The Strongest Beast Guarding System

Chapter 287: Army of Fierce Beasts

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Chapter 287: Army of Fierce Beasts

At this moment, Elder Feng was sitting in front of a tea table in the post station of the city lord's official residence. Beside him sat five yellow rank beast masters. They did not obey the special envoy's order, but lived alone together.

Because they do not belong to the strength of any city in Luoyang City, but belong to the subordinates of Elder Zhan of Duobao Pavilion.

At this moment, Elder Feng is tasting tea, and seems to be thinking about something.

Soon, Elder Chen came in from the outside, saluted Elder Feng, and sat down.

"Elder Feng, what are your plans for coming to Elder Zhan this time?" Elder Chen asked a little strangely.

After all, Duobao Pavilion rarely participates in this kind of support headed by the city lord. If they come, it means that Duobao Pavilion has some new action plan.

"This time we are here entirely to increase the strength of Duobao Pavilion in Donglai City. At the same time, we also want to inspect Lu Yang, an elite seed, and at the same time have the duty to protect him. But at present, the situation in Donglai City is unclear. We It's not easy to reveal your position for the time being." Elder Feng didn't directly state his intention, but he had already made the point of the stakes.

Hearing Elder Feng's words, Elder Chen nodded solemnly and said: "Since Elder Zhan has arranged it this way, this subordinate will cooperate with your plan."

While they were still discussing, there was a commotion from the post station on the special envoy's side.

"It's bad, seven or eight ferocious beasts of yellow rank appeared at the north city gate to attack the city gate!" A beast master ran into the special envoy's mansion in a panic, which really caused a commotion inside for a while.

Not long after this beast master left, another beast master ran into the mansion of the special envoy, "It's not good, there are more than a dozen yellow-rank beasts attacking the south gate!"

In less than an hour, the special envoy's residence at the station was almost trampled down by the beast master who came to report the news. At first, the special envoy felt that it was a bit novel, but after a long time, this made the special envoy very annoyed.

"What's the matter, hurry up and gather all the yellow-rank beast masters and gather in the meeting hall of the city lord's official residence!" The envoy became angrier the more he thought about it. They should be taken to level them up, why bother to make such a fuss today.

In less than a stick of incense, a large number of yellow-rank beast masters gathered in the meeting hall, and even those yellow-rank beast masters from Duobao Pavilion arrived. However, they have no interest in participating in the war, and the envoy is not qualified to order them.

"Everyone, I originally wanted to rest for a day and clean up these beasts tomorrow, but now I have changed my mind. I must take down these beasts tonight, so that they will know the strength of our army of beast masters in Luoyang City. Great. Now that we have twenty yellow-rank beast masters in Luoyang City, who else is willing to fight! Once this battle is successful, the first-level city lord will be rewarded!" The special envoy had a thick smile on his face, He is full of confidence that he will win, he is not worried that this battle will fail at all.

"Our Tian family is willing to send out six yellow-rank beast masters, twenty fake yellow-rank beast masters, and more than a hundred senior beast masters and below!" The Tian family has invested heavily this time, just to hug the thigh of the special envoy.

"We'll also send reinforcements!" Some small clans and gangs contributed one after another, but the Du family and Tianyimen didn't say anything at all, which made the special envoy's expression even more gloomy.

He adjusted his interest, and finally looked at Lu Yang. He felt that what he said before was still too light, so he decided to say something harsh, "Lu Yang, if you Tianyimen don't attack again this time, Then after this time, your Tianyimen must move away from Donglai City, and you will be responsible for the losses involved! This is an order from the first-level city lord!"

As he said that, the special envoy took out his token representing the city lord. In his opinion, Lu Yang would be scared to death at this moment, and even knelt down to beg for mercy, hoping to give them a way out for Tianyimen. It's not like he hasn't encountered such a thing before, and even some people whose bones are harder than Lu Yang, didn't they also show their heads in the end?

"Hmph, Mr. Special Envoy, I think if you have time, you should think about how to fight this battle. Don't end up losing your wife and losing your army!" Hearing what the special envoy said, Lu Yang just laughed a few words, and then stopped. say.

"Okay, okay! Remember, after this battle is over, I will be the first to drive you out when I kill the leader of the beast clan!" If Tianyimen has no foundation in Donglai City, He doesn't mind driving out the disciples of Tianyi Sect now, and being overwhelmed by the army of fierce beasts.

Of course, now it's not just the conflict between him and Lu Yang, but the conflict between the entire beast clan and the human race, so he just can't do such a stupid thing. Otherwise, not to mention the strength in Donglai City, even his subordinates would stand up against him. So now he has to be patient.

"Hmph, then I'll just wait, but I hope that the special envoy can do what he says, and don't be ashamed at that time, that would be bad!" Hearing what the special envoy said, Lu Yang raised his eyebrows, and his face showed a serious look. The look of disapproval made the special envoy almost turn his nose, but he just couldn't say anything.

At this moment, a confidant of his ran in from the outside and said a few words to Mr. Special Envoy. Immediately, the smile on Mr. Special Envoy's face became more and more complacent.

"Okay, you did a great job at this time, and I will definitely reward you a lot!" Hearing the special envoy say so excitedly, he turned his body to all the yellow rank beast masters and said: "This time, the city lord's mansion All the beast masters stationed in the yellow rank will go to battle. If Hong

Parents are willing to wait and see, don't blame me for punishing me! Murong Qiankun, what else do you have to say? "

When Murong Qiankun heard Mr. Special Envoy's words, he immediately showed a tangled expression, but soon he said with some guilt: "The beasts outside Mr. Special Envoy are extremely ferocious, our Hong family should forget it!"

"Hahaha, it's really good. Since you are so ignorant, the city owner will be replaced in the future. I think the head of the Tian family is more suitable. Let's go! Our special envoy is ready to go out!" The special envoy suddenly laughed, as if something The conspiracy finally succeeded, but after they left, Murong Qiankun also showed a relaxed expression on his face.

Then he looked at Lu Yang and asked cautiously: "Master Lu, is your news true?"

"Reporting to the city lord, our news is absolutely true. This time the special envoy will definitely suffer, and it will be a big loss, but they also have a chance to come back. At that time, we will respond from inside, and maybe we will be able to take down this group of beasts in one fell swoop!" Lu Yang He spoke very seriously, and he also had a rough estimate of the current situation.

"Okay, let's do this for this matter, let's go!" Murong Qiankun felt at ease when he heard Lu Yang's words. However, as the city lord, he definitely wouldn't just accept one place, so he asked Lu Yang to bring people to meet him, while he went to inspect other places, hoping that there would be no mistakes.

After all, this is war, not child's play. If something goes wrong, everyone in Donglai City will be buried with him.

"City Lord, please don't worry, I will definitely take care of this matter!" Lu Yang waved his hand, and took Du Xian and Murong Fuye away from the City Lord's mansion.

At this time, the army of hundreds of people led by the special envoy had already left from the west city gate, and they slowly entered the army of murderers amidst the shouts of killing.

What they have to do this time is not to kill as many beasts as possible, but to find the leader of the beasts hiding in the beasts.

It has to be said that although the special envoy acts without brains and speaks very arrogantly and domineeringly, there are still some ways to lead troops to fight. Now this large army is brought into the army of beasts by him. The other party paid attention, but it didn't mess up the entire army of beasts, just like the usual inconspicuous confrontation.

After all, this battle has been going on for several days.

"Are you sure that the leader of the beast army is in that area?" The further he went into the beast army, the more the special envoy looked forward to the next result.

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