The Strongest Beast Guarding System

Chapter 522: Evil God Statue

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Chapter 522: Evil God Statue


As the door of the church was opened, a man in black appeared inside the church.

"So it's the masked man, come in, the guardian is already waiting for you inside." The man in black smiled and said after seeing them.

As soon as Lu Yang walked inside the iron gate, he saw a spacious hall. Inside the hall were rows of bookshelves, and on top of the bookshelves were stacked the teachings of various cults. This surprised Lu Yang extremely.

Because he didn't expect that there are so many teachings in this cult of evil gods, which makes people look at this cult of evil gods with admiration, but that's all.

But the only place he can enter now is this hall with bookshelves.

There are seven or eight side doors and two main doors in the hall, which lead to nowhere.

In the hall, although there is no way to experience it, Lu Yang can still feel the bursts of cold air coming from other places in the hall. These cold air entered his body, like a cold demon, which kept licking his body in the dormitory. Body.

Seeing Lu Yang pretending to be in pain, the man in the golden mask next to him smiled and said, "It's normal to be cold here, just bear with it for a while, and let the Dharma protector accept the gift for you later, and then I will give you a book of teachings to integrate into Your mind can then take you to meet the evil god."

"Evil God?" Hearing this word, Lu Yang deliberately showed fear, and of course he was more nervous.

"Hehe, the evil god loves his loyal people very much. He will give you his greatest love and let you enjoy the supreme glory." The golden masked man said to Lu Yang with a smile.

"Thank you for your promotion, my lord." Lu Yang said again.

"Hehe, it's easy to say." The man in the golden mask showed a fake smile, and no one knew what he was thinking.

"The villain joins the protector!" The man in the golden mask took Lu Yang to salute the protector.

"Okay, no need to be too polite. Is this the purple masked man you mentioned?" the guardian looked at Lu Yang and asked.

At this time, Lu Yang dared to raise his head slightly to look at the guardian.

I have to say that the whole protector is too strong. If you don’t look at it, you think it’s just an ordinary beast master, but if you really observe it face to face, you can find that he is actually a heavenly beast master, but what kind of witch is it? What about the existence?

When Lu Yang thought of the witch envoy who had helped him, he had more guesses in his heart. However, this guess is not very mature yet, so it is not convenient for him to announce these guesses.

Lu Yang just glanced at it briefly, then lowered his head.

"Yes, he is a subordinate I admire more. This time, I recommend him to the Dharma Protector. I hope the Dharma Protector can be promoted more." The golden masked man continued.

"Very good. If you nominate talents for the church, you will be qualified to become a quasi-protector. However, you still need to complete some tasks before you can be successfully promoted from the golden masked person to a quasi-protector. Are you willing?" The guardian ignored Lu Yang, but looked at the golden masked man and asked.

"This subordinate is willing to give everything to the church without hesitation!" Hearing what the guardian said, the man in the golden mask hurriedly said.

"Very well, it really makes me very happy that you can say that. Well, you follow me in the future, and I will never let you suffer. And the whole purple masked person will stay with you in the church for a few days, I I will let you go to the Dharma Protector to see it, maybe it will help you, as for you, I will go to the Golden Mask to stay for a few days." The Dharma Protector looked extremely indifferent, as if he had no emotion at all.

"Come here, bring me my scepter." The guardian winked at the golden masked man, who quickly stood aside, and then the guardian put a trap on Lu Yang's head.

"Hehehe, this is a gift for you! If you survive this assassination, you can become a golden mask man, but if you die, then the imprint in your head will erase all your memories, and you will be completely The soul flies away. Let's start!" As he spoke, the guardian injected a large number of runes into Lu Yang's mind.

It is said that this is a gift, but it is actually an extremely vicious curse. Once possessed by this curse, it will fall into a situation of eternal doom. Of course, this curse can also increase Lu Yang's strength, but this curse only increases strength for a short time. , In the long run, it is easy to die of insanity.

But Lu Yang is not afraid of them doing this at all, you must know that he has a beast control system in his body.

Although the Beast Familiar System hardly has the function of active attack, the passive attack is indeed one of the two. Even in terms of passive attack, it resists all spiritual attacks beyond one of its own realms, and this rune infusion is also one of them.

In addition, the beast control system can also imitate the situation after indoctrination, and the other party believes that Lu Yang has been injected into their mind by their curse.

After receiving the gift soon, Lu Yang's eyes were almost dazed, as if someone had hit his head a hundred times with a hammer.

"Hehe, I didn't expect this kid to have a bright future. You should train him well in the future, maybe he might actually be able to complete the task." The guardian looked at the golden masked man expressionlessly and said slightly.

"Thank you, Lord Protector!" The golden masked man pretended to be happy and said.

"Now you can follow him, leave this kid to me!" The guardian pointed to a disciple next to him and said.

"Disciple obeys!" The golden masked man nodded and followed the disciple next to him.

The son left, and the guardian took out a teaching book from the side and said to Lu Yang, "Here is the teaching, which should have been instilled in you, but your memory seems to be better than others. You can go back and read it yourself. One day You must recite it within a few days. Come with me to see Lord Evil God now!" The guardian looked at Lu Yang with an indifferent expression on his face.

As they walked out of the hall and entered a corridor, there were small formations everywhere in this corridor. Although these formations were not very powerful in attack, the warning effect was very obvious, even if it was a heavenly beast master. Here it is also impossible not to disturb any of the formations, and the guardians can pass these formations smoothly only by relying on the tokens in their hands.

"Here is the statue of the evil god. Go in. The longer you stay, the more potential you have!" Speaking of this, the guardian immediately showed a treacherous smile.

Although Lu Yang was a little surprised, he still walked into the secret room.

"Buzz, buzz, buzz..."

Before entering the secret room, Lu Yang felt dizzy in his brain. This was not pretended by him, but the real feeling in his heart. This feeling was as if a sharp knife had pierced his heart, causing the blood to flow too fast in his body and losing a lot of vitality.

"How could this be? Could it be that there is some deceit in it!" Lu Yang felt the pain all over his body as if being pierced by thousands of arrows, and suddenly he knelt on the ground.

Seeing this situation, Xiaomei was a little panicked, and Tianmo seemed to have seen something.

"That's the statue of the evil god! It's not that it's not the evil god, but the top worshiper of our demon clan, the evil-eyed demon emperor!" The demon looked at the statue and was stunned.

Fortunately, he was in Lu Yang's pet space, and because of the protection of the beast control system, he suffered very little damage, but even so, Tianmo still felt as painful as if he had been stabbed by a knife.

However, he still saw the statue clearly.

It turns out that there is only one eye on the statue of the evil-eyed demon emperor. At this moment, the eyes are filled with endless evil spirit. In this light, besides the endless devil energy, there is also a lot of evil energy permeating it. Inside, among other things, the body of the evil-eyed demon emperor has six hands, one of which is used to hold it, and there are sharp needles on the long whip, as long as it hits the person It will be able to stick all the flesh and blood on this person.

The evil-eyed demon emperor held a black wooden stick in his second hand, and on the wooden stick was engraved the appearance of exorcising demons dancing wildly. It seemed that as long as the stick moved a little, thousands of Demons swarmed out of it.

Can't remember the URL, you can search on Baidu: [Wanben God Station]

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