The Strongest Beast Guarding System

Chapter 286: City Lord Murong's Ingenious Plan

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Chapter 286: City Lord Murong's Ingenious Plan

"This Chishui City should have been rectified a long time ago. Otherwise, with a wave of his hand, thousands of troops have already crushed the army of beasts. How could there be such an embarrassing scene?" The special envoy's expression was very displeased. Okay, but he didn't really take these things to heart. After all, he had just entered Chishui City and hadn't shown his fighting power yet.

He believed that as long as he used some tricks in the future, those local old hatmen in Chishui City would definitely offer him as an uncle.

"Hmph, as long as I can successfully win this beast horde, I can replace the city owner!" For some reason, the more he looked at the owner of the Tian family, the more he liked it.

"Patriarch Tian, ​​are you willing to follow the army to repel the army of beasts?" The special envoy finally turned his attention to Patriarch Tian.

At this moment, there was encouragement in his eyes, and there was some gloating expression, as if he had already seen the scene where his great sage had returned and severely punished Murong Qiankun, the head of the Du family, and the head of the Tianyi sect.

"This subordinate is willing to follow the special envoy, and pledge allegiance to the death!" As soon as his words came out, the Patriarch of the Tian family, like a traitor, raised his arms and shouted, he was happier than asking him to do anything. , even some wealthy disciples who were not optimistic about Tianyi Sect didn't expect the head of the Tian family to be so shameless in order to hug the envoy's thigh, and they all gave the head of the Tian family different looks.

On the contrary, the head of the Tian family didn't feel much. In his opinion, as long as he hugged the envoy's thigh, the battle would surely be won. By then, the owner of Donglai City might not be his.

"Okay, good! Very good! It seems that there are really smart people in the whole Donglai City. Pass my order, the Patriarch of the Tian family will become the general of the Tiger City army in Donglai City, and join me tomorrow to defeat the army of the beast clan. If this battle Victory, his attack will not be buried! Here is your general order, accept it!" In fact, this is the real purpose of the special envoy's coming to Donglai City. When he left, Huo Zhenqian forgot to tell him the general appointed this time It should be Lu Yang that made him behave like this.

Of course, this was also because Huo Zhenqian didn't think that Lu Yang would play any role in this battle, so he didn't pay enough attention to it, but when he regretted it, it was too late.

"See the special envoy, see the general!" Some people who met Feng Shiruo immediately knelt down to pay their respects to the two people, and immediately made the two people smile.

But only those who had a good relationship with City Lord Murong, the Patriarch of the Du family, and Lu Yang stood aside and didn't express anything, as if they didn't see this scene at all.

"Okay, I'm a little tired from the journey today, and I'm going to rest. I've conquered the City Lord's Mansion!" The envoy's tone became more and more bad, and finally he turned his gaze to Murong Qiankun.

"Why do you want to requisition the City Lord's Mansion to be your bedroom, you are going too far!" Hearing what the special envoy said, Murong Fuye was the first to stand up and shout.

You must know that the City Lord's Mansion was built by his father bit by bit, and it contained all her memories, but now it was snatched away, she was absolutely unwilling.

"Miss Murong, it's not right for you to say that. I represent a first-tier city, so naturally I want to live in the best place, and you can find a family to live in, and I may return it to you in the future!" When he came to Murong Qiankun, he gave himself a face, the special envoy had already exchanged resentment, and now he finally found a chance to take revenge, how could he not get everything back in this respect, that would be a real disadvantage.

"Master Special Envoy, please think twice before acting!" Seeing that Murong Fuye was unhappy, Du Xian also stood up and said resolutely.

"Miss Murong, Mr. Du, what are you doing? Do you want to rebel? Or do you not care about first-tier cities? You are not afraid of hurting your parents if you say it! You are really unworthy descendants!" The two hated people finally met the Special Envoy, and Tian Xingren immediately gloated.

"Why, don't you let me go?" The special envoy's expression also changed, as if he was about to run away immediately.

"Hmph, I don't care what special envoy you are. In short, this city lord's mansion can't let you go. After all, Luoyang City is for your support, not to come here to do your best. Special envoy, you'd better not go too far!" Seeing the ferocious face of the special envoy, Lu Yang also mercilessly stood by his brother.

"Hahaha, I'm really going to rebel. It seems that the reason why this army of beasts has not been defeated is necessarily related to your dereliction of duty. You all remember it for me!" Mr. Special Envoy looked at almost half of the people present They all opposed him, and he couldn't step down.

"My lord special envoy, please calm down. The city lord's mansion has always been the private property of the lord of the city. It is absolutely impossible for you to live in the private property. However, my lord special envoy, you can live in the official residence of the city lord. There are big people like you there. Prepared." Murong Qiankun finally stood up and said when the personnel on both sides were a little bit struggling.

His words finally made the special envoy's expression change a bit.

"Elder Feng, let's go!" The special envoy looked at the old man sitting beside him, and left the City Lord's Mansion with him, and the Tian family and his supporters also left.

After these people left, Murong Qiankun immediately showed a puzzled expression on his face.

The reason why he did this was not because of the special envoy's performance today, but because he felt that since the special envoy came, the beasts around Chishui City seemed to have become much quieter. This is definitely not what should happen.

"Is there anything special about the

change? "The more Murong Qiankun thought about it, the more he felt that this matter was unusual.

"No, I have to find a way to get the special envoy to attack as soon as possible!" Suddenly he thought of Lu Yang, and said to Lu Yang with a bit of heartbreak: "Master Lu, Mr. Du, you have been wronged today, but this special envoy also It's really too hateful, if he continues to domineeringly in our Donglai City, he will definitely make our Donglai City upside down, I don't know what you two think?"

When Murong Qiankun said this, on the surface he was testing his future son-in-law, but in fact he was asking Lu Yang to advise Du Xian.

"What does the city lord mean, let them go to battle today, so that they can eat and suffer?" Du Xian was not an idiot, he immediately recognized the trickiness, and said in a bad tone.

He could see that the special envoy obviously had trouble with them.

"My lord, I'm afraid you already have an idea! And I can also think that their smooth entry into Donglai City today must have something to do with the waterproofing of the army of beasts. From this point of view, the army of beasts wants to completely bring the special envoy into the city. These yellow rank beast masters who came here are trapped in our Donglai City!" Compared to Du Xian, Lu Yang sees the problem more clearly than Du Xian, and he is even infinitely close to the essence of the problem, which really confuses Murong Qiankun I was taken aback.

He can think of these mainly because of the experience he has accumulated in the battlefield and officialdom over the years, but Lu Yang is only so old and has such keen observation skills. He will definitely not be in the pool in the future, so he must put his own The prospective son-in-law arranged for Lu Yang's side.

"Hahaha, Master Lu, you are right. I do have some ideas in my heart, and your analysis is closer to the real situation. But I can't make a judgment now, but I already have a plan in my heart , the specifics are like this..." Murong Qiankun is a scheming guy, when he said these words, not only Lu Yang and Du Xian applauded secretly, but also made Murong Fuye applaud.

"Hahaha, the city lord, you are so thoughtful, we will do it immediately!" Come on, the three young people immediately split up after hearing what Murong Qiankun said, and almost didn't ask Murong Qiankun to explain. Sex is almost more than doing their own thing. It can be seen that the special envoy has indeed made them suffer a lot.

"Hehe, these little guys are really my character back then. I just hope that they can try their best to keep their sense of proportion!" Seeing the backs of the three disappearing, Murong Qiankun sighed and went to do his own thing.

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