The Strongest Beast Guarding System

Chapter 283: Luoyang City Crisis

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Chapter 283: Luoyang City Crisis

In addition to Duobao Pavilion, the Tianyimen City Lord's Mansion of the Du family also sent a large number of manpower to participate in the battle. This time, Lu Yang appeared on the city gate as the guarding side of Tianyimen. This family no longer has the heart to support others, and it is already very good to be able to guard the city gate where it is.

And some small and medium-sized sects and families in Donglai City were also recruited by major forces. Some offered rewards, some threatened power. for incentives. In this way, as long as a small sect joins in, it is actually equivalent to cultivating or even joining Tianyi Sect disciples.

No, this is also a more upright move by Lu Yang, and when he appreciates merit, when rewarding and punishing, he will not favor the disciples of Tianyi Sect, and he will not make things difficult for those from the small sect.

In this way, at least Tianyimen's team will be more united than other places. Such a short period of time seems to be nothing, but after a long time, I am afraid that some effects will appear.

Just when the cannon fodder started to die, the expression on the face of the Cockscomb Flood Dragon who had been watching the battle was still so indifferent. If you have to use some Kazakh words to describe the current army of dead beasts, it is weak and doomed to die , only the strong can survive.

"How about the specific casualties of our army now?" Just as the Cockscomb Flood Dragon watched coldly, a yellow rank beast came to it with great respect.

"Report to the general, our beast army killed a thousand beasts this time, but the strength of nearly a hundred beasts has also been improved. Generally speaking, we still took advantage of this battle!" Hearing the words of Cockscomb Flood Dragon , said the yellow rank beast very proudly. If Lu Yang and other beast masters heard the words of this yellow beast, they would definitely be pissed off by its words.

What kind of human beast master is used to hone the army of fierce beasts, and the death of a thousand fierce beasts is just a drizzle?

Indeed, compared to tens of thousands of beasts, the corpses of a thousand beasts can pile up into mountains, but such deaths and injuries are really nothing.

"Huh, under my order, the army will continue to attack with double the number. At the same time, all the beasts will be divided into four parts to monitor this human city separately. If there are human yellow rank beast masters, they will be strangled immediately!" Cockscomb Flood Dragon Hearing the report from his subordinates, he made this decision without even thinking about it.

It wasn't that he wasn't cautious enough, but that in his opinion, it was impossible for this second-tier city to stop its progress, and as far as he knew, the upper-tier city of this second-tier city didn't seem to have a mysterious beast master in charge.

Just when the beast tide started to attack Donglai City frantically, within Luoyang City, Huo Zhenqian, the lord of Luoyang City, couldn't sit still.

"Everyone, I heard that the beast tide has reached Donglai City. Give me some advice. Should we send people to support Donglai City only? And will the beast clan send people to ambush us nearby?" Before the earthquake, he was only temporarily appointed as the city lord of Luoyang, so his experience was inevitably lacking. What's more, he was a little at a loss when he encountered such a thing as soon as he became the city lord, and he even hated the previous city lord in his heart.

No wonder the other party handed over the position of the city lord so quickly. It seems that this is really a hot potato.

"City Lord, this Donglai City is the only way to enter our Luoyang City. If Donglai City can be defended, our Luoyang City and other nearby secondary cities will be defended. Therefore, I suggest that the City Lord issue orders to the three surrounding secondary cities. We and we will each send some yellow rank beast masters to Donglai City, we must win this battle." A counselor beside the city lord said hastily.

"Okay, since this is the case, then this time we will issue the order of the city lord to mobilize one-tenth of the yellow-rank beast masters from the three second-tier cities to support, and our Luoyang city will naturally not sit still. A yellow-rank beast master!" When it comes to shooting dead, although Huo Zhenqian will not show it on the surface, his current performance almost betrays his heart.

There are only a few yellow rank beast masters in the entire Luoyang city, at most a hundred, and now sending out 15 at once, wouldn't it be sending nearly one-fifth of the yellow rank beast masters in the entire Donglai city to support.

What if a family of fierce beasts came from the nearby mountains to attack Luoyang City?

Hearing Huo Zhenqian's arrangement, a counselor prepared to persuade him. But before he could say anything, Huo Zhen slammed the table and shouted loudly, "Okay, I've already done this, so don't talk anymore, this wave of beasts must be dealt with!" Get rid of it quickly, so as not to cause trouble!"

If it is just for support, it must be a bit illegal to send so many yellow rank beast masters, but if it is to kill the army of fierce beasts, then what Huo Zhen said before can be regarded as reasonable. The counselor couldn't say anything.

After all, Luoyang City seldom shows its power like it does now.

"General, do you think the human race in Luoyang City will be tricked?" Just when Donglai City was surrounded by water, there were hundreds of thousands of people gathered in a large forest at least thousands of miles away from Luoyang City. There were only fierce beasts, and the leader of them turned out to be a mysterious beast.

This is also a dragon, and its blood is much purer than that of a cockscomb dragon, and there are only a few cockscombs on its whole body. The cockscomb was on the top of Jiaolong's head, more like a ball of fire, rather than an obvious symbol like the cockscomb Jiaolong. It is precisely because of this that it is also named the Jihuo Jiaolong.

"Hmph, these human beast masters have always thought that our fierce beasts are brave and foolish, this time let them see the strength of our fierce beasts."

Great, pass on my order, the army will march immediately, there must be no delay on the way. I think the beast masters in Luoyang City should have already started sending people to support Chishui City. At that time, we will take Luoyang City in one fell swoop, and the other second-tier cities will not be in our pocket by then! "The more Jihuo Jiaolong thought about it, the more excited he became, so much so that his entire face seemed to be twisted together.

"My lord!" Hearing the words of the anxious fire dragon, the entire army of fierce beasts began to advance at a faster speed. With their current speed, they will reach Luoyang City in less than two days. By then, their attack speed will definitely not be like attacking Chishui The city is so gentle.

"City Master, there is good news!" Just when Chishui City was completely besieged, a beast master ran over excitedly, and at the same time delivered a letter to Murong Qiankun.

"What, Luoyang City will send reinforcements?" Seeing the letter in his hand, Murong Qiankun was not only not happy, but became more and more nervous.

Because this letter was not sent by someone else, but that trash Huo Zhenqian. What does this mean, the Huo family became the city lord, or was it abandoned by Dongzhou City? Both are possible.

"Damn it, ah damn it! Hurry up and find the head of Lumen, and let the head of the family with the decision-making power in the entire Donglai City come to the city lord's mansion!" Although Murong Qiankun didn't know why he was so flustered, he felt that this matter It's not that simple.

After all, there are less than 40,000 beasts in Chishui City, but in other places, there are usually 50,000 to 60,000 beasts when attacking a second-tier city, and Donglai City is not considered a small second-tier city.

So it seems that the army of beasts has not launched a large-scale attack on Luoyang City. Even Luoyang City didn't even see the shadow of the army of fierce beasts, so looking at things like this, things are a little troublesome.

"Damn it, there must be something wrong." The more Murong Qiankun thought about it, the more he felt something was wrong. If it is said that this is a plan of the fierce beasts to frame Luoyang City, he would not believe it if he was killed.

But this is indeed the case now.

"No, we must first bring the Huang-rank beast masters sent by Luoyang City to the City Lord's Mansion first. If not, we should lead people to attack these beasts as soon as possible, and then go back to support Luoyang City and give Luoyang City as much as possible." Get enough people!" Murong Qiankun is not like Huo Zhenqian who only knows how to show off his force, and he thinks about things more comprehensively, so the more he is like this, the more complicated he feels that things are more complicated than he imagined.

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