The Strongest Beast Guarding System

Chapter 521 Church Guardian

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Chapter 521 Church Guardian

"Hehe, I didn't expect that I got more Beast God Pills than others. Who should I give it to this time? Hehehe... I think the little girl next door is very nice. If I can give her the Beast God Pill , maybe I can roll on the bed a few times this time, and she will listen to me at that time. Hahaha..." The purple masked man felt extremely excited when he thought that he could do many things with the Beast God Pill.

But even if you are excited, so what, the task must be completed.

"Huh, that's a good idea, but it's a pity you met me!" Lu Yang knocked out the purple mask as soon as he reached out, put it in his storage space, and soon came to an inn, and locked the door tightly. Closing and setting up the formation, Lu Yang grabbed the purple masked man out of the storage space.

"Xiaomei brainwashed him!" Lu Yang put his hands on the head of the purple masked man, and quickly got a lot of information. Although doing so would make the purple-masked man an idiot, but this purple-masked man is so cruel and innocent, even if he becomes an idiot, it is his own fault.

"Huh?" As a lot of information entered Lu Yang's mind, he felt that this evil god sect was definitely similar to the pyramid schemes in his previous life. At that time, he would bury this person directly, and then cultivate his own loyalists.

And this purple mask is pretty good among all the masked people.

"Very well, I want your identity, but how to implement this plan, I have to think about it." Lu Yang directly hung up the purple masked man and replaced his identity.

You must know that this is a core organization of the Cult of the Evil God in a first-tier city. The members here are all the strength of the mysterious-level beast masters, and even the strength of the golden mask has reached the ground-level beast masters.

As long as he can follow the vine, he can use the identity of the purple mask to catch the root of the cult. At that time, all the information about the cult will appear in his list.

For now, Lu Yang only knows that the Cult of the Cthulhu was established to help the fierce beasts occupy the continent of the human race, but now as he understands the army of beasts, he feels more and more that the Cult of the Cthulhu seems to be different from the orthodox Cult of the Cthulhu The army seems to be somewhat different, as for where the real area is, he is not very clear.

But one thing he can be sure of is that the evil god enshrined by the Blood God Sect is definitely not the real leader of the beast clan, because the real leader of the beast clan should be the holy beast in the ancestor beast cave, not the evil god, so Lu Yang wants this time What the man in the purple mask does is to enter the interior of the Blood God Cult to find out what is the relationship between the Cult of the Cthulhu and the army of beasts, whether they use each other, or are they in one mind, or even hostile.

After thinking about it, Lu Yang still put the mask on his face.

The mask was just right for him.

However, Lu Yang was not in a hurry to become a purple masked person. Instead, he stayed in the inn for one night, then left the inn, changed his outfit in a secluded place, and then returned to his residence.

Although the place where he lives is relatively remote, it can be regarded as relatively high-end.

As soon as he returned to his residence, the purple-masked man took off his mask, revealing a fairly handsome face, but even though he was handsome, there was indeed a hint of evil in his eyes, which was definitely not the look a human race should have.

"Quack quack, little beauty, what are you doing here?" Seeing the neighbor's beauty watering the flowers at the door, the purple masked man stepped forward and said with a smile.

"Watering the flowers, I tell you, don't offend me, my brother is a beast master of the Xuan rank!" The little beauty glared at the purple masked man, then turned and went back to her room.

"Hehe, I have a pretty big temper, but I like it!" The purple masked man smiled and looked at the little beauty with a melancholy look on his face.

But he doesn't care, anyway, one day he can always get this little beauty, but now he still wants to go to another person's house, and there is a secret party there at the moment. The task is on the rookie.

"Participate in the envoy!" Seeing the purple masked man, several people in the room immediately stood up and bowed to him.

"Okay, this time our evil god sect finally has a new task for you. Here are five beast god pills. As long as you eat the beast god pills, you can get the reward from the gods." Said, the purple masked man took the beast god Dan took it out.

You must know that this food is addictive. After seeing the Beast God Pill, several newcomers stood up immediately. They just took the Beast God Pill, and their drug addiction is getting stronger. They must take the Beast God Pill in time to relieve pain and increase Excitement.

As for these old members, they have a lot of experience, and the purple masked people don't plan to let them die yet.

"Okay, the Beast God Pills here have God's will for you. As long as you receive the will, you will be promoted to the supreme heaven in the future. Come and eat!" The purple masked man sent out the Beast God Pills one by one. , the next step is to keep these few people, and the few old people, the purple mask will also prepare half a grain of beast god pill for them.

"Hahaha, God's will!"

"Cthulhu, our great Cthulhu, you are our master!"

After these beast masters ate the evil god order, their strength increased a lot. There was even a middle-level beast master who was successfully promoted to a senior beast master, and his strength improved a lot. Now they believed in the evil god even more.


As long as you perform well, the next release will be a better Beast God Pill. "After the purple masked man delivered the pill, he sent them away, turned around and returned to his residence.

Before returning to the room, the purple masked man took off his mask and turned into an ordinary craftsman.

Time passed quickly, and on the second day, the purple-masked man secretly left the place where he lived, then found an empty place to put on his mask, and started walking towards the place where the first riot might have occurred.

Soon he saw a middle-aged woman walking out of her home very excitedly, with a sharp knife in her pocket, and soon came to the vegetable market. Before the people around her could react, she grabbed the sharp knife and went She started committing murders everywhere, and with a scream from all over, she hung up a blood book written in the vegetable market, which said that the cult of the evil gods dominated the human race continent.

"Very good, second!"

With the end of the bloody cases, the purple masked man finally came to the previous secret room again.

Everyone gathered here, the golden masked man looked at these masked men, and finally looked at the purple masked man.

"Hehe, the one who performed the best today is the purple masked man. He has the highest rate of completing tasks for five consecutive days. This time I am going to take him to the church to receive God's reward. Here is your Beast God Pill. I hope you Be able to perform well, and strive to be rewarded by the evil god one day." The golden mask waved his hand and said to all the masked people.

"Understood, my lord!" After saying that, all the masked people nodded and left, except the purple masked man was taken away by the golden masked man, and walked towards another road.

This is not an ordinary road. There are many formations on this road to test the identity of the purple masked person. As long as each checkpoint is not passed, the purple masked person will die here.

But luckily, the man in the purple mask passed some checkpoints, which made the man in the golden mask trust him a little more.

"Remember, in the church after a while, you will see the Dharma Protector. You can answer whatever he asks you. As long as you answer correctly, the Dharma Protector will give you enough rewards. You are now at the middle stage of the Mysterious Rank. These benefits can at least Let you be promoted to the late Xuan stage. Do you know?" The golden mask said with a smile.

"Middle stage of Mysterious Rank? Thank you for your promotion!" the purple masked man hurriedly thanked.

"Okay, don't say these polite words. As long as you perform well, you will have more opportunities to be promoted in the future! Go in now." After walking for a while, a large iron gate appeared in front of him.

Can't remember the URL, you can search on Baidu: [Wanben God Station]

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