cold sweat from fright. Then he looked at Lu Yang, and his expression became much gentler.

"Hehe, I didn't expect Master Lu to be my daughter's savior. It seems that my old bones really want to go behind the scenes!" Murong Ganku always thought that Lu Yang was stronger than Du Xian before, but now it seems that Lu Yang Yang is very likely to become the patriarch of a large family in a first-tier city in the future, and during this time, if possible, he can even give up the position of city lord to his son-in-law. With Du Xian's relationship like this, even if Lu Yang has the desire , and it is impossible to be unfavorable to his brother.

"Ahem...Murong Qiankun, have you been bought by this kid so quickly?" The expert sent by the main city was a little unhappy when he heard that Murong Qiankun surrendered so quickly.

And from Murong Qiankun's attitude towards Lu Yang, he had already guessed how Murong Qiankun would treat Lu Yang next. Although there would be some beatings, they were almost superficial things.

"Senior, why are you here!" Hearing the old man's words, Murong Qiankun couldn't help being taken aback, and quickly stood up and walked to the door of the study. Seeing Murong Qiankun's performance, Lu Yang and Murong Fuye also stood up quickly .

Then an old man walked in from the outside of the study, and went directly to the main seat in the middle.

"Boy, I don't know what you are thinking in your heart now, but you must be clear about one thing. This Donglai City is the property of the royal family, so if you want to gain a foothold in this Donglai City, you must obtain the City Lord's Mansion." Otherwise, the royal family will not allow you to grow up unscrupulously!" As soon as the old man appeared, he crushed Lu Yang with arrogance, trying to frighten him immediately.

But as soon as his aura was released, a force comparable to a mysterious level erupted from Lu Yang's body. This aura was almost ten times stronger than the old man's aura, and it immediately shook the chair the old man was sitting on. It was crushed, and even the old man's clothes had become tattered.

Seeing the surprised expression of the old man, Lu Yang stood up with some guilt and said, "Senior, this is not my own aura, but a treasure that my master gave me some time ago. The prying of existence by Jie Beast Master is also a method used by Master to protect me, please forgive me, senior."

What Lu Yang said was completely fabricated. How could he have such a master? It was all to make excuses for the king of snakes and tigers in him!

But the old man really couldn't find any other reason to explain what happened just now, but he still asked tentatively, "Is your master the royal family, or some other organization?"

You must know that in the Human Race Continent, in addition to the royal family forces, there are also some powerful force organizations. These power organizations exist entirely to fight against the cult of the evil gods, so it might make sense if his master is a big shot here.

"My master belongs to a mysterious organization, and this organization has been fighting against the evil gods. The reason why I was able to buy the Kun family's house from Duobao Pavilion at a low price is also because I sold the information I got from my master to Duobao. Pavilion is also the basis of my cooperation with Duobao Pavilion!" Lu Yang knew why the old man doubted him, so he dispelled his worries in one go.

"Hahaha, it turns out to be like this. Well, it really is young and promising!" Hearing Lu Yang's words, the old man has already confirmed that Duobao Pavilion has not cooperated with Tianyimen, so it is almost impossible for Tianyimen to influence the City Lord's Mansion. .

In addition, the old man also judged that Lu Yang has a powerful master, and this master seems to be a member of a mysterious organization, and this member exists to fight against the evil gods. People from such a mysterious organization, The old man didn't want to make enemies with him yet, so he showed a rare smile on his face.

"The junior?" Seeing the old man's attitude, Murong Qiankun hurriedly asked.

"There is no need to control the development of Tianyi Sect in the future, and to take care of it when appropriate. After all, the master of the boy must be a person worthy of admiration. And with him, Tianyi Sect will definitely not just stay in Donglai in the future A city, or even a first-tier city, is not a place that can restrict him. We don't have to worry about these!" After saying these words, the old man laughed and wanted to leave.

At this point, Lu Yang hurriedly said: "Two seniors, go slowly, I have another important piece of information here. As far as I know, the beast horde initiated by the witch envoy has already come out of the buried forest. It won’t be long before we reach Donglai City, and this information has been proven to be without any possibility of error!”

Lu Yang was afraid that these two old fellows would interrupt him, so he finished speaking in one breath.

"What, didn't you say earlier, come here, immediately summon all the heads of all families and sects in Donglai City to the City Lord's Mansion. If you fail to come within the time limit, you will be dealt with as a crime of rebellion!" Hearing Lu Yang's words, Murong Qiankun He returned to his resolute temper, and in an instant, the whole city lord's mansion had an atmosphere of preparation for war.

Don't look at his fierce look to other people, but he is still very polite to Lu Yang.

Because in his opinion, if there is no news from Lu Yang, he will still be kept in the dark. Maybe he will find out when the beast tide comes near Donglai City. In that case, according to the news from the front line

Judging from the battle report, Donglai City is almost impossible to keep.

"Master Lu, is your news reliable?" Murong Fuye asked worriedly after the old man and Murong Qiankun left.

"It's absolutely reliable, let's go, let's go to Du's house to find Brother Du!" Lu Yang could see that Murong Fuye still missed Du Xian very much in his heart.

What's more, he hasn't had a detailed chat with Du Xian when he came back this time, and at the same time, he still needs to discuss with Du Qian, the head of the Du family, about the cooperation between the Du family and Tianyimen when he goes to the Du family this time.

After all, he is no longer the Lu Yang in the past. Even if he encounters some powerful yellow beasts, as long as they are not of extremely high bloodline, he can deal with them.

"Okay, let's go!" Hearing Lu Yang's words, Murong Fuye's heart seemed to have wings, and he rushed to Du's house with Lu Yang.

At this moment, the Du family has also received the information sent by Lu Yang and began to organize the internal personnel of the family to prepare for the battle. After all, this time the beast tide is aimed at the human city, and there may even be a large number of yellow rank beasts, which must not be underestimated. .

"Brother Lu Yang, Ye Er, you are finally here!" Just as he walked to the Du's mansion, he saw Du Xian hastily greeted him and came out.

At the same time, Du Qian was also following Du Xian. After seeing Lu Yang, Du Qian greeted Lu Yang first, "Master Lu, thanks to your news, can our Du family help us this time?" Surviving this beast horde depends on preparations for the past few days!"

His attitude towards Lu Yang was almost in stark contrast to Murong Qiankun's, which made Lu Yang feel more fond of him. After all, the last time he made a fuss about Du's house, it was Du Qian who gave him the head. He will keep this kindness in his heart.

"Senior, you are so polite. Brother Du Xian and I have the same feelings as brothers. This beast tide is not about our Tianyimen, but about the entire Donglai City. Hurry up and send it to the house!" Lu Yang didn't put on airs, but always spoke with the attitude of a junior, which made Du Qian even more happy.

"Hahaha, okay, I'm happy with your words. After this beast tide, I will definitely let you preside over the engagement ceremony between Gouzi and Miss Murong!" Du Qian's words almost shook the Du family. The attitude towards Lu Yang was completely revealed.

You must know that the engagement ceremony is either the closest person in the family, or someone who is famous. Now that he has found Lu Yang, it means that the Du family has recognized his status in the Du family.

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