The Strongest Beast Guarding System

Chapter five hundred and thirtieth IX constantly changing cause and effect

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Chapter five hundred and thirtieth IX constantly changing cause and effect

"How is it? Murong Duoqian called you over this time, is he trying to win you over?" After everyone left, Hu Cheng asked.

"Master, I don't dare to lie. Murong Duoqian gave me a thousand pieces of black-grade spar, which really meant to win me over." Lu Yang said very sincerely.

"Hmm. One thousand pieces of black-grade crystal stones is really too little to win over my apprentice. What do you say?" Hu Cheng didn't comment, but asked rather curiously.

"Tu'er is naturally hypocritical. Of course, Tu'er also grew up in the City Lord's Mansion in the past. Although he will not cooperate with him, he will definitely not harm Murong Duoqian. As for these benefits, I can only keep them temporarily. " Lu Yang said again.

"Hehe, what if Murong Duoqian gave you his daughter?" Hu Cheng remained calm, still testing.

"This..." Lu Yang looked embarrassed on purpose.

Because according to the previous information, the dog leftover seemed to have a good impression of Murong Qingcheng, and even once said that he was willing to do anything for her. If Lu Yang immediately behaved unfeelingly, it would seem a bit too hypocritical up.

After all, the dog leftover in the past didn't have such a personality. If he changed too much, it would definitely make Hu Cheng suspicious, so no matter what he said was right or wrong, he had to bear it down.

"Hehe, the master called you here today to tell you that as long as it is the benefit Murong Duoqian gives you, you can take it anyway, and you can agree to what Murong Duoqian asks you to do. In short, the master will not harm you. Yours, as for the reason, Master will tell you when you have a chance in the future." Hu Cheng said with a smile.

"Understood, Master." Hearing Hu Cheng's words, although Lu Yang didn't understand, he still agreed.

"Okay, I'm going to attend Murong's family's party tonight, so I need to have a good rest." After Hu Cheng finished speaking, he sent Lu Yang away.

After leaving Hu Cheng's study, Lu Yang became more and more confused about his position.

Because according to common sense, Hu Cheng should be very angry when Murong Duoqian wins over him, and even if he is not angry, he should be prepared to be on guard, but now Hu Cheng seems to accept it happily.

From this point of view, Hu Cheng didn't regard himself as his own, or Hu Cheng's recognition of himself as an apprentice was a premeditated thing.

But what is his purpose in doing this?

Lu Yang couldn't think of it. After all, this matter has exceeded his expectations, and there will even be a lot of variables in it.

However, from the current clues, Lu Yang can probably guess a little bit that Murong Duoqian is very likely to be a member of the demon family, that is, a member of the Demon Cult, but the Demon Cult is different from the Heretic God Sect.

The demons are all members of the demon clan, and their whereabouts are secretive. Generally speaking, few people in the outside world know about the demons, but the evil gods are different.

If it is said that Murong Duoqian is a member of the Demon Cult, it is really possible.

Of course, this is just a guess, without any substantive evidence.

After Lu Yang returned to his residence, he didn't go to other places to hang out, but stayed in his room to practice all the time, which was very similar to the character of the dog leftover before. It was precisely because of this that Hu Cheng did not have much doubt about his identity.

"It should be time!" Lu Yang looked at the time and found that he had practiced for about three or four hours, and it was time to go to the City Lord's Mansion.

Riding his ancient fierce horse, Lu Yang quickly came from the general's mansion to the city lord's mansion. At this moment, in the city lord's mansion, hundreds of Murong family disciples gathered here, including the direct disciple of the Murong family, Murong Among the collateral disciples of the Murong family, the number of collateral disciples of the Murong family is more than twice that of the direct descendants.

However, in front of these collateral disciples, the identity of the direct disciples is obviously much more noble, so there seems to be an insurmountable gap between the collateral disciples and the direct disciples at this banquet, completely separating the two parts .

