The Strongest Beast Guarding System

Chapter 284 Special Envoy

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Chapter 284 Special Envoy

Because the situation was really urgent, Murong Qiankun was the first to find Lu Yang without even thinking about it, and asked him to take someone to meet the Huang Rank Beast Master from Luoyang City.

In this team, people from the Du family and the Tian family were also in it. In order to maintain a good relationship with the Huang rank beast master in Luoyang City, even the eldest son Tian Xingren was sent to the team. It can be said that after this formation, Tian Xingren immediately became the backbone of the Tian family.

Not only that, but the route they went out to meet was also chosen to be guarded by the city lord's mansion.

Because Murong Qiankun sent a letter to inform them, the place where they gathered was near the small square guarding the city gate of the City Lord's Mansion. However, apart from Duobao Pavilion and the Du family's people who still have some respect for Lu Yang, the Tian family's people hardly looked at Lu Yang seriously, and even felt that it was a mistake to lead the team.

If it wasn't for Duobao Pavilion and the yellow-rank beast master of Du's family who stood beside Lu Yang obviously, I'm afraid they wouldn't even be obedient.

It's just that now is a special period after all, even if you are unhappy in your heart, you won't show it too obviously.

"Okay, I'm leading the team this time. Is there anything you don't understand?" Lu Yang was also called here urgently, and he also understood Murong Qiankun's intentions.

Although pulling him out of Tianyi Sect had some impact on the safety of Tianyi Sect, it also proved that Murong Qiankun valued him very much, and it also proved that the current manpower in Donglai City was indeed insufficient.

"Okay, I hope Master Lu can focus on the overall situation!" Hearing Lu Yang's words, Tian Xingren said something tepidly, which immediately made Duobaoge and Du's people look at him coldly. But he quickly shut up the savage, but the hatred for Lu Yang in his heart increased a lot for no reason.

"Hmph, don't let me seize the opportunity, or the new and old grudges will be counted together!" Tian Xingren thought coldly in his heart.

Lu Yang is naturally not interested in this kind of clown, and the gap between the clown and him will become more and more distant.

"Open the city gate!" As the team led by Lu Yang slowly came to the city gate, Murong Qiankun, who was standing on the city gate, suddenly shouted loudly. Following his order, the city gate was slowly opened, and nearly a hundred beast masters Suddenly a neat line came out from the inside, and the leader of the team turned out to be four or five yellow rank beast masters.

This is just the beginning. After such a large formation opened an exit in the army of beasts, among the army of beast masters, more than a dozen yellow-rank beast masters suddenly walked out, and the leader was Lu Yang.

That's right, this team of human beast masters went out to meet the reinforcements from Luoyang City.

At this moment, the reinforcements from Luoyang City had already approached Donglai City at a very fast speed. This time, there were more than 30 beast stewards in the team of Huang rank beast masters, and the leader of Luoyang City was a Huang rank beast master. In the later period, the beast master was very powerful. In Luoyang City, even Huo Zhenqian was courteous to him, which made this beast master come to a small place like Donglai City, and his eyes were higher than the top. .

"Hmph, why haven't the support troops from Donglai City come yet? Do you really want us to commit suicide in there!" Seeing that he was about to approach Donglai City, he saw an army of ferocious beasts that looked like an ocean besieging the entire Donglai City. The water is tight.

But in front of this special envoy, these army of fierce beasts are just a group of fierce beasts without a brain.

"My lord, this Donglai City is a small city after all, so it's normal that there are not enough people inside to come out to support them. After all, my lord is going to Donglai City this time to rescue them!" A beast master hurriedly said.

"Hmph, you're right. These trash are really useless. A mere tens of thousands of beasts can beat them to death. I really don't know what they are eating!" The special envoy became more and more proud. , and even the expression on his face became more rebellious.

"Let's go, let's go in!" Following the special envoy's roar, the thirty or so yellow-rank beast masters all summoned their yellow-rank ferocious beasts.

