The Strongest Beast Guarding System

Chapter 529: The Hunt Begins

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Chapter 529: The Hunt Begins

"City Lord, I just found out that Hu Pianjiang came in from outside the City Lord's Mansion just now, and he seemed to be meeting someone. I think his actions are a bit suspicious. And what kind of character is Gou Shengzi before, what is his character now, I think he There is suspicion of being subcontracted." Before Lu Yang could speak, the second wife sued Lu Yang first.

"Oh? Hu Zhan, how do you explain it?" Hearing what the second lady said, the city lord suddenly felt that what she said seemed to make sense. After all, the dog leftover came back this time, and he seemed to have some differences from his usual cowardly appearance. Change.

"City Lord, the second lady is just jealous of me. As for why my personality has changed, it's actually quite normal. Think about it, I'm a young man who has never thought about it, and I have worked in the City Lord's Mansion for more than ten years. , I am conscientious and conscientious, although it is not a burden of humiliation, but it can also be regarded as reckless, almost half of every income has to be handed over to the stewards, the stewards share, and the rest of the salary can be used to buy resources."

"When I was weak, I naturally didn't dare to be arrogant. Even if I was capable, I couldn't compare to those powerful stewards in the City Lord's Mansion. That's why I looked very honest and easy to bully. It came out of patience. It's just that now I have Master to support me, so naturally there is no need to be patient, not to mention that Master has also told me that there is no need to be too patient in everything." In front of Hu Cheng, Lu Yang, no matter what he said, he did Everything is respectful and respectful, so that Hu Cheng can't find any faults, then the city lord will naturally have nothing to do with him.

"Oh? Then tell me, what is your intention for leaving the City Lord's Mansion today? Do you want to go out and exchange information with people from the Cult of the Evil God?" The second lady sneered when she heard Lu Yang's words.

"Hahaha, Second Madam, I'm afraid you made a mistake this time. Recently, some soldiers are coming from Wangcheng. I asked Hu Zhan to take them out and have a look. If they get lost, I can bring them to the City Lord's Mansion, so this That's what I meant." Hu Cheng said with a smile.

Lu Yang nodded, approving General Hu's meaning.

"So that's the case. It seems that I was worrying too much. Please forgive me, General Hu." The second lady quickly knelt on the ground and kept apologizing.

"Hahaha, this is nothing, but I don't want this kind of thing to happen again. Otherwise, I will never forgive you lightly. City Lord, are we going to hunt in a hurry?" General Hu looked Looking at the city lord, he smiled.

"Okay, today is the annual hunting day of our City Lord's Mansion, ma'am, you don't have to kneel on the ground, not to mention your good intentions, if people from the Cult of the Evil God sneak into our City Lord's Mansion, it will be really troublesome. You go and make arrangements." The city lord gave the second lady a wink, and the second lady immediately understood what the city lord meant and left quickly.

Lu Yang didn't know why, but he always felt that the city lord and the second wife seemed a little weird. Are they all members of the demon family?

Although Lu Yang didn't have any evidence, from the way the city lord excused the second wife today, it can be seen that the second wife is definitely not just the wife of the city lord.

"Pianjiang Hu, I just thought about the safety of the city lord's mansion just now, I hope you don't see outsiders." After seeing the second lady leave, the city lord said to Lu Yang again.

"My lord, you've already said that, so the juniors naturally don't dare to say more." Lu Yang knew that this matter must not be pursued any further, so he didn't say anything, and stepped aside.

"Hahaha, this matter is over now. Now I am going to rush some soldiers. After half an hour, we will enter the hunting ground together and start hunting!" General Hu didn't talk about this matter any more, and took Lu Yang directly Walk.

"Hu Zhan, what did you do when you left the City Lord's Mansion just now?" Hu Cheng looked at Lu Yang and asked after leaving the Council Hall of the City Lord's Mansion.

