The Strongest Beast Guarding System

Chapter 294 Big Mouth Smacking Face

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Chapter 294 Big Mouth Smacking Face

"Master Special Envoy, I'm afraid it's not good for you to do this!" Murong Qiankun also said with a somewhat unkind expression following the words of Lord Special Envoy.

After all, he had endured before and believed that there was no need to confront the special envoy in front of the enemy, but it was different now. If he really tolerated the envoy, then it is unknown how he died in the end.

"Hahaha, Murong Qiankun, do you think that after this incident, you can continue to be the lord of the city? Wrong, you will only be the lord of your Murong family in the future, and Donglai City will not be your shelter in the future. The Patriarch of the Tian Family accepts the seal, and as a special envoy, I appoint you as the City Lord of Donglai City!" The special envoy became more and more arrogant, the external troubles were eliminated, and the internal rectification began.

He didn't believe that with his own ability, he still couldn't suppress these mobs, and that the army of ferocious beasts hadn't been beaten to the ground by him.


Just when the special envoy was at his most arrogant and proud, he suddenly heard a slap in the face like a thunderbolt from the blue, and then his face swelled up like a steamed bun.

Immediately afterwards, an extremely arrogant young man came in from the outside and came to his side.

Not only that, but he seemed to say something extremely disgusting that almost made the special envoy vomit blood.

Lu Yang pointed to Mr. Special Envoy's face, and said with some reluctance: "Mr. Special Envoy, there was really a mosquito on your face just now, it really was, and it was such a big one. It's all right now, I've given him a mosquito." Killed!"

In an instant, the entire meeting hall became silent. Everyone never dreamed that Lu Yang would actually hit the special envoy in the face, and he still hit him so arrogantly, so domineering, so subtle, and so unbelievable. Rejection is not a kindness that is hard to refuse.

For a moment, deafening smiles resounded from almost half of the council hall. Not only did Murong Qiankun laugh, but Murong Qiankun took the lead in laughing, and his voice was the loudest, almost occupying the general volume of all voices.

It can be said that Murong Qiankun's laughter is not only a huge subwoofer, the best one Lu Yang has ever seen in his previous life, but also a repeater, the sound quality is just as good as before, and the sound of "hahaha" has been continued. Let countless people in the chamber compete to imitate.

But in this way, the special envoy was really pissed off.

"Pfft" spit out a mouthful of blood, Mr. Special Envoy came with new wounds and old wounds.

"Lu Yang, are you sure you must do everything right?" The special envoy was slapped by Lu Yang, but his aura was still there. Seeing that the special envoy was about to go crazy, most of the people in the meeting hall shut their mouths consciously and looked at the special envoy with terrified eyes, as if he had turned into a beast.

"Master Special Envoy, am I the one who made the most of it? No, it's you who insisted on making the most of it? Let me tell you, the position of the city lord of Donglai City still belongs to Senior Murong. Don't even try to touch him. With this battle achievement, it is not yours at all, if there is no reinforcements to help you kill the Cockscomb Flood Dragon, do you think you will still be able to stand here alive and talk to me?"

"It's absolutely impossible, and it's even possible to die with hatred! But you don't know how to be grateful, and you don't know that you are not good at doing things. You have led the army into the enemy's encirclement, and you are still complacent here. You better wake me up!" , Lu Yang raised his arm, and then slapped the special envoy on the face.

At this moment, just as the special envoy's confidant wanted to stop him, he was pushed down by the people from Duobao Pavilion.

"Hahaha, you slapped me again, it was so satisfying! Master Lu, I really don't know if you are really smart or fake smart, but let me tell you, don't even try to get out of here today, come here Take this evil beast down to me, and tear it into pieces!" The special envoy gave an order, only the members of the Tian family responded to the call and surrounded Lu Yang, and almost half of the special envoy's confidantes died on the battlefield.

