The Strongest Beast Guarding System

Chapter 293: Taking All the Credit

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Chapter 293: Taking All the Credit

"Okay!!" The appearance of Lu Yang greatly relieved the pressure on the special envoy's side, and he saw two generals appearing beside him to block the attacks of a large number of beasts for him, followed by Lu Yang and Cockscomb Flood Dragon The decisive battle is over. But no matter how you look at it, it looks like Lu Yang will win.


As the aura between heaven and earth poured into Lu Yang's body, the Purple Blood Blade that was originally hidden by Lu Yang also appeared in his hand, and he saw him lift the Purple Blood Blade high, "The Gate of Hell", and then Slashing down with the purple blood blade, a large black light instantly trapped the Cockscomb Flood Dragon in it.

From the perspective of Jiguan Jiaolong, his body seems to be controlled by an invisible big hand. At the same time, four pitch-black doors control it inside. With the rotation of these four doors, Jiguan Jiaolong finds his spiritual consciousness He was getting more and more drowsy, even approaching the point of drowsiness.

Immediately afterwards, a sword light like a storm came down from the sky, "Flying Wind Dance", countless sword lights shot out from this sword, and directly pierced into the body of the Cockscomb Flood Dragon, even if the Cockscomb Flood Dragon desperately wanted to I had to struggle, but in the end I was still firmly grasped by this force.

In an instant, the body of the Cockscomb Flood Dragon was torn apart, and his head was in a different place.

From Lu Yang to killing the Cockscomb Flood Dragon, it only took a dozen or so breaths, it was like a lightning bolt.

"What? Killed for so long!" Seeing that the Cockscomb Flood Dragon who almost killed himself was killed like a chicken, the special envoy's eyes immediately widened because this was something he never dreamed of. At the same time, he was also full of curiosity about this strong man who suddenly appeared.

It's just that when his curiosity hadn't completely disappeared, the person who made him gnash his teeth appeared in front of him, "How could it be you? Huh, even if you don't come, I can break out now, don't be here Pretending to be a nice guy!"

When the special envoy saw Lu Yang appearing in front of him, he sneered and rushed out with his people. Even though he suffered serious internal and external injuries, the healing medicines provided by this first-level city were not in vain. They were enough to stop more than 90% of the wounds on his body, allowing him to cover one-third of his combat power.

Coupled with the other Huang rank beast masters supporting him, Mr. Special Envoy could barely rush out.

Seeing that the special envoy was still stubborn, Lu Yang raised his brows slightly, and just hummed, then turned and went to help Du Xian and the others.

Because Lu Yang killed the leader of the beast army, the beast army suddenly became chaotic. Even if there were still more than sixty yellow-rank beasts, they were not enough to fear.

Instead, Lu Yang took advantage of the chaos and subdued five yellow-rank beasts and fifteen high-level beasts for himself.

Now that he has been promoted to the late stage of the yellow-rank beast master, the functions of the beast master system have been enhanced. He can even transform ordinary yellow-rank beasts through the beast master system, and give them to beast masters of comparable strength, and even If enough energy is injected, the beast master system can also erase the memory of the yellow-rank beasts, allowing them to restore their childhood memories and grow up with ordinary beast masters. In this way, even an ordinary high-level beast master can control the yellow-rank beasts and become an alternative pseudo-yellow-rank beast master. When the beast master is successfully promoted, he can become a veritable yellow-rank beast master. Beast master.

Of course, for Lu Yang, the army of beasts retreated, and his battle was not over yet. He immediately summoned the army of ferocious beasts in the buried forest, and joined in the cleanup of the beast horde.

After this battle, although the beast tide receded to the Shenlong Mountain Range, the big python also had thousands of beasts under its command. In the future, you can train more frequently, maybe you can become the reserve army of Tianyimen's war pet.

It can be said that Lu Yang's battle was fruitful.

It's just that when he returned to the City Lord's Mansion to recover, he suddenly felt that the atmosphere in the City Lord's Mansion was even more depressing than he had imagined...

