The Strongest Beast Guarding System

Three hundred and fortieth nine chapters have advanced

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Three hundred and fortieth nine chapters have advanced

"No, I'm not reconciled!" If this Xuan-rank beast master wanted to fight Lu Yang to the death, then Lu Yang might not be able to kill this Xuan-rank beast master so easily, but now among them Du Feng, who has the strongest combat power, is dead, and the others are almost useless.

Of course, you can't blame them for this. After all, even that elder is included, they are all the best in the family, and they are the pride of heaven. Let them enter this mighty tomb this time, just to train them.

It's a pity that those big figures of the Heavenly Beast Sect can't be counted no matter how hard they are. There is actually a more ruthless freak in this secret realm, and this formation is not to spread them to one place, but to disperse them. They were scattered to several places, otherwise, they would not have died so miserably.

"Not reconciled? When you were bullied by many people just now, why are you so unwilling to be reconciled to me, die to me!" The two fireballs may not be able to easily kill the beast master of the Xuan rank, but then Lu Yang The following punch indeed completely exploded the body of this mysterious beast master.

"Master, quickly put the corpses of these people into the pet space. Now their bodies have been completely combined with the pets, so the beast control system can also treat them as fierce beasts. Although they cannot fight, they can become pets. Successful experience will allow all your yellow-rank beasts to be promoted, and even this yellow-rank beast that has comprehended the flame rune can get many benefits." Xiaomei racked her brains to help Lu Yang, and now She even researched some new functions, and this is the new function she developed by using the loopholes in the beast control system.

"Okay!" Lu Yang nodded, and immediately put the bodies of these beast masters into the pet space. Under Xiaomei's operation, these beast masters turned into light spots and entered the beast master system in an instant .

The blue-feathered bird king was promoted to the yellow-rank beast, and changed his name to Tianshui Divine Bird.

"Battle pet: Tianshui Bird King."

"Attribute: soft water."

"Level: Yellow rank fierce beast."

"Bloodline: Lord-level (less than one-tenth of holy-level bloodline)."

"Genius supernatural power: Water mist is all over the sky, can release a large amount of water mist, and condense the water mist into one, killing the enemy."

The three hellhounds were promoted to the yellow rank of beasts and changed their name to the Dark Dog King.

"Battle Pet: Dark Dog King."

"Attribute: darkness."

"Level: Lord level (less than one-tenth of holy bloodline)."

"Innate supernatural power: Tongtian Hell, can release a gate leading to hell, and countless evil things rush out of the gate."

The King of Snakes and Tigers was promoted to the level of a mysterious beast.

"Battle Pet: King Snake and Tiger."

"Attributes: flame, soft water, darkness."

"Level: Mysterious beast."

"Bloodline: Lord-level (less than two-tenths of holy-level bloodline)."

"Innate supernatural power: devouring vortex, can absorb a certain degree of attack, and even transform it into its own attack power."

The King of Flame Jinyan was promoted to the rank of Yellow Beast and changed his name to Ancient Fierce Beast.

"Battle Pet: Ancient Fiend."

"Attribute: flame."

"Level: Mysterious beast."

"Bloodline: Lord-level (less than one-tenth of holy-level bloodline)."

"Genius supernatural power: sky-reaching sea of ​​fire, can release boundless sea of ​​fire, with infinite power."

At this point, the system prompt tone ended.

Not to mention those beasts who have been with Lu Yang for a long time, even Lu Yang couldn't help but feel ecstatic when he saw these numbers.

At the same time, at this moment, he felt that his own strength seemed to have been promoted.

At the same time, the Xuan-rank beast master in the storage space has also disappeared.

"Host: Lu Yang (Xuan Rank Beast Master)."

"Beast Mastery: Intermediate (star rating: 9 stars)."

"Physical strength: 790,000 catties."

"Life: 17/500.

"Battle Pets: Ancient Fiend, Snake and Tiger King, Sky Demon, Darkness Devouring Beast, Three-Eyed Turtle King, Sky Water Bird King, Dark Dog King..."

