The Strongest Beast Guarding System

Chapter 397 Want to get away with it?

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Chapter 397 Want to get away with it?

However, generally at the level of an earth-level beast master, one would either establish one's own family, or become the supreme elder of a certain force or family. In short, not many earth-level beast masters would be willing to sacrifice their lives for other forces.

Of course, it is precisely because of this that the value of an earth-level beast master is so precious.

When Lu Yang first came to Wangcheng, what surprised him most was not the steel carriages running fast above the ground, and those puppets who could move and work independently, but the many houses floating in mid-air, and Lu Yang It can be felt that in this royal city, the higher the residence is, the more aura it can gather, so much so that the castle at the highest point can almost be called a royal palace.

"Boy, what are you looking at? With your qualifications, it is still too difficult to enter the palace." Seeing Lu Yang's gaze, Jin Shiqian said with great disdain.

In his opinion, the current Lu Yang is at best a young man who is very likely to become an earth-level beast master in the future, but this is only a very likely situation after all.

You must know that he was promoted to the level of the beast master, and he has seen too many geniuses who are more talented than him, but most of these geniuses are in ignorance and arrogance, so he doesn't hold too much towards Lu Yang hope.

"Please, both of you, our master is already waiting for you inside!" After taking the flying pet away, a receptionist of a mysterious beast master appeared in front of them.

If it was just Lu Yang, this mysterious beast master would definitely not be so polite. But in front of Jin Shiqian, he has no ability to resist at all, let alone let him speak loudly in front of Jin Shiqian now, I am afraid that if he walks a little faster, he will sweat nervously.

This is a bullying world. As an earth-level beast master, he is qualified to execute those Xuan-level beast masters who dare to offend him.

The two followed the reception, and after walking for a while, they came to a bamboo forest.

Of course, this is not a real bamboo forest, but an illusory world that can only be constructed with formations, but it can make people stand in it, unable to distinguish between real and fake.

"Senior, I've brought someone to you!" Walking into the study, Jin Shiqian carefully stood in front of an old man, and said very respectfully.

After speaking, he turned his head and glared at Lu Yang, as if he was worried that Lu Yang's wrong words would hurt him.

Lu Yang sneered in his heart, but he still said, "The junior pays respects to the senior."

"You are the young man Jin Tianbing recommended to me? It's not bad. Jin Shiqian, take him away and protect him in the Wanying Devil's Nest. Let's go!" After finishing speaking, the old man just nodded. Nodding his head, he didn't say anything more.

If it was someone else, who said a hundred words, and the other party only responded a few times casually, he would definitely be pissed off, besides, this person is an earth-level beast master.

But in front of this old man, Jin Shiqian didn't even dare to fart, which shows that the strength of this old man has far surpassed him.

After leaving the old man's study, Lu Yang hurriedly asked about the old man's background, just as Jin Shiqian wanted to say something, he just gave Lu Yang a glance and said, "Don't think I don't know how you came here, tell you, you give Let me be honest, otherwise, no one will be able to keep you!"

Hearing Jin Shiqian's words, Lu Yang felt even more strange, because this was not the first time Jin Shiqian said such words along the way. It's just why he has such a big resentment towards himself out of thin air?

After leaving the study room of the old man, the receptionist of the Xuanjie Beast Master took them to an extremely quiet courtyard, and confessed, "You two, you should rest here first. If the lord has anything to do, I will come as soon as possible." Notified you."

"Lord?" Lu Yang was slightly taken aback when he heard the words of the Xuanjie beast master.

"Hmph, you ignorant guy, the king's lord is actually the city lord of the king's city, but the king's lord represents all the cities within his jurisdiction, and the city's lord only has the power to manage the king's city." Lu Yang's ignorance, Jin Shiqian said helplessly.

"I didn't expect that there are so many details here! Since this is the case, let's wait." Anyway, Lu Yang had plenty of time, so he found a convenient place to start practicing.

On the one hand, his current practice is to run the exercises to absorb the aura of heaven and earth, and on the other hand, he is also constantly practicing the means of using rune power in his mind. In short, through this series of things, Lu Yang can feel that if he enters the In the Wanying Demon Nest, let alone him, even a ground-level master like Jin Shiqian may not have the ability to survive, let alone him.

However, according to the information provided by Jin Tianbing, there are at least tens of thousands of people who have entered the Wanying Demon Nest this time, and the disciples of these big families have only entered it to practice. Beastmasters, there may even be Heavenly Beastmasters participating in the battle.

At that time, Lu Yang might be able to see the spectacular scene of the heaven-rank beast master and the heaven-rank battle pet joining forces.

But here in Lu Yang, it seems that there are no more good choices.

"Hey, is there anyone in this courtyard?" Not long after they entered the courtyard, bursts of extremely arrogant voices came from outside.

"Who is making the noise here!" Although Jin Shiqian's attitude towards Lu Yang is not very good, but once outsiders are involved, he will definitely not be polite.

"Go away, you are just a slave, there is no place for you to speak here!" Hearing Jin Shiqian's words, the voice did not hold back at all,

Instead, he became more and more arrogant.

"I'm a slave? I think you really want to die!" Jin Shiqian has been promoted to the earth-level beast master for so many years, and no one dares to speak to him like that, which makes him very annoyed. Hit the whole pompous disciple who talks.

Who knew he hadn't made a move yet, on the other side, a more powerful earth-level beast master stopped Jin Shiqian.

"I just said, you are just a slave. I want to find your master two tricks today to have fun. Come out, you can't hide if you want to." Lu Yang couldn't see it. , when he came out, he saw an unattractive young man standing in front of him.

"What are you looking at, bastard, I am the son of the Duan family in the middle of this completion. This time you and I entered the Wanying Devil's Nest as a team. I want to personally test your strength. If you are strong, then congratulations!" , I will give you a lot of resources to hire you and become my thug."

"However, if your strength is too weak, get the hell out of me as soon as possible. I don't want to be killed by pig teammates like you! By the way, my name is Wang Dawei, you dare to compete with me!" Wang Dawei is also a yellow rank Dzogchen Beast Master, naturally has the confidence to fight Lu Yang, and he is very confident in his own strength.

"A contest is a contest. Go ahead!" Lu Yang looked at Wang Dawei and sighed helplessly, thinking that what Wang Dawei did was making a big deal out of a molehill.

Or maybe he was idle and wanted to pick something out on purpose?

"Hmph, how dare you underestimate me?" Seeing that Lu Yang didn't take himself seriously at all, Wang Dawei was filled with killing intent.

It is true that he came here to test and teach Lu Yang a lesson, but only his strength is false.

He is not a yellow rank beast master, but a black rank beast master.

"Hey, a yellow rank beast master dares to fight with me, I really don't want to live, see why I don't teach you a lesson!" Wang Dawei seemed to have thought that he would torture Lu Yang to death for a while.

But just when he was about to make a move, Lu Yang appeared on the side of his body like a ghost, and couldn't help saying, "If I'm not wrong, there must be some magic weapon on you that makes you look like you are only yellow. The level is perfect, but it is actually a mysterious level. How about it, I guessed it."

"If you don't want to lose the quota, you'd better be honest with me, otherwise, I will definitely tell the lord about it, and the quota you finally obtained will be obediently gone!" Lu Yang said in a very serious tone. It seemed that he was not worried about Wang Dawei's retaliation at all.

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