Huo Dongsheng didn't expect that he would be able to survive the melee, and even repel the beast tide, which made him become rampant again, and even brazenly took all the credit for himself.

"Hahaha, all the beast masters of the yellow rank, it is really gratifying to congratulate us on our complete victory in this battle, especially you have done a lot of credit for helping me kill the cockscomb dragon!" Seriously injured, but still presided over the meeting with the injury. If only from the surface, he is really hardworking, but in fact he wants to monopolize the great achievements.

At the same time, he also concealed the person who killed the Cockscomb Flood Dragon, as if there was no such person at all, and the Cockscomb Flood Dragon was also killed by him.

"Hmph, Mr. Special Envoy, don't you get carried away when you say these words?" Murong Qiankun sniffled and said in displeasure when he heard Mr. Special Envoy's words.

"Smug? Murong Qiankun, is this what you, the city lord guarding Donglai City, should say?" The special envoy turned his head and stared fiercely at Murong Qiankun, his eyes were full of anger.

If it wasn't for Murong Qiankun who was a little late to bring people to respond, I'm afraid he wouldn't have suffered so many injuries.

So even if he wins the battle, he still has to hold Murong Qiankun accountable.

"Hahaha, Mr. Special Envoy, you are really eloquent. I don't know who led someone into the ambush circle of the beast army. In the end, I sent people to rescue them, and this time Duobaoge also sent people Participated in the war." Murong Qiankun didn't care about the murderous eyes of the special envoy at all, and said without giving in.

"Hmph, Murong Qiankun, are you ashamed to say it? If you hadn't missed the opportunity this time, it would have almost ruined my good deed. Now I will give the cockscomb flood dragon alone

Beheaded, what, you want to take credit with me? "When the special envoy heard Murong Qiankun's words, he stood up from his chair as if his butt was burned, pointed at Murong Qiankun and cursed.

"Fuck your mother's fart!" Du Xian didn't want to speak at first, but this time he really couldn't take it anymore, and pointed at the special envoy's nose and cursed away.

I have seen shameless people, but I have never seen such shameless people!

"Tell you..." Du Xian wanted to tell about Lu Yang, but was stopped by Murong Fuye.

Du Xian looked at Murong Fuye and finally endured it.

But how could the special envoy endure it? He looked at Murong Qiankun and asked sharply, "Is this Murong Qiankun your son?"

Seeing that the special envoy had started fighting with the Murong family, Tian Xingren suddenly became happy. In his opinion, it would be better for the special envoy to execute all the members of the Murong family, but he would not say that.

"Master Special Envoy, please don't be angry. Murong City Lord is usually busy with work and rarely has the opportunity to discipline his son. If Mr. Special Envoy can give him more time, Senior Murong Qiankun will definitely know how to deal with it!" Tian Xingren said with a treacherous smile on his mouth.

These words of his gave the special envoy a good reminder, and made the special envoy suddenly realize that there was such a smart young man in front of him.

"Hahaha, okay, you're right. I don't blame Murong Qiankun, you can stay at home and take care of the children from now on!" The special envoy suddenly laughed, convicting Murong Qiankun.

Even Du Xian didn't think that he would be implicated in Murong Qiankun for such a crime.

But the engagement between him and Murong Fuye is a foregone conclusion, it is really hard for him to say anything about this matter.

At this moment, an even more arrogant voice came in from outside the council hall of the City Lord's Mansion, "Hahaha, Mr. Special Envoy, you are really amazing. You have decided so many lives and deaths in such a tumultuous time. , and also monopolized all the credit, but in my opinion, you not only have no credit, but also have sins!"

"Who dares to break into the meeting hall without authorization? You really want to die. Come and arrest this person for me!" After being told by this person, the expression on the face of the special envoy became paler and paler. Injured, I really thought it was being pissed off.

"What are you doing in a daze, quickly catch him!" Hearing the words of the special envoy, the Patriarch of the Tian family next to him also yelled as if his tail had been stepped on.

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