The Strongest Beast Guarding System

Chapter 361: Seeing the Unity of Man and Beast for the First Time

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Chapter 361: Seeing the Unity of Man and Beast for the First Time

It is no longer a year or two for the Sky Beast Sect to independently become a secondary main city in Yanhai City, but it has been nearly twenty years.

However, the Heavenly Beast Sect in the past was not controlled by a sect, but a third-level main city, and the Heavenly Beast Sect was just a relatively powerful sect in this third-level main city.

However, the Heavenly Beast Sect was not willing to be restricted by the City Lord, so it grew bigger and bigger, and finally had a fierce conflict with the City Lord's Mansion. In the end, the City Lord's Mansion was destroyed by the Sky Beast Sect and became the new master of the third-level main city.

Afterwards, the Heavenly Beast Sect promoted the third-level main city to the second-level main city in one go, and established an unshakable position in Yanhai City.

We must know that if the third-level main city wants to be promoted to the second-level main city, it only needs enough resources, but if the second-level main city wants to be promoted to the first-level main city, it is not enough to rely on resources alone, and it needs to have enough resources. Popularity, that is, the number of beast masters of the Xuan rank.

To be promoted from a first-level main city to a royal city, in addition to popularity and resources, it must be supported by enough second-level main cities. The troops sent by the super king city were wiped out.

After all, at the level of the royal city, they are already independent individuals, and even some small-scale wars will break out in order to compete for resources between the completion of the third season, so the number of second-level main cities under a first-level main city will determine. The probability that this first-level main city will be promoted to completion in the future.

Just like Guangdu City, it has always been in a competitive position with Yanhai City. Now that Guangdu City is occupied by an army of beasts, Yanhai City's luck will naturally increase, and the possibility of it being promoted to Wangcheng will be greater.

However, once Yanhai City is promoted to the third-level king city, it is equivalent to breaking away from the previous king city. Even other second-level king cities cannot order the city master of the third-level king city casually. It is enough to pay taxes to the city, thus becoming an independent physical force.

However, in this way, the royal city under its jurisdiction will inevitably lose a lot of resources. This approach is like cutting flesh from the royal city, so Yanhai City and the royal city where it is located have a cooperative relationship to a certain extent. There is a competitive relationship.

Now Glory City and Sky Beast Sect have a similar relationship, and what they are competing for is a spar vein between Glory City and Sky Beast Sect.

Once the Glory City occupies this mine vein, the power of the Sky Beast Sect will inevitably weaken. At that time, the Glory City may replace the Sky Beast Sect as a new secondary main city of Yanhai City.

It is precisely because of this that there are constant conflicts between Glory City and the Heavenly Beast Sect, and sometimes the Glory City will take the initiative to provoke the Heavenly Beast Sect, thereby beheading the disciples of the Heavenly Beast Sect.

Now that there are only so few of them daring to act wild in Glory City, it makes these beast masters in Glory City feel ridiculous, especially some yellow-rank beast masters behind Lu Yang almost hate Lu Yang to death.

But now Lu Yang and them are both prosperous, so when these yellow beast masters in Glory City attacked Lu Yang, his opponents had to show up to intercept these attacks.

Seeing this situation, the beast master of the Xuan rank who was in charge of guarding the city laughed wildly, "Hahaha, I didn't expect that you were not going to enter the city, but the people sent by the Heavenly Beast Sect to cause trouble. Dare to report to the city lord's mansion quickly. Just say that the Celestial Beast Sect is coming to attack our Glory City." The city guard was worried and had nothing to say, but now Lu Yang actually gave him a reason, which immediately made him overjoyed.

Seeing the yellow rank beast master leave, several yellow rank beast masters who had been following Lu Yang suddenly complained again.

But before they could speak, they were blocked by Lu Yang, "You bastards? Why do you get scared when you see people from Glory City looking for reinforcements? You're so incompetent. Why did our Heavenly Beast Sect come out like you?" An incompetent person."