It's not that Lu Yang didn't help them break out, but that the number of yellow-rank beasts in the beast army is too large. In the end, even the most powerful special envoy has no time to take care of other things, let alone let other beast masters To protect his confidants, on the contrary, it is his confidants who give him opportunities again and again, so that he has the possibility of severely injuring Cockscomb Flood Dragon.

It's just that the current special envoy has already been dazzled by the military achievements, so he has become so complacent.

"Kill!" Seeing that no one around them took any action, Tian Xingren and the Patriarch of the Tian family saw that there were still five yellow rank beast masters on their side, and the list in their hearts suddenly became bigger.

Five people against one person, anyone who is not a fool knows who can win. As long as they take Lu Yang down, then the position of the city lord must be their Tian family.

Thinking of this, the Patriarch of the Tian family suddenly showed an extremely happy smile, and was even afraid that someone would rush to help and take away his credit. In addition, the reason why the Tian family still has such a strong combat power is because they have been following the middle of the team, and they have hardly taken any risks. Almost all the pressure has been borne by the confidant of the special envoy and the yellow rank beast master in Donglai City. , so don't look at the Huang-rank beast masters in the Donglai City City Lord's Mansion who didn't speak, but they also didn't like the people of the Tian family.

Now that Murong Qiankun didn't speak, the people of the City Lord's Mansion would naturally not act without authorization, and the Huang-rank beast masters who had been following the special envoy in other second-tier cities had also been judging the situation and did not act without authorization. Because they all saw that Lu Yang beheaded the Cockscomb Flood Dragon with one sword, and if they really fought, these people really wouldn't be his opponents.

"Come on, let's take down this evil beast in a reasonable way!" Tian Jiajia said.

The Lord had hated Lu Yang for a long time, but suffered from no chance to strike. But the situation is different now. He is speaking for the special envoy. No one dares to say no, let alone come forward to help!

So he gave an order, and the five yellow rank beast masters shot to grab Lu Yang at the same time.

"Hmph, the five of you are nothing but five useless people. You were greedy for life and killed each of you in the battle, and you only have such a little skin injury on your body. It seems that I really want to loosen your muscles and bones!" Lu Yang shook his body when he said that. Then he greeted the first Tian family Huang rank beast master.

Although the strength of this yellow rank beast master is also very strong, but his strength is only 400,000 catties, which is regarded as the upper-class strength of the yellow rank beast master. Now he is the first to take the lead and thinks he can buy time for others.

But there was no difference between 400,000 and 500,000, so he had a close contact with Lu Yang as soon as he rushed up.

With a "creak" and a scream, the arms of the Huang-rank beast master were constantly broken, and he was thrown out of the meeting room like a headless fly, hitting the wall and falling Half dead.

Immediately after Lu Yang shot again, the remaining four yellow-rank beast masters were immediately beaten out by Lu Yang like sandbags, especially the Patriarch of the Tian family, who had more than a dozen ribs broken by Lu Yang and fell unconscious. Tian Xingren didn't feel well either, and was directly broken by Lu Yang and thrown outside. This kind of strength can be said to shock the audience, no one dares to stand up and challenge Lu Yang again.

"This..." Mr. Special Envoy was a little dumbfounded when he saw Lu Yang's amazing strength. It was only at this time that he realized that the person who killed the Cockscomb Flood Dragon and the chief general of the beast army turned out to be Lu Yang, whom he had never been optimistic about.

Only then did he remember that Huo Zhen had told him to take extra care of this person before, but he had always left him behind. Now he remembered, and it is said that the person from Duobao Pavilion came because of him. .

But it was too late for him to realize this now.

"Master Special Envoy, I don't think you need to be a special envoy anymore. Elder Feng, how do you think this matter should be handled?" Elder Feng is Elder Zhan's right-hand man, and this time he also represented Duobao Pavilion to support Lu Yang. The reason why he has not expressed his position is because he wants to see how Lu Yang will solve these trivial matters.

Now it seems that Lu Yang's method really satisfies him, otherwise, he would not be able to directly convey his attitude.

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