The Strongest Beast Guarding System

Chapter 292: Strong Relief Arrives

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Chapter 292: Strong Relief Arrives

"Sinking Earth Rune!" At the moment when the sinking earth rune shattered, Mr. Special Envoy had already seen that huge claw stretched towards him. It seemed that with two more breaths, his fragile body would It will be directly grasped into a meat paste by claws that are more than one meter long.

"Tear!" Fortunately, the special envoy has always had the potential to be greedy for life and death, so the extra sinking earth rune caught in his palm has actually played a role.

Just as the cockscomb flood dragon flew into the air again, the golden stone rune sword energy condensed by Mr. Special Envoy burst out from the sword in his hand.

If the previous sword could only cause some slight damage to the Cockscomb Flood Dragon, then this sword with the power of the gold and stone runes is enough to pierce the Cockscomb Flood Dragon's body.


With a crisp sound, a large piece of degenerated dragon scale was directly smashed into large pieces, and as the dragon scale was broken, a thin invisible golden stone rune sword energy directly pierced into the body of Cockscomb Flood Dragon.

The power of this sword should not be underestimated, just one blow cut off a piece of flesh and blood from Cockscomb Flood Dragon's body.

Although the wound was not fatal, it was enough to drive Xiaolong crazy.


With the shattering of the sunken earth rune, the Cockscomb Flood Dragon's claws finally grabbed onto the Special Envoy in anger.

The special envoy felt that his fragile body had been pierced by the sharp dragon claws, and without even thinking about it, he pasted a flame rune on the dragon claws.

Then a new sunken earth rune was taken out by the special envoy.

Just when the sharp claws of the Cockscomb Flood Dragon were about to stab the head of the Special Envoy's body, a third of the time, a fire dragon rushed towards the Flood Dragon, and at the same time, a khaki-yellow light protected the Special Envoy's body .

With a sound of "嗷", the Cockscomb Flood Dragon had no choice but to pull out its dragon claws, and then its body quickly retreated, so that the high-level beasts around it could also be sacrificed.

But even so, a lot of its claw tips were burned by the flame rune, and one dragon claw was now scorched and suffered serious damage.

But at the same time, the special envoy's chest has been torn open by the dragon's claws, and even several ribs have been grabbed by the dragon's claws. Although it is not life-threatening, this grab is enough to scare the special envoy's three souls and seven souls away half.

It can be said that under this fight, the Cockscomb Flood Dragon and the Special Envoy almost drew a tie, and both of them received considerable damage. However, in comparison, the Cockscomb Flood Dragon's vitality is far stronger than that of the Human Beast Master. The combat effectiveness of damage is only slightly reduced, but the special envoy is different. His body is extremely fragile. Now that his chest has been hit hard, his combat effectiveness has begun to decrease significantly.

"Damn it, why haven't the reinforcements come here? If I don't come, I'll be dead!" The special envoy is really scared this time, and even the idea of ​​doing meritorious service before has disappeared. For him, he can now It is the greatest luck to survive.

"Oh my god, am I, Huo Dongsheng, going to die in this ghost place?" Although the blood on the special envoy's chest was stopped, the attack of the cockscomb dragon showed no sign of stopping.

Although the special envoy wanted to run away at this moment, he knew that the more he wanted to run away, the closer he would be to death, and suddenly a sense of enlightenment surged into his heart. This is a sign of the comprehension of Jinshi runes.

Unfortunately, he realized it too late!

"Am I really going to die?" The special envoy's face was pale, and he was covered in cold sweat. If someone rescued him now, it would almost be equivalent to his reborn parents.

The special envoy will never forget his kindness in his life.

The despair in Huo Dongsheng's heart was getting stronger and stronger. At this time, the Cockscomb Flood Dragon, who had already gone mad, rushed towards him again.

It can be said that if he and Cockscomb Flood Dragon each take a shot, the same injury, Cockscomb Flood Dragon may only be slightly injured, but it is a fatal wound to him.

But now for him, he has no better way than to fight with his life.


