The Strongest Beast Guarding System

Chapter 360: Breaking into Glory City

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Chapter 360: Breaking into Glory City

As Lu Yang recognized this identity, a passage appeared in front of him, and after he walked out of the passage, eager voices appeared in front of him.

"Junior brother Lu, where have you been these few days? It's really easy for us to find!" After Lu Yang appeared, a yellow rank beast master rushed over and shouted.

"Huh? Junior brother has been promoted. No, we should call you Senior Brother Lu from now on." A disciple who was also a Huang rank Dzogchen immediately showed a pleasant expression after seeing Lu Yang's aura.

You must know that their mission this time seems to come here to practice and find their own opportunities, but in fact it is to protect the son of the Lu family, Lu Tianming. If Lu Tianming died, the others probably wouldn't be able to survive either.

"Let's go back quickly, otherwise, this place will collapse at any time." Lu Yang didn't say much, gathered his team together, and quickly found a farewell formation. This is the only one in the tomb. possibility of leaving. Originally, it was because they waited until the other teams arrived to start together.

But when they came to this formation, the originally extremely stable small world began to shake violently, and even the stable earth collapsed.

Seeing this situation, Lu Yang knew it was Zhu Zhitong's fault, and said quickly, "Everyone, this place is about to collapse, if you don't want to die, hurry up and activate the formation with me, otherwise we might all stay behind." it's here."

Hearing Lu Yang's words, the elder who led the team immediately showed a troubled expression, "Young master Lu, you don't know, in order to prevent our teams from persecuting each other, the sect separated the resources that can activate the formation in advance, so that unless There are four teams coming together at the same time, otherwise our single team would not be able to leave here."

Hearing the elder's words, the yellow rank beast masters who were following Lu Yang were dumbfounded.

Originally, I came here to look for opportunities, but who knew that not only did I not find the opportunity, but it even brought me to a dead end. This kind of luck is really not ordinary!

"What? Does Zongmen really want us to die here?"

"Yes, Elder, what items are needed to activate the formation? Let's see if everyone can gather them together. At least we don't need to be buried with other people!"

Hearing the elder's words, some yellow-ranked beast masters already had the idea of ​​escaping, and even became resentful. Some yellow-ranked beast masters even asked the elders to hand over the list of resources.

The elder also smiled wryly, and quickly read out dozens of item lists.

Hearing the elder's words, except for Lu Yang, the other nine yellow rank beast masters all started to act.

It is also fortunate that they are all disciples of the big family. Although they are not the real core of the family, it is not a problem to take out some resources.

However, they worked together for a long time, and in the end they still lacked one-third of the information. At this moment, Lu Yang raised his storage bag, and dumped all the uncompleted resources on it, even more than expected. If they made some, these yellow rank beast masters immediately looked at Lu Yang with admiration.

"The resources are ready now. According to my arrangement, you should quickly allocate these resources to the formation. It must be completed within a hundred breaths." The elder took out a simple formation diagram and began to assign it.

With a large number of people and great power, the entire formation was soon completed, and a huge space gate was finally opened by the transmission force formed by resources. Then, with the appearance of a ray of light, they were sent out by a powerful space force. In the blink of an eye, they had arrived in Yanhai City.

"This is Yanhai City?" Seeing everything here, some yellow rank beast masters immediately cheered.

It was still life and death just now, but now it is already the fragrance of birds and flowers. This kind of deficit, even Lu Yang, feels as if it has passed away.

"Everyone, listen carefully. Only our team left the secret realm this time. There must be many secrets in it. If the Suzerain asks, we will say so!" Lu Yang knew that the General League sent them into the Zhu Zhitong's tomb just wanted them to return safely from it, and now it seems that this turned out to be an extravagant wish. Even in the end, only Lu Yang's team came out, which was definitely a huge blow to the sect.

If the suzerain knew about this matter, Lei Ting must have been furious, and if their answers were wrong, the suzerain would definitely blame them.

However, Zhu Zhitong had already thought of some countermeasures for them in advance, and now Lu Yang would tell them, which immediately made these yellow rank beast masters look at Lu Yang differently.

With sufficient preparations, they were ready to go to the sect swaggeringly.

Among the entire human race, some cities are the gathering places of the human race, but there are also some cities that are completely established by some large sects, and the Heavenly Beast Sect is one of the second-level cities established with the power of the sect. main city.

It can be said that in this second-level city, there are at least one million residents who are disciples of the Heavenly Beast Sect, and every city in it is controlled by a trusted disciple of the Heavenly Beast Sect, which makes the Heavenly Beast Sect a leader in the entire second-level city. The main city has absolute control.

In addition, the Heavenly Beast Sect also handed over the positions of the three main cities below it and the lower-level cities to the families of the disciples of the sect. The status of many cities of the Heavenly Beast Sect will not be shaken.

In this way, the Heavenly Beast Sect stands out prominently in the entire Yanhai City.

Although it has become an indispensable city, even the city lord of Yanhai City will be courteous when he sees the lord of the Heavenly Beast Sect.

"Glory City is ahead, everyone, be careful. Although there is no powerful existence in Glory City, it is a third-level main city after all. The most powerful Su family in it has a deep hatred with our Heavenly Beast Sect. Although it has nothing to do with us, you have to be careful when you enter it." Qingyuan, the elder of the Heavenly Beast Sect, looked at these disciples of the Heavenly Beast Sect and said, but he dared to issue orders to these ordinary disciples, but for those who have been promoted to the Xuan rank Teacher Lu Yang did not have such courage.

So when they were advancing, this elder did not walk in the front, but followed Lu Yang very consciously, almost becoming Lu Yang's follower.

Seeing the actions of this Great Elder, the other disciples of the Heavenly Beast Sect did not have any objections. After all, the strong are respected, and if they can also be promoted to the Xuan rank beast master, they will naturally enjoy the same treatment, not to mention that Lu Yang is the son of the Lu family, and his status is inherently superior.

"Who is the person in front? I don't know that Guangdu City has been in chaos recently. Do you want to take advantage of the chaos and sneak into our Glory City?" stopped.

Although they were a little scared when they saw that the team was led by two beast masters of the Xuan rank, they still held themselves up and shouted.

"Hmph, you trash, dare to stop us? Let me tell you, we are disciples of the Heavenly Beast Sect, get the hell out of here!" Just now, Qingyuan had already warned against revealing his identity in Glory City, now that Lu Yang appeared Just telling the other party that he is a disciple of the Heavenly Beast Sect, Qing Yuan was also annoyed for a while.

But he is the son of the Lu family, and he saved all of their lives before, so even if he wanted to say something at this moment, he dared not speak out.

Qingyuan didn't dare to say anything, which didn't mean that other people didn't dare to say anything either, especially some Huang-rank beast masters who had always disliked Lu Yang seized the opportunity at this moment.

"Senior brother, didn't the elder tell you just now, we need to keep a low profile. Now you forgot the elder's words as soon as you came up. It seems that you really forgot the difference between superiority and inferiority!" The yellow rank beast master snorted coldly. .

If it wasn't in front of the beast master in Glory City, his voice would definitely be louder.

However, Lu Yang ignored it and walked directly into Glory City.

The beast master in Glory City didn't expect that Lu Yang would dare to break in, and he was about to capture Lu Yang immediately.

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