"Tell you, the beast master itself is going upstream, fighting against the sky, fighting against the beasts, and fighting against yourself, so that you can achieve the supreme realm, but now you are all like wimps, how can you become a mysterious person in the future? Even if you have a chance to become a mysterious beast master, what about the earth rank? One is more difficult than the other, and the more you practice, the more difficult it is. If you can’t overcome even a little difficulty, you might as well go back to your family to find a wife and have children. !" Seeing these yellow-ranked beast masters looking downcast and bereaved, Lu Yang suddenly became angry.

All of a sudden, seven or eight yellow rank beast masters flew out like dogs killed by him. This was because he didn't use spiritual power, otherwise, these yellow rank beast masters would be blown away by him directly. .

"How is it possible? The beast master of the yellow rank just now was wearing a high-grade spirit armor. Unless he has more than 700,000 catties of divine power, it is impossible to pose any threat to him. Now he was blown away by this young man , His strength has exceeded 700,000 catties? This is still in the early stage of Xuanjie, and it seems that I am not his opponent!" The city guard who had been watching from above the city gate originally wanted to take Lu Yang down, but Seeing this situation, she finally chose to hold back.

What a joke, even if he is a beast master in the middle stage of the mysterious rank, his strength is only just over 700,000. If he is allowed to use his full strength, at most he can only defeat the beast master who passed on the high-grade spirit armor just now. Take him flying four or five meters away, instead of directly beating the beast master out of combat like Lu Yang did.

Of course, there is also a reason for this because the beast master relies too much on the armor, so his defense is insufficient.

"Yifei, I didn't expect you to cause such a big trouble on the first day defending the city. I think you are really incompetent!" After waiting for a quarter of an hour in Yifei, seeing that Lu Yang was about to enter

When the city was closed, reinforcements finally arrived.

Among the reinforcements, the first one to speak was a burly man who turned out to be a beast master of the Xuan rank.

Then four more beast masters of the Xuan rank stood in front of Lu Yang and the others, blocking the city gate in an instant.

"Guys, your Heavenly Beast Sect is too disrespectful to our Glory City. But since you have come to our Glory City to make trouble, don't blame us for sending you to the Heavenly Beast Sect to exchange for resources." Although there are a lot of Xuan-rank beast masters, there are a total of five of them. Three of them are divided into three to deal with Lu Yang and Qing Yuan, and the remaining two Xuan-rank beast masters are used to deal with other yellow-rank beast masters. The beast master is still very sure, not to mention that the Huang rank beast master will come to help soon, and it will be impossible for Lu Yang and the others to leave by then.

"Young master Lu, let's go quickly, otherwise, if we are really caught by them, it will be very difficult for us to explain to the Patriarch." Although this Xuan-level beast master is not from the Lu family, he is also closely related to the Lu family. Naturally, he didn't want Lu Yang to be caught by the people of Glory City.

But how could Lu Yang listen to what he said now.

Now that he has just been promoted to the Xuan rank, it is because he lacks someone to fight against him to let him know his own strength, and now someone is coming to his door, how could he give up this opportunity.

Hearing Qing Yuan's words, Lu Yang smiled and said, "Elder Qing Yuan, you don't have to worry, these five trash can't hurt me, you take other people to watch, wait until I put these trash After being killed, I will walk with you!"

"Hahaha, young man, you are really arrogant. Come on, let me take this kid down together!" The strongest of these mysterious-level beast masters is a mid-level existence. The soul beast he was talking about was a yellow The red-eyed black eagle has appeared above his head.

You must know that after the beast master reaches the Xuan rank, he can practice a new skill called the unity of human and beast.

The so-called unity of man and beast means that the beast master can combine his potential with the beast as much as possible, and become the beast master's own instinct. Even some tyrannical rune masters can use the powerful body of the beast to summon More powerful rune power to achieve the effect of breaking through the limits of the body.

And the rune power comprehended by this Xuan-rank beast master happened to be the flame rune, and he was the most difficult character among all Xuan-rank beast masters.

As soon as he appeared, he merged with his fierce beast and came straight to Lu Yang.

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