The Strongest Beast Guarding System

Chapter 353 Blood Suppression

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Chapter 353 Blood Suppression

The Snake Tiger King is not an idiot. It was Lu Yang who saved it from dying when it fought to the death with the Dragon Horned Chicken King. So to a certain extent, Lu Yang is still its lifesaver, and it also It's not a member of the boring beast family. It has to fight to the death with the human race. As long as it can really grow up, it doesn't matter who it is as a battle pet.

What's more, there are ancient inheritances in its body. Through these inheritances, it has seen that the ancient human race once fought against wild beasts. Even if their ancestors, the real white tiger and green dragon are incomparable in strength, that's why it plans to have Follow this human beast master.

Of course, if this human beast master is really that kind of person with average potential, he will probably find a chance to leave his useless master at any time, and then the world will be brighter and he will be free.

To put it bluntly, the true blood of these ancient fierce beasts is far more loyal than the rising stars of these fierce beasts, and at the same time has more affection for the ancient human race.

It's just that it's not so easy for Lu Yang to know these things. He just knows that the current king of snakes and tigers has really become his pet in battle and can be driven by him.

"Hahaha, boy, I didn't expect your strength to reach the mysterious level so quickly. But it doesn't matter, even if your strength reaches this level, you are destined to be no match for me, and you may even be crushed at any time. Come on Come on, I'll let you see what the real strength is today!" Saying that, the fire bird immediately turned into the body of the red-singing phoenix bird, and in an instant a descendant of the phoenix bird tens of meters high and hundreds of meters long appeared in the In front of Lu Yang.

But even though her strength has reached the Xuan level, the blood power in her body is still less than half of that of the King Snake and Tiger, which made the King Snake and Tiger who was a little surprised suddenly show a contemptuous expression.

"Hahaha, what did I think you were? It turned out to be a descendant of the red songbird. I advise you to give up resistance and become the master's pet, so that you can get more blood power. Otherwise, I'm afraid you It is impossible to reach the earth level in a lifetime." The Snake Tiger King immediately displayed his blood power without saying a word.

The Snake Tiger King is the descendant of the White Tiger and Xuanwu, and even has some shadows of dragons in its body, but it is a pity that the blood power in its body is still not very strong, but it is more than twice as powerful as the Firebird, In the future, let alone becoming an earth-level beast, even becoming a heavenly beast is still possible.

But the premise is that it has to stay by the side of someone with great luck, and now for it, Lu Yang is such an existence. Now it has released its own bloodline experience. Although it cannot cause substantial damage to the fire bird, it can suppress the fire bird to a certain extent.


Sure enough, after King Snake and Tiger released his aura, Fireniao was caught off guard, and was directly suppressed by this powerful blood force, and fell headlong to the ground.

This kind of pain is not the kind of pain in the body, but the kind of fear deep in the soul.


As the fire bird fell, a large flame swept back from her body, and immediately burned the plants below the yellow rank that wanted to attack her to ashes, and at the same time, a large number of flames were still brewing in its body among.

At first, Huo Niao thought that she was being controlled by that big man, but after thinking about it carefully, it was not the coercion of the human race, but the suppression of the blood, so she turned her eyes to the king of snakes and tigers beside Lu Yang.

At this moment, the Snake and Tiger King is as tall as a hundred meters, and its body is several hundred meters long. Even at such a large size, the aura of the Snake and Tiger King is still not weak at all, but can still suppress it firmly. She, this is the power of blood.

But Firebird is not a fledgling little guy after all, she hasn't experienced any big storms. It's just that the ship capsized in the gutter today, which made the fire bird very angry. After she knew the reason, the flame power in her whole body burst out instantly, and a shocking wave of fire rushed towards the body of the snake and tiger king in an instant.

"Damn it, what kind of bastard are you? How dare you play tricks in front of my old lady. I think you're really impatient. If that's the case, then you're going to die!" Not only did Xing not slow down, but he rushed towards the Snake Tiger King at an even faster speed.

This made the Snake Tiger King a little angry.

Even though Firebird is a mysterious monster, but her bloodline strength is too weak, and the King Snake and Tiger was also promoted to a mysterious beast thanks to Lu Yang's blessing. With the power of his bloodline, the King Snake and Tiger didn't believe that he couldn't defeat such a junior, so when the Firebird rushed towards it, the King Snake and Tiger also rushed towards it at the same speed.

At the same time, a huge round shield condensed with soft water runes also appeared in front of it. But this is not an ordinary round shield, but the phantom of a flood dragon.

With a sound of "Boom", the fire wave slapped on the phantom of the dragon, but it did not shatter the dragon, but the body of the fire bird had already rushed up, and the phantom of the dragon was completely smashed with the appearance of its body , and the body of the King Snake and Tiger has also appeared beside the fire bird.

"I didn't expect it to be a hybrid of a white tiger and Xuanwu. I thought you were something!" The fire bird flapped its wings, and a wave of fire slammed at the snake and tiger king head-on, but the real target she wanted to attack was Lu Lu beside him. foreign.

"Hmph, I'm really overwhelmed!" Seeing the flames slapping towards Lu Yang, the ancient ferocious dragon suddenly laughed, and it opened its mouth and swallowed violently. The flames seemed to have entered a bottomless pit, and they disappeared in an instant. disappeared without a trace


This made the fire bird slightly taken aback, and flapped its wings again to rush towards the snake and tiger king.


Although the Snake Tiger King's bloodline is stronger than that of the Firebird, it is a low-level mysterious beast after all. Once the two really fight, it will still suffer.

However, the Snake Tiger King was injured by the Fire Bird, and the Fire Bird didn't take advantage of it. The shock wave of the Snake Tiger King was directly sprayed into the body, and it flew directly thousands of meters away.

At this time, the ancient fierce beast speeded up and rushed up. Before the fire bird could react, it was shot at the same time by six compound eyes on the forehead of the ancient fierce beast. The six flames were like six beams of light, covering the fire bird in an instant .

All of a sudden, Firebird's body was completely trapped.

At this moment, the Snake Tiger King didn't hesitate, and came directly to Huo Niao's side, suppressing it with the power of his blood.

In the blink of an eye, Firebird felt that her body no longer belonged to her, and at the same time, her blood was getting weaker and weaker, and even her spiritual consciousness was tightly suppressed.

After about a few hours, Huo Niao unexpectedly turned into a beautiful young woman again, but now she is no longer the domineering look of the past, but looks a little sick, as if she had suffered a serious illness.

"Lu Yang, I've been caught by you now, you can kill or cut me up as you like." Huo Niao was caught by the ancient fierce beast beside Lu Yang, she fell to the ground, and said powerlessly.

"Actually, I don't have anything to do with you, but I'm curious, why are you holding on to me?" Lu Yang didn't take the opportunity to bully Huo Niao, but asked a little strangely.

"Me? Hehe, it's actually very simple. I want to get the training method of space runes from you, because I have a place that I have to go to!" Firebird said very simply.

"Oh? If you can tell me, maybe I can help you!" Lu Yang said again seeing Huo Niao's hesitation.

"You?" At this moment, Lu Yang really saw that Huo Niao really had hope for him, but that hope soon dimmed.

Indeed, she is a fierce beast, and she is also a descendant of the fierce beast family. It may not be so easy to convince her of the human race.

"It doesn't matter, since you don't believe me, then I have to force you, but now I have one more thing to ask you. If you answer me honestly, I may be able to let you go, but if you are not honest , I don't mind using some means to let you speak out yourself." Lu Yang looked as if he could see the resistance in Huo Niao's heart, and retreated to the next best thing.

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