Dozens of ferocious yellow beasts opened the way in front of them for a while, and the originally inseparable army of murderers was really opened up a bloody road!

Seeing this situation, one of the beasts immediately reported the situation to Jiguan Jiaolong.

Hearing the situation here, Cockscomb Flood Dragon was taken aback for a moment, as if he understood something, he burst out laughing, "Okay, the reinforcements from Human Luoyang City have arrived, as long as we can entangle them, Luoyang City will be taken down by us sooner or later." Yes, at that time, no matter how fierce the human army is, it will be useless. Immediately pass my order to make way for these human races!"

Although the more Xiaolong thinks about it, the more excited he feels, and even he has already seen the opportunity to perform meritorious service in the future.

At that time, maybe it will be rewarded and have more opportunities to advance to the mysterious beast.

"Hahaha, Mr. Special Envoy is mighty!"

"Master Special Envoy's ferocious beast is really too cruel!"

As the ferocious beasts summoned by the special envoy continued to open the way ahead, opportunities to flatter each other were given to many caring people, and the special envoy seemed to enjoy such words very much.

"Hmph, such ordinary goods are not worth mentioning at all, so when we entered the city, we immediately led the army to kill the leader of the beast. I want to see how incompetent the city lord is, even with such an incompetent army of beasts. You can't even win!" At this time, the support staff led by Lu Yang met them.

"In Xia Luyang, on behalf of Chishui City, come to meet the reinforcements from Luoyang City!" Lu Yang's words were neither humble nor overbearing,

But he didn't mention the special envoy, which made the special envoy very angry.

But there is no danger here. After all, we are in the army of fierce beasts. Naturally, the special envoy is not easy to get angry, and suddenly said with a sneer: "Okay, open the way ahead and escort us into the city!"

What the special envoy said was very natural, and he didn't take Lu Yang seriously at all.

When had Lu Yang been bullied like this, he sneered and led the way ahead, his eyes became much colder.

This scene was immediately cut in the eyes of Tian Xingren, and his heart seemed to be full of joy.

In his opinion, the special envoy is a high-ranking figure, and now that he has a conflict with Lu Yang, of course he has to curry favor.

"Hehe, Mr. Special Envoy, our place is a small place after all, some people don't understand the rules, Mr. Special Envoy, please don't be angry!" Tian Xingren's words reached Mr. Special Envoy's heart.

He was indeed a little angry at Lu Yang's indifference to him. Hearing Tian Xingren's words, he immediately nodded and smiled unconsciously: "You are indeed right, it's just that these people are so arrogant, maybe there is some honor ?”

"My lord special envoy, you don't know something. Our Lumen master has a great ceremonial guard, and he is very prestigious in Chishui City. Although he has only been in Chishui City for two or three months, even the former Kun family was killed by them." Forced away, so please be patient as much as possible, Mr. Special Envoy. We are also deeply hurt by it!" Having said this, the Patriarch of the Tian family immediately said with a look of bitterness and hatred.

"Oh? Is there such a thing? Well, I've written it down. Go back and tell your city lord about it. Just say that I'm going to hold an emergency meeting. I want to see what the Chishui City is. Who decides!" Because the previous journey was smooth, the special envoy had already understood the situation here very clearly, thinking that as long as he had himself, this place would surely be able to tide over the difficulties smoothly, and did not take other people seriously at all. The person in front of him looks okay, maybe he can be promoted.

Although the special envoy is not a very powerful figure in the Huo family, it does not mean that he is the same in other places.

What's more, he is not an honest person. If he wants to stand out in the next election for the city lord, he must cultivate his own power. As for wooing the current city lord, it is definitely not enough. If a new force is cultivated, then it is not necessarily the case.

Because wooing the current city lord is the icing on the cake, if people ignore him and don't say anything, the news will definitely not sound good when it reaches Huo Zhenqian, so the first thing he has to do when he comes to Chishui City now is to destroy Lu Yang !

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