"Skills: Fusion (Level 1: Lv10; Level 2: Lv6; Level 3: Lv5.), Human-Beast Unity (LV1)."

"Talented supernatural powers: mist filled the sky (overlord level). Heaven-reaching hell (overlord level). Devouring vortex (overlord level). Sky-reaching sea of ​​fire (overlord level)..."

"Pet package: two hundred squares."

"What, it's so awesome!" Lu Yang felt that his whole body was full of strength, and Lu Yang never dreamed that he would become so powerful.

It seems that this beast control system is infinitely more powerful than what I thought.

"Okay, I like it!" As Lu Yang's strength improved, the power he could feel became more and more abundant, and there was even an extremely powerful force that came from the bottom of his heart, which was the result of his mental strength becoming stronger. sign.

If it was said that he couldn't see through the scene below the endless cliff in the past, but after he was promoted, the scene below the endless cliff became clear at a glance.

"Only more than a thousand meters?" Lu Yang stood on the edge of the cliff and looked, and found that the cliff was only one thousand meters long, but there were at least thousands of corpses piled up below, and there were even bones of beast masters of the Xuan rank among them. And the bones of the beast masters of the yellow rank are countless, and even the powerful aura faintly stealing from the bones of some of the beast masters of the black rank almost made him feel ashamed.

I felt a burst of suffocation.

This made Lu Yang suddenly feel numb all over.

"It seems that there are people beyond people, and there is a sky beyond the sky. This sentence is really true!" After disposing of the wreckage here, Lu Yang continued to walk towards the depths of the tomb.

Because Lu Yang could feel that there was more than one place where runes were inherited. Perhaps there are more surprises elsewhere.

Not long after Lu Yang disappeared, the fire bird that had been chasing Lu Yang appeared here out of thin air.

"Huh? I clearly felt that kid appeared here, why did he disappear so soon? But it doesn't matter, let's see how long you can hide!" Firebird leaped forward, as if his body was drifting Go out a few kilometers in an instant.

Soon she came to a fork in the road, "Let me see which way to go!"

Firebird hesitated for a moment, but still chose a path.

At this moment, Lu Yang has already entered the first road.

"There is a breath of dark runes here. Now I have mastered three basic runes and one special rune. It seems that it is not enough. If I can also master a special rune. It is not a loss to come here this time. !” The more Lu Yang thought about it, the more excited he became.

If he is like this, it will definitely be pissed off for others to hear.

You must know that there are only three almighty rune masters in the entire human race. Now these three powerful existences are all in the ancestral city, and each of them is powerful. If you stomp your foot on the ground, I am afraid that the entire Dongzhou City will be flattened. of.

But in Lu Yang's place, it's just a very normal thing.

"What's that?" Lu Yang walked along this passage, finally left the passage, and saw a large black starry sky in front of him.

Under the black starry sky, there was another black river, and at this moment, a black python slowly poked its head out of the river.

It didn't seem to see Lu Yang. After leaving the water, it quickly entered the black river again, and then disappeared without a trace.

At this time, some yellow-rank beast masters came out from the side, and the strongest among them was a black-rank beast master.

"I didn't expect there to be such a powerful mysterious monster here. If the elders hadn't discovered it quickly, I'm afraid we would be in danger!" After the yellow-rank beasts appeared, they all sighed secretly, except for the mysterious beast. Jie Beastmaster seems to be a normal person.

"What is this? Isn't the old man experiencing too many dangers? If I didn't take you with me, I'm afraid even if I lost, I would have to fight this mysterious monster. Maybe I could have some adventures." Having said that, the elder couldn't help sighing.

"Yes, yes, the elder is invincible!" These yellow rank beast masters immediately flattered.

These yellow rank beast masters are different from those big family disciples. Although they have some potential, they are only from some small families. Naturally, they dare not offend the elders, which makes the elders even more rampant.

"It's ridiculous!" But at this moment, a sneer came from not far away.

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