This time the Cockscomb Flood Dragon was even faster than before. This claw caught him in front of him and easily crushed the defense formed by the first sunken earth rune. Immediately after the second sunken earth rune, the second sunken earth rune arrived. When there were three sunken earth runes, Cockscomb Flood Dragon's dragon claws were blocked, but he could block it once and the second time, but once his sunken earth runes ran out!

Although the special envoy is struggling, but now he can't think of a better way. Even in his opinion, even if reinforcements come to Donglai City, they can only beat some beast masters at most, but he is being targeted by the Cockscomb Flood Dragon, unless Murong Qiankun comes in person, otherwise, he will die in this battle No doubt about it.

"Damn it, if you dare to drag me to die together, then I will fight you!" The special envoy barely blocked the attack of the cockscomb flood dragon, and the sword energy in his hand did not stop. At this moment, another golden stone The sword energy of rune power shot at the body of Cockscomb Flood Dragon.

Although the power of this sword was not as powerful as the first sword, it was still enough to injure Cockscomb Flood Dragon.


Sure enough, the sword pierced into the Cockscomb Flood Dragon's body without any suspense. The sword energy surged, and the Cockscomb Flood Dragon's body was hurt again. It became even more angry, and a mouthful of black gas shot out, directly hitting the body of the Special Envoy.

The black air bombarded Mr. Special Envoy's whole body and his bones were about to be crushed.

"Pfft", this time the special envoy was injured internally, and with a mouthful of blood spurting out, the special envoy directly threw the remaining few flame runes at the Cockscomb Flood Dragon who rushed up again.

At the same time, he held the ups and downs runes in his hand, and once the flood dragon rushed up, he would definitely fight it desperately.

But at this time, it was not the Cockscomb Flood Dragon that rushed up, but dozens of high-level ferocious beasts that had killed their red eyes.

"Damn, this is trying to kill me!" The special envoy is really going to collapse this time.

Because he was seriously injured, his attack power and defense power dropped a lot, so even a high-level beast could kill him at this moment. But at this moment, a figure descended from the sky.

Just when the Cockscomb Flood Dragon was about to pounce on it again, this figure couldn't avoid fighting fiercely with the Cockscomb Flood Dragon's claws.

With a "buzz", Cockscomb Flood Dragon's body was directly sent flying by this figure.

Although the Cockscomb Flood Dragon has condensed its flesh and blood, its current weight is tens of thousands of catties, and with its impact force, it has at least four or five hundred thousand catties in its pounce. However, under the attack of this figure, the Cockscomb Flood Dragon is It was blown away like a kite with a broken string, and you can see the powerful strength of this figure.

"When did such a powerful beast master appear in this Donglai City? He is still so young. I am afraid that even Murong Qiankun is much worse than him. If this person came with the team earlier, I am afraid that the leader of the army of beasts He has already been killed!" Seeing this figure, the Special Envoy was astonished.

This person is Lu Yang.

He sent the Cockscomb Flood Dragon flying away, simply hitting it at will.

This is not an exaggeration of Lu Yang's strength, but his current strength is indeed very strong, and the Cockscomb Flood Dragon is already seriously injured, so it is not too much for Lu Yang to kill it now.


With the appearance of Lu Yang, Cockscomb Flood Dragon immediately fell into an absolute disadvantage. At this moment, it finally realized what it meant to be hunted down by others.


Frightened, the Cockscomb Flood Dragon roared frantically, and a dozen or so yellow rank beasts came to block Lu Yang, trying to help Cockscomb Flood Dragon share the pressure.

It's a pity that just after they appeared, they were rushed up by a fiery red flame king. With the burst of flames on the forehead of the flame king, about half of the yellow beasts were instantly repelled.

Immediately afterwards, another three-eyed tortoise king, whose strength was not weaker than the Flame Golden King, rushed out from the side. With the expansion of the sunken earth rune, these yellow-rank beasts were immediately bounced back by the powerful rune power.

At this moment, the Cockscomb Flood Dragon had no way to dodge, and could only fight Lu Yang with all his strength.

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