The Strongest Beast Guarding System

Chapter 348 Rune Fireball

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Chapter 348 Rune Fireball

"No, it's absolutely impossible!" Du Feng didn't expect that he would be defeated by Lu Yang with one move, which made him feel the crisis of life and death. It seemed that he still underestimated the boy in front of him.

"Lightning Rune, Lightning Dragon!" Although Du Feng was so easily defeated by Lu Yang, he did not give up, because if the Beast Master only relied on strength, then his strength might not be as good as that of a fierce beast. The beast master relied on his deep comprehension of runes and the use of brilliant moves.

Just as his body fell from mid-air at a high speed, the sword in his hand also swung out, and this sword contained extremely powerful lightning power.

In an instant, hundreds of lightning runes condensed from his body and were injected into the sword.

At this moment, this sword is just an ordinary middle-grade spirit stone, and it will be smashed by the lightning in an instant, but this sword is infinitely close to the existence of the highest-grade spirit, let alone a hundred lightning runes, no matter how many lightnings Runes are no problem either.

"What, junior brother has already reached such a level of comprehension of runes, that even runes can be integrated into moves?"

"Yeah, others may not know that becoming a rune master and integrating runes into one's moves are two completely different concepts. It seems that the younger brother is still holding back!"

Just when Lu Yang and Du Feng fought, and Du Feng was instantly repulsed by Lu Yang with force, some Huang rank beast masters already felt that Du Feng was in danger. But now that Du Feng was able to integrate the runes into his moves, and even turned into a sword light, he had more expectations for him.

You must know that although rune masters can master runes, not all rune masters can integrate runes into their own battles, especially into their own sword lights.

After all, being able to condense the runes into a sword light is already at the level of a void structure. Once this move is performed, even a mysterious beast master who has mastered the runes cannot resist it, let alone an ordinary A yellow-rank beast master, even if he has reached the yellow-rank Dzogchen.

"I didn't expect to have mastered runes to such an extent, then I won't lose to you!" As he said, Lu Yang also injected his flame runes into the Dragon Slaying Sword.

"Flame dance!" One hundred, two hundred, three hundred, until the five hundred runes disappeared, almost feeding the Dragon Slaying Sword, and at the same time, a dragon chant was completely aroused from the Dragon Slaying Sword .

"Why did this Dragon Slaying Sword turn into a high-grade spiritual tool?" Lu Yang felt a little strange when the Dragon Slaying Sword absorbed the flame rune, but what surprised him now was that the Dragon Slaying Sword seemed to be able to absorb There were more flame runes, and there was even a dragon chant.

"Could it really be able to kill dragons in the past?" Seeing the power erupting from the dragon-slaying sword, Lu Yang felt a little emotional, and chopped off the dragon-slaying sword in his hand.


This sword was no longer an ordinary move, but turned into a fire dragon that went straight to the lightning dragon.

However, unlike Du Feng, his lightning dragon had no dragon soul, it was just an empty shell, while the flame dragon released by Lu Yang had a dragon soul.

What is a dragon soul? It is the spirit of a dragon, so the power of these small dragons is completely different.


When a flame dragon with a dragon soul meets a lightning dragon without a soul, the consequences are self-evident. The Flaming Dragon devoured the Lightning Dragon directly, and then it shot directly at Du Feng's body without diminishing.


The flame dragon directly plunged into Du Feng's body, and before Du Feng had time to resist, half of his body was swallowed by the flame dragon, and he didn't even struggle to save him from death.

Immediately afterwards, the flame dragon did not hesitate, and directly held the high-grade spiritual weapon in its mouth, turned around and returned to the dragon sword, and then heard a click, it turned out that the dragon sword was broken, and a zinc sword with the shape of a fire dragon was printed on it. The dragon sword appeared in Lu Yang's hand.

"Junior brother Du Feng is dead? He was killed by that man!" Seeing Du Feng being killed so easily by others, the other nine yellow rank beast masters all looked at Lu Yang with incredulous eyes, of course they were even more frightened It was the Xuanjie Beast Master who led the team.

Seeing that Du Feng was at a disadvantage, he was ready to help. Unfortunately, before he had time to help, Du Feng had already been killed by Lu Yang. With all the consequences he endured, Lu Yang has become a must-kill in his eyes.

"This person is really abominable. He even used such a despicable method to kill Junior Brother Du Feng, so don't blame us for being rude. Come on, kill him, and I will go back to celebrate your achievements. At the same time, all your losses will be counted on me." On the head!" The Xuan-rank beast master finally lost his composure.

"Okay, with the elder's words, we will know what to do!" After speaking, the nine yellow rank beast masters summoned their yellow rank beasts to kill Lu Yang at the same time.

"Hmph, you are just a bunch of cannon fodder, die!" What happened just now was just like lightning, and even Lu Yang didn't expect that the Dragon Slaying Sword would have such power. If he didn't care, because he was about to The purpose of the attack was to kill all these yellow-rank beast masters, and it happened that he could use this to test his current real strength.

At this moment, the six perfunctory eyes of the Flaming Golden King also appeared on Lu Yang's forehead. There was a symbol of a flame rune in each of these compound eyes. He didn't think these symbols

It was just a display, so when these yellow rank beast masters rushed up, not only did he not take any action, but he looked at these yellow rank beast masters expectantly.

Lu Yang's behavior stunned the beast master of the Xuan rank, as if he had seen something hellish.

Then he thought suspiciously, "Could it be that this young man has something to do later, otherwise, so many yellow rank beast masters attack him together, isn't he afraid of death? What's more, all these yellow rank beast masters are still A genius among the big family!"

Although the beast master of the Xuan rank was not optimistic about Lu Yang, he didn't think Lu Yang was a fool, otherwise, how could he have such a high talent, so he didn't rush up with the other beast masters of the yellow rank, but in front of him. He seemed to be watching the excitement from behind, and was always ready to attack Lu Yang.

"Fire Wheel Eye!" Just when these yellow-ranked beastmasters were only a dozen meters away from Lu Yang, and according to the speed of these yellow-ranked beastmasters, they could rush up without even taking a breath, suddenly there were six A flame burst out from Lu Yang's forehead. The speed of these six fireballs was extremely fast, and these yellow beast masters were hit by the fireballs before they could dodge in time.


The flames flashed, and the bodies of the six beast masters burned instantly like dry sticks without roots. The clothes and flesh on their bodies shrank instantly, and at the same time, the smell of burnt flesh also permeated instantly.

These yellow rank beast masters have all realized the existence of runes. Although they are not so tyrannical enough to become rune masters, they are not something ordinary Xuan rank beast masters can kill. But now they are blinking in front of Lu Yang. It was killed in seconds, something like this has never happened before.

The six yellow rank beast masters in front were engulfed in flames in the blink of an eye. Such a thing can almost be said to be hell.

It's a pity that the six yellow-ranked beast masters in front died too quickly, even too suddenly, and the four yellow-ranked beast masters who had been following them were about to run away before they could make a move. This kind of contrast was not for everyone. can bear.

Just when they were about to escape, another six flames burst out from Lu Yang's forehead, two of which were aimed at the Xuan-rank beast master, and the other four were aimed at Huang Jieyu. beast master.


In the blink of an eye, the bodies of four more yellow-ranked beast masters were swallowed, and finally turned into a pile of dust, and the black-ranked beast master only wanted to escape now.

"It's late!" Although Lu Yang was startled by his own flames, his movements did not slow down in the slightest. Instead, he chased after the Xuan-rank beast master at a faster speed.

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