The Strongest Beast Guarding System

Chapter 354 Sleeping for a Hundred Years

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Chapter 354 Sleeping for a Hundred Years

In fact, not to mention that Huo Niao didn't believe it, even Lu Yang didn't believe that Huo Niao would be so suppressed by the blood of the Snake and Tiger King at first. Coupled with the help of the ancient fierce beast, the fire bird was subdued so quickly.

This change far exceeded Lu Yang's expectations, but it was a good change after all.

Because Lu Yang had the aura of the owners of these plants, after Lu Yang subdued the firebird, these plants did not attack Lu Yang anymore, but let him walk towards the depths of the cave.

However, the further he went to the depths of the cave, Lu Yang felt the severe cold inside, but this severe cold was not the kind of cold with low temperature, but the cold felt from the depths of the soul, which made Lu Yang feel His thinking seemed to be imprisoned, and his whole person became a little dull.

"Master, this is not a good place, it is very likely to be the legendary death place!" Just as Lu Yang continued to walk along the road towards the depths of the cave, the voice of the demon suddenly appeared in my mind .

You must know that the demon has always acted in a low-key manner, unless it is absolutely necessary, it will not appear. After all, last time its original shape, Bi An, was beaten to death by Lu Yang because he instigated me to die, so now the Heavenly Demon has become much more cautious. Bi An almost has an essential difference.

However, transforming pets is a very difficult thing. Not to mention that not all pets can be transformed, but the risks involved cannot be explained clearly in a few words. If it wasn't for the fact that Bi An itself is a form of pure energy, and his physical body has been lost, leaving only his consciousness, I am afraid that it would not be so easily transformed by the beast control system.

So what the demon said now is still very credible.

"Death?" Lu Yang was taken aback when he heard what the demon said, and then asked a little strangely.

"Master, in fact, I don't know much about the place of death, but I have heard that the place of death is a place where the dead are imprisoned. However, that kind of dead person is not really dead, but to force the dead energy in his body out of his body. If I guess correctly, this tomb is actually prepared for this place of death, and those raw wood runes outside are also there to balance the death here." Tianmo seems to show his center of gravity, almost turning himself He said everything he knew, but Lu Yang still felt that he knew too little about the place of death.

But as he gradually entered the deepest part of the cave, a really huge tomb finally appeared in front of Lu Yang.

Although this tomb is only a dozen meters high, it looks like a big character standing there.

In addition, there are hundreds of iron chains around the tomb to lock the tomb. With the shaking of the hundreds of chains, the dead energy in the tomb is filled to the extreme. He could feel the bone-chilling chill inside, which made Lu Yang's consciousness tremble.

"This should be the tomb." Seeing the blackness sealed by the chains and the tomb made of unknown materials, Lu Yang really didn't know where to enter the tomb.

Just when he was hesitating, a passage slowly opened from the inside of the tomb, gradually extending into the inside of the tomb.

Without even thinking about it, Lu Yang walked into the tomb. Following the passage deep into the ground, he unexpectedly came to a huge coffin.

If the air of death outside is already very strong, it is still far worse than the air of death next to the coffin. Even Lu Yang can feel the air of death attached to the top of the coffin like maggots attached to the bones .

It's just that the coffin is too big, standing there like a small house. However, apart from dozens of chains around the coffin, there are no strong seals. On the contrary, there are hundreds of thousands of earth-level wood crystals inlaid on the top of the coffin, which is supposed to be lifeless. The coffin became a place where yin and yang were almost in harmony, which opened Lu Yang's eyes.

It's just that the coffin is powerful, and it's just a carrier. What's really powerful is the breath of death that is still seeping out of the coffin.

It can be said that even with the protection of the raw wood rune, Lu Yang still has a feeling of walking on thin ice standing here. It seems that he does not know when the raw wood rune on his body will be crushed, making him completely crushed by the death here. Qi eats away.

At this time, a familiar face appeared in front of Lu Yang, "Young man, I just wanted to give you a little test, and then send you in personally, but I didn't expect you to come in by yourself, and Subdue that crazy woman, but with my demeanor back then."

"However, I'm not that stupid mysterious monster, but an earth-level beast master. Although I used to be, the strength I have now is not something you can get your hands on."

"I actually brought you here this time because I wanted you to help me get out of here. As for what happened, there will be more fights than you can imagine." The soul of the dead looked at Lu Yang with a somewhat moved expression, showing a pure and innocent expression. A pure and seductive expression.

But these words fell into Lu Yang's ears, but they didn't mean that. For Lu Yang, he just wanted him to exchange the same thing for another.

You must know that although there are many treasures on him, the most important thing is the beast control system. Besides, how could he help the souls of the dead get out of here.

"Senior Qian, please calm down. This junior doesn't know how to help senior."

There is still a long way to go to the big coffin, but standing on the edge, Lu Yang can still feel a powerful breath of death like water waves hitting his body continuously. It seems that as long as he is not paying attention, the inside of his body will The power of the living wood rune was about to collapse, and he was invaded by the death air, turning him into a skeleton in an instant.

"Hehe, you don't believe it when you say it. But the old man knows that you are a little guy who can comprehend space runes. Once you can comprehend space runes, it is possible to fuse life runes and death runes, but the premise is that you still It is necessary to find and even supplement all the basic runes."

"The old man has lived in this world for thousands of years, so he has learned many spells, but what I am most proud of is the Celestial Eye Magic and his deduction. These are extremely powerful spells. Only when you reach the level of the earth Only when you can turn the spiritual power in your body into mana, and only with mana can you have spells."

"In order to deduce my life and death, after practicing divine calculation for hundreds of years, I finally got some superficial calculations, including that I should not die. In the end, I got the refining method of this immortal coffin. Imprison my own body and soul here. Almost a hundred years have passed, my body has long been surrounded by dead energy, but my soul does not seem to be affected in any way, this is why I The hope of true rebirth."

"And you are the one I counted who can help me. It's a pity that you still seem to lack a lot of conditions!" The soul of the dead looked at Lu Yang, as if he had seen through all the rune power he had mastered, although There is disappointment, but there is also hope in it.

After all, Lu Yang was only seventeen years old and had already become a beast master of the Xuan rank. Not everyone can possess this talent, and Lu Yang already possessed space runes, fire runes, soft water runes, and raw wood in his body. Runes, although there are quite a few missing runes, but not too many, at least it can be regarded as a glimmer of hope.

It's just that he figured out the hexagram that this young man could take him away from this place, which made the soul of the dead feel a little inexplicable.

When he was still looking at Lu Yang, Lu Yang spoke first, "Senior, please forgive me for being stupid, I don't know who you are and how to call you, otherwise I can't always call you senior."

"Well..." Hearing Lu Yang's words, the dead soul suddenly felt blushed, and didn't know what to say.

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