"Isn't this General Hu Zhan? Come, come here quickly, and I'll introduce you to the direct disciples of our Murong family!" Seeing Lu Yang walking in from the outside, Murong Chengli walked over with a smile.

In the Murong family, although Murong Chengli is not the most prestigious direct disciple, his reputation among the younger generation of the Murong family can be considered to be ranked among the top three.

"So it's Brother Cheng Li!" Seeing Murong Chengli calling him, Lu Yang hurried over to these direct disciples of the Murong family, one of them was Murong Duoqian's youngest daughter, Murong Qingcheng.

"General Hu, this is the son of our Murong family, Murong Yixiao... This is the young lady of our Murong family, and also my little sister Murong Qingcheng." After all, the focus of Murong Chengli's introduction today is Murong Qingcheng.

"Little girl has met the general!" Murong Qingcheng said with a slight bow.

"Hahaha, General Hu, he was just a servant of our Murong family in the past, and now he is able to participate in our Murong family's party. It's really interesting!" As he spoke, another genius boy from the Murong family walked away. come over.

"Murong Chengqian, what are you talking about? Have you forgotten what the Patriarch taught you?" Hearing Murong Chengqian's words, Murong Chengli sneered suddenly.

"Hahaha, Patriarch? Your father likes to sing praises more and more now. In the past, he wanted to marry his daughter to an old man, but now he wants to recruit this servant into our City Lord's Mansion.

Is it a place where you can get in? Or did your father simply want to sell our Murong family? "The more Murong Chengqian talked, the angrier he became.

Hearing Murong Chengqian's words, Lu Yang smiled slightly and didn't care, because he already felt that Murong Duoqian had already noticed the situation here and came over.

"Murong Chengqian? Is that how you speak ill of me behind my back?" Just when Murong Chengqian was about to say something exaggerated, Murong Duoqian had already appeared behind him.

"Patriarch?" Seeing Murong Duoqian appearing behind him, Murong Chengqian was dumbfounded. He never dreamed that Murong Duoqian would be so interested in a small person like himself. Is it because he said something bad about him?

"Hmph, Murong Chengqian, please explain to me the meaning of what you said earlier?" Looking at the somewhat embarrassed Murong Chengqian, Murong Duoqian said with a sneer.

"Patriarch, I was indeed wrong just now, but is there anything wrong with what I said? This Hu Zhan is obviously a servant of our City Lord's Mansion. If you want to marry Murong Qingcheng to him now, isn't it just to recruit a servant? Entering our Murong's house, I can't afford to lose this person!" Murong Chengqian gritted his teeth and said despite facing Murong's shallowness.

"Haha, Murong Chengqian, you are really kind. It's a pity you forgot one thing. This city lord's mansion is not our Murong family's, but it is just a direct disciple of the Murong family. It has no right to be in my family. Gossiping behind your back, I will punish you a little today, I hope you can take it as a warning!" Murong Duoqian walked up to Murong Chengqian in a few steps, and was about to hurt him and give him some punishment.

Both Murong Chengqian and Murong Duoqian are beast masters of the Xuan rank, although they are only in the later stages, how could it be possible to say that Murong Duoqian was injured by Murong Duoqian?

Just when Murong Duoqian made a shot, Murong Chengqian's body swayed like a swimming dragon, and he disappeared in front of Murong Duoqian. This was obviously using the power of metal runes to penetrate, and he wanted to forcibly open the space channel to carry out the attack. dodge.

It's a pity that a bar of black air turned into a shield and directly blocked Murong Chengqian, stopping him, and then Murong Duoqian slapped Murong Chengqian's chest, knocking him into the air and knocking him down. On the ground, blood flowed out from the corner of his mouth, obviously suffering from severe internal injuries.

"Thank you Patriarch for your enlightenment!" Murong Chengqian turned around and left after being wounded by Murong Duoqian. He seemed to have a deep grudge against Murong Duoqian. This made Lu Yang a little more curious about the internal conflicts in the Murong family.

It can be seen that the interior of the Murong family is not as united as it appears on the surface.

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