"Tell Master, I saw a person from the demon clan appearing from the city lord's mansion, but I chased him outside the city lord's mansion, and it seemed that the person disappeared again. The so-called I just stayed at the gate of the city lord's mansion for a while." Lu Yang was very serious. He said, "I suspect that the second lady has something to do with the demon clan." Lu Yang continued.

"Oh? This kind of thing is related to the safety of a city. In the future, if there is no conclusive evidence, don't be alarmed. And don't be caught by others. Now follow me to mobilize your own soldiers." Hearing Lu Yang's words, Hu Cheng thought for a while, then decided.

Hu Cheng's personal soldiers this time probably consisted of hundreds of beast masters of the Xuan rank. He only took thirty away for this hunt, and the remaining seventy stayed in the City Lord's Mansion.

When Hu Cheng gathered his cronies, the city lord also gathered his cronies. These people included the wives and sons of the city lord, as well as the direct members of the four big families in the first-level main city. Most of the young people came to participate, and of course some people from the older generation came to accompany the city lord to preside over the overall situation.

Although this hunting can have a total of thousands of people, it can be regarded as a grand event.

In less than half an hour, everyone had gathered on the square of the first-level main city.

Hu Cheng stood on the main seat, the city lord stood on Hu Cheng's left side, and on the right side stood the patriarch of the first family in the first-level main city.

"General, this time, as the general of Wangcheng, you should preside over the overall situation." Everyone had already arrived, and the city lord looked at Hu Cheng and said.

"Yes, you are the general of our city, and your status is still higher than that of the city lord. Naturally, you should preside over the hunting!" The Chi family next to them also said.

"Hehe, since the city lord said so, I will not refuse." Hu Cheng did not refuse, so he cleared his throat and said to the disciples of many families below, "Now the fierce beast

The army has invaded our human continent, and many places are already raging with flames of war. This is a good opportunity for our human men to make contributions, so today's hunting is very likely to be a preview of your future battles, so I hope you can cherish this opportunity, Are you willing to fight with me? "

"Yes, yes!" Hearing Hu Cheng's inspiring magma, the disciples of these big families suddenly boiled.

"Very good, let's go now!" After Hu Cheng finished speaking, he immediately ordered the army to march towards the hunting ground.

Now this hunting is grouped according to family. The city lord's mansion is a group, each of the four major families is a group, and the general's mansion is also a group. There are six teams in total.

The hunting ground is not very far from the first-level main city. If you count it, that mountain range should be regarded as the Nanshan of the first-level main city, and it is only about 30 kilometers away from the main city.

They are advancing at full speed, and it only takes about half an hour to get there.

In order to prevent the evil gods from making trouble, the city lord's mansion and the general's mansion have arranged tens of thousands of beast masters to garrison nearby in advance to prevent the evil gods from making trouble, and even assassinate the city lord and the general. There are a large number of yellow-rank beast masters stationed there, and many of them are black-rank beast masters.

Because Nanshan is close to the first-level main city, the beasts in the nearby mountains have almost been hunted and killed, and only in the depths of Nanshan can we find more powerful mysterious beasts, even earth-rank beasts .

However, as hunting, they generally don't go that far, so basically the range they can hunt is very safe. Coupled with the large army stationed, they make this hunting even more foolproof.

About half an hour later, the hunting army had arrived at the scheduled location.

Under Hu Cheng's leadership, all the six teams were ready, and at Hu Cheng's order, all the beast masters who participated in the hunting rushed into the deep forest on their only battle pets.

All of a sudden, the army of hundreds of people was divided into six teams and rushed out in six different directions.

While others were calculating how they should hunt more ferocious beasts, Lu Yang had already begun to calculate how far they were from the place where they were ambushed and assassinated.

"Hahaha, die for me!" Just when a yellow beast appeared in front of him, Hu Cheng violently pulled the big bow in his hand, and then shot out an arrow engraved with flame patterns. .

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