The Strongest Beast Guarding System

Five hundred and twentieth eighth chapter Mozu spies

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Five hundred and twentieth eighth chapter Mozu spies

Why the steward sent someone to kill him? This is easier to understand. Maybe it's because he has too many crystals in the steward, and the other party thinks that he has no ability to pay back, so he will kill the killer to get rid of the hatred in his heart.

Indeed, according to Gou Shengzi's personality, he always said very well when he borrowed money, but when he had no money to pay back, he kept begging, which was indeed a bit hateful.

Of course, Goushengzi borrowed money to improve his own strength, otherwise, he would not have been promoted to the rank of Yellow Beast Master so quickly, and he has gained a foothold in the City Lord's Mansion, even though many people like to bully him. He, but he didn't dare to do everything, as if the manager only dared to kill him when he went home to visit his relatives, instead of directly attacking the city lord's mansion.

This is the value of a yellow rank beast master to the City Lord's Mansion.

But not daring to kill is not daring to kill, but habitual insults are still acceptable, and this steward has reached the Dzogchen of Huang rank, it is definitely too easy for him to deal with the leftover son.

This is why he is so arrogant.

But it is a pity that in front of him, he is no longer the leftover of the past, but has become Lu Yang, and the situation is completely different.

"Hehe, steward, I think it makes sense for you to calculate this way, but if you calculate it this way, your interest rate is a bit too high. It has increased ten times a year, and it seems that I have already included all my previous calculations. Already?" Lu Yang looked at the steward and suddenly felt a little funny and asked.

"Quack quack, you're really smart. I just want to bully you." The steward sighed, feeling that Lu Yang was still afraid of being dealt with by him, otherwise, if he had money and dared not give it to him, he would be courting death.

But he wasn't in a hurry, anyway, as long as Lu Yang didn't leave the City Lord's Mansion, there would be plenty of opportunities to search for him.

"What's the matter? I think the account between us should be settled. You hit me at least ten times in the past, and now it's ten times more. It shouldn't be a problem for me to pay you back a hundred times." Hearing what the steward said, Lu Yang was immediately happy.

"Come here, tell him who I am!" Seeing that Lu Yang didn't take him seriously at all, the steward became angry immediately.

"You, you are the steward. He is just a servant. You can't be angry with him." As soon as the steward's words came out, a dozen servants surrounded Lu Yang. These servants of the City Lord's Mansion They are all of Huang Jie's strength, and some of them are disciples of some big families. They all want to curry favor with the stewards, and want to win some benefits for their own families.

Seeing these people, Lu Yang also found it very funny. He didn't expect so many people to come to die today.

"You son of a dog, what do you think? Are you not afraid of so many people surrounding you?" The steward pointed to Lu Yang and said with a smile.

"Am I afraid? Hahaha, it's really interesting. Why would I be afraid of an idiot like you? It's because you have a lot of people." Lu Yang said helplessly.

"Come on, kill him for me, and there will be a big red envelope afterwards." The steward felt that Gou Shengzi was becoming more and more ignorant today, so he immediately ordered his subordinates to rush forward.

Suddenly he thought that Lu Yang might belong to General Hu, and immediately added, "Everyone, don't kill him, just hit those places where no injuries can be seen. After the incident, everyone There are red envelopes."

This time the steward has spent a lot of money.

But as soon as he finished speaking, he saw a whirlwind blowing in front of him, and these few fell down without warning.

"What kind of boxing is this?" Even a person like the manager can tell that Lu Yang's boxing is different, especially his legs, which have almost reached the extreme speed.

"Steward, I'm General Hu's apprentice now, isn't it a little too reckless for you to dare to offend me now? Is there someone behind you?" Lu Yang looked at the steward, and said a little playfully.

In fact, he was able to trouble Lu Yang because of the instigation of the second wife. Of course, his own selfishness is also very serious. Otherwise, there's no need for him to block Lu Yang here.

But now it seems that Lu Yang has become General Hu's apprentice, so his status is naturally on the rise. If this is true, then he is really courting death.

"Come here!" Lu Yang ordered, and the guard who was nearby came over.

"See the general." These soldiers half-kneeled on the ground and kowtowed to Lu Yang.

These personal guards of General Hu are all the strength of the beast masters of the Xuan rank, and any one of them can beat them all.

"Put all these people in death row for me, and this steward, beat me to death, ask who instigated him to come here, and want to provoke our general's mansion, if you don't tell me, you will use the death penalty, you must Let the recruit come out!" Lu Yang continued to say to the soldiers around him.

"You son of a dog, you son of a dog, I know I was wrong, the second lady asked me to do all of this, please let me go..." Before the steward finished speaking, he was dragged down by these soldiers.

All torture and interrogation were just excuses, Lu Yang's purpose was to kill him, how could these soldiers not know.

"Hmph, for a scum like you, it's better to die sooner than later. It's unlucky for you to meet me. As for the second lady, let's see what she's talking about." Lu Yang smiled, turned around and continued walking outside the city lord's mansion .

However, he did not leave the City Lord's Mansion, he just turned around at the side door of the City Lord's Mansion, and was about to return to the City Lord's Mansion. At this moment, he suddenly saw a person in front of him dropping a piece of paper,

Lu Yang hurried over and grabbed the paper in his hands.

The note just stayed in his hand for a moment, and then disappeared without a trace. Then a map appeared in his mind. In the map, there appeared the place where the evil gods set up traps. At the same time, there were some information about The method of cracking the formation.

"I didn't expect this formation to be cracked like this. It's very good!" Lu Yang used the Beast Familiar System to do a little calculation, and soon came up with the solution to this formation. Now it's up to them to go hunting in the afternoon.

"Hehe, I should go." Lu Yang turned his fist outside and returned to the City Lord's Mansion. At this time, the second lady brought her servants to meet him face to face.

"You son of a bitch, oh, no, I should call you Hu Zhan now! Did you have anything to do when you left the house just now?" The second lady looked at Lu Yang and asked coldly.

"Second madam, I'm from the general's mansion now, and I don't seem to have anything to do with you, and I'm still a general, what qualifications do you think you have to order me, and your steward has already confessed to you , You asked him to trouble me, what? Do you think you are smart?" Hearing what the second lady said, Lu Yang said with a sneer.

"Smart? It turned out to be Hu Pianjiang. I'm really rude. Although I'm not as smart as you, I can also see that since you went home to visit your relatives, your personality has changed a lot. I don't know if you have been taught by those evil gods. Are you now? Or, you are now a member of the cult of evil spirits?" The second lady stared at Lu Yang and said without giving in.

"Hahaha, you are so bloody, I didn't expect that the second lady's speaking skills are getting stronger and stronger now. How about this, let's go to the city lord to talk about it today?" Lu Yang felt that the second lady seemed to know something, otherwise, She would never have appeared here by such a coincidence.

"Okay, let's go, let's go!" The second lady seemed to have expected that Lu Yang would say such a thing, and immediately agreed.

"Master, be careful, this woman has a strong demonic energy, maybe she will be a member of the demon clan." Feeling the breath of the second lady, Xiaomei said hesitantly.

It can be seen that this second lady should have used the devilish energy on her body as a perfect cover, otherwise, she would not be so confident.

"Then let's go!" Lu Yang sneered again and again, and soon they came to the City Lord's Mansion.

At this moment, the city lord and General Hu had just finished discussing important matters, and they all looked puzzled when they saw Lu Yang and the second wife.

"Ma'am, Hu Pianjiang, what are you doing here together?"

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