The Strongest Beast Guarding System

Chapter 396 Entering the Royal City

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Chapter 396 Entering the Royal City


While Lu Yang was chatting with Zhu Zhitong, suddenly an extremely powerful force came out from the depths of the token given to him by the witch envoy. After feeling this energy fluctuation, Zhu Zhitong quickly entered into Lu Yang's mind and hid it, and Lu Yang also took the token into his hands.

Soon, a powerful space force tore a long crack in the space around him. As a large piece of space runes spun out, Lu Yang felt his body suddenly suspended in the air, and was pulled into the space. In an endless void.

This feeling flashed in Lu Yang's mind, and then he appeared in another world.

"Master Witcher?" Lu Yang is not an idiot, there is no one who can call him through this token except the Witcher.

"Hmph, I didn't expect you to get the approval of that old man Jin Tianbing so quickly. He even suppressed his other two sons at all costs for you. You are really good!" It was gloomy, and Lu Yang felt panicked when he heard it.

However, Lu Yang knew very well in his heart that he would not do anything to him when the witch envoy needed him, so he suppressed his unhappiness and said, "Master witch envoy, I just follow your lord's instructions. Order to do things, all the credit should be properly arranged by the adults, so that I can save myself from danger several times."

"Very good, what you said is right. You don't have to worry. Because you completed the task well and even got the opportunity I prepared, I should reward you. Here is a demon heart stone. It is my reward for you .”

"This Demon Heart Stone has a great effect, the most important thing is that it can restrain the Black Demon Bracers. In addition, it can also allow you to have a special function to conceal your identity, and even make you a completely different person. But this magic weapon has a shortcoming, that is, after one change, it takes another day to change for the second time.”

"My task for you this time is to let you enter the Wanying Devil's Nest and steal something from me. Here is the information about that thing. I hope you don't let me down. Let's go!" The witch envoy gave Lu Yang a letter letter, and sent him back to the territory of the Jin family.

During this period, Lu Yang was hardly given any chance to speak. If the witch envoy really wanted to kill Lu Yang, it would be an easy task.

"It seems that I'm still too weak." Recalling the series of encounters just now, Lu Yang was also in a cold sweat.

But instead of complaining about himself, he became more careful.

After all, he was caught in the middle of three powerful forces. Although the danger in it might bring him down at any time, it might also give him a chance to rise up. The benefits are absolutely self-evident.

In this way, Lu Yang felt that he should cherish this opportunity even more.

"Okay, it's the best if you can think this way. Only in this way can you gain a chance of survival after entering the Wanying Devil's Nest. But now let's see what the witch envoy asks you to do!" Zhu Zhitong sighed slightly After a few words, he urged.

"Okay!" Hearing Zhu Zhitong's words, Lu Yang opened the envelope and saw the contents inside.

"What, he asked me to take this thing?" Seeing the contents inside, not to mention Lu Yang, even Zhu Zhitong was stunned by the witch envoy's attempt.

It seems that there are demons in the Jin family, and the witch envoy has already figured it out, and even started to deploy them. Otherwise, the contents of this envelope would not be believed as planned, even from this letter. Lu Yang could feel that the beast clan not only sent elites to infiltrate the human race, but even the demon clan was infiltrated by them.

It can be seen that this time the ferocious beast clan is bound to win this continent.

"It seems that the ferocious beasts not only attack the human race, but even the demon family has not been able to escape its clutches, but that's good. Anyway, they bite the dog, and we humans can just wait for work at ease." Zhu Zhitong's eyes flickered fiercely. , seems to think of the last time it was seriously injured.

After this letter was read by Lu Yang once, it disappeared. Lu Yang didn't make any fuss about the witch envoy's method. For him, the only things he needs these days are cultivation and the power of quantitative runes.

Because of Jin Tianbing's protection, Lu Yang did not appear in any danger in the next few days.

Almost ten days passed in a flash, and the time to enter the Wanying Demon Nest was finally approaching. Finally, Jin Tianbing sent someone to take Lu Yang into his study.

This time, there was a middle-aged man standing beside Jin Tianbing, but from the imposing manner hidden in this middle-aged man's body, he might have reached the ground level.

It was just because the aura in his body was hidden too deeply, so Lu Yang couldn't see through the opponent's true strength for a while.

"Wan Shan, only you are qualified to enter that place in our Jin family this time, so you must perform well and give our Jin family a good reputation. This is a priest of my Jin family. In the future, you will enter Wanying Demon Nest, he will also follow you to protect you."

"Come on, Jin Shiqian, get to know Wan Shan." Jin Tianbing pointed to Lu Yang and said.

"Young master, I will be your entourage from now on. If you have anything to do, just talk to me. We will take the flying battle pet to the royal city in a while. I hope you can adjust your state as soon as possible." Jin Shiqian looked at Looking at Lu Yang, he said very bluntly.

"Thank you

Seniors give pointers. "Lu Yang nodded, but didn't say anything.

It's just that she didn't expect Jin Tianbing to be able to mobilize a presumably low-level beast master to serve as her bodyguard. It seemed that, as Zhu Zhitong said, the demon clan had really paid a heavy price on her.

"Okay, now that you've gotten to know each other, you can set off!" Under the help of Jin Tianbing, Lu Yang and Jin Shiqian chatted a lot, and finally it was time to set off.

Following the farewell of Jin Tianbing and a group of elders, they came to a flying battle pet.

Although this flying battle pet is not big, it will be more than ten meters long by then. If Lu Yang and Jin Shiqian are just sitting on it, it will be considered spacious.

As Lu Yang and Jin Shiqian stepped onto the battle pet, the elders on the ground also retreated one after another. After Jin Shiqian bid farewell to Jin Tianbing, the whole flying battle pet flew up at once, and as it got more and more The faster the speed, the whole pet quickly rushed into the sky.

"I didn't expect you kid to be able to enter the Wanying Devil's Nest!" When the pet entered the clouds, Jin Shiqian looked at Lu Yang and said very coldly.

"Senior, junior don't know what you mean." Hearing Jin Shiqian's words, Lu Yang frowned and said in displeasure.

Indeed, according to intelligence, he had no news about this man at all, and the other party suddenly said such a sentence, which immediately made him feel a little unbelievable.

"Hmph, kid, don't play tricks on me. I'll have plenty of ways for you to explain to me, but now you still have some uses." After Jin Shiqian said this, he concentrated on driving this flying battle pet.

In less than a day, they arrived in the city of Zhujian King.

This royal city is a second-tier royal city, and there are almost countless yellow-rank beast masters in it, and the black-rank beast masters are just the bottom of the existence here, unless they reach the earth-rank beast masters, they can really be respected by others.

And Jin Shiqian came down from the flying battle pet, and the aura of the earth-rank beast master burst out, and directly blew over the several yellow-rank beast master servants who came to serve.

But instead of being angry, they came up to carry their luggage more attentively.

"Did you see? These people are slaves. The more fierce you are to them, the more they respect you!" Although Jin Shiqian is an ordinary king of the earth, as long as he buys the strength of a king, then in the royal city Even if he has a place, even if he is willing to sacrifice his life for the royal family, he can get an almost unimaginably high reward. This reward is definitely beyond the imagination of a mysterious beast master.

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