The Strongest Beast Guarding System

Chapter 540 Yin-Yang Reconciliation

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Chapter 540 Yin-Yang Reconciliation

"Hehe, I made you laugh." Murong Duo looked at Lu Yang lightly and said with a smile, "Hu Zhan, this is my youngest daughter. In fact, what Murong Chengqian said just now is correct. I came here today to get rid of my daughter. I introduced you to my youngest daughter, but I remember that you once said that you must work hard in this life to marry my youngest daughter Murong Qingcheng, do you still remember this?"

"I didn't expect the city lord to remember this incident. It really makes you laugh. It's true that I was young and frivolous at the time, and I had such thoughts, but now that I think about it, I was really young and ignorant back then. I was just a servant. I just want to marry the most favored princess of the city lord." Hearing Murong Duoqian's words, Lu Yang said with emotion.

"Hahaha, but times have changed. You may not have this ability in the past, but it doesn't mean you don't have it now. But now I can give you such a chance to pursue my daughter. If she doesn't object, I will How about letting you stay together?" Murong Duo said with a slight smile.

"This, isn't it good?" Lu Yang looked at Murong Qingcheng and said with some embarrassment.

"Hmph, it's a man's mother-in-law. I'm a girl. I don't mind. What do you mind?" Hearing Lu Yang's words, Murong Qingcheng suddenly got angry.

"Hahaha, my sister really can't keep it anymore, how about this, I know the past is over, I'm afraid you haven't seen Qingcheng for a few years, you can try to get in touch with each other tonight, if you feel like it You can try dating, if you don't feel it, let's talk about it, how about it?" Murong Chengli hurriedly winked at his sister.

Murong Qingcheng naturally knew what his brother was thinking, but Murong Qingcheng was really not used to letting her take the initiative to contact someone he was not familiar with, not to mention that she still had a purpose in contacting Hu Zhan this time.

"Hu Zhan, although you were a servant of our Murong family in the past, but now you are General Hu's apprentice, and you can be said to have risen to the top. The so-called heroes don't care about their backgrounds, and you can be regarded as an example to our Murong family. Tonight I will bring you Seeing you casually walking around Murong's house may make you change your opinion of me, as for the future, let's not talk about it, at least we will become friends in the future." There is nothing wrong with what Murong Qingcheng said, even Murong Hearing her words, Duo Qian couldn't help but feel relieved.

After all, Murong Qingcheng's willingness to contact Hu Zhan this time is also for the good of the Murong family, and it can be regarded as a contribution to the Murong family.

If Hu Zhan could be won over, it would be equivalent to ambushing a pawn beside Hu Cheng. Although it was a conspiracy, even if Hu Cheng knew about it, he would not be able to say anything. This is where Murong Duoqian is smarter.

"Okay, since Miss Murong is willing to accompany me, a vulgar person, I am willing to accompany you." Lu Yang nodded and accepted Murong Qingcheng's invitation with pleasure.

For Murong Duoqian, this was inevitable, but for Murong Qingcheng, it happened suddenly. He thought that with Hu Zhan's personality, he should at least put on a pretense to refuse, and then she could find a reason Decline, so you can avoid some embarrassment tonight.

But now it seems that she thinks a little too much, Hu Zhan really has a little bit of meaning to her.

But this is normal, after all, Hu Zhan is also a man, even if his father sometimes looks at him, he is full of desire to conquer, let alone other men.

"The little girl will rely on General Hu." Murong Qingcheng's face changed slightly when he heard Lu Yang's words, and he quickly returned to normal and said with a smile.

This means that the two of them will be alone for a while.

"You're welcome." Lu Yang walked in front and asked Murong Qingcheng to follow him, and they walked into the crowd of many direct disciples of the Murong family.

"Father, do you think Qingcheng is willing to be with Hu Zhan?" Murong Chengli looked at the two people's disappearing backs, and said a little uncertainly.

"The two of them should still have hope. At least Qingcheng already knows what he should do. Without Hu Zhan's participation, I'm afraid our Murong family would have a hard time surviving this catastrophe." Murong looked at it shallowly. Looking ahead, I suddenly felt some inexplicable emotion in my heart.

"Father, are you worried that our Murong family will be eaten by Hu Cheng?" Murong Chengli couldn't help asking.

"Son, I can't decide these things, I can only take one step at a time, and the cult of the evil gods seems to eat us to death, so things in the future are still unpredictable." Murong Duoqian did not make any statement, He just vaguely answered Murong Chengli's words, which made Murong Chengli have some doubts about his father.

In the end, he was not a fool. He knew that his father was unwilling to reveal anything more, and it would be useless to ask any more, so he didn't ask any more, but respectfully sent his father away.

On the other side, Murong Qingcheng and Lu Yang were walking among the crowd. Murong Qingcheng suddenly felt that he was a fool. Go to the first-level main city of hope, and enter the king city to get a new life.

Perhaps this is simply impossible for her.

"Brother Hu Zhan, what do you think it would be like if a person lived like a bird in a cage?" Murong Qingcheng said suddenly while walking.

"Do you want to leave here?" Lu Yang seemed to have a feeling, but when he asked such a question, he felt that his question was ridiculous, so he continued, "If it's a little bird, would you

I definitely hope that I can return to the blue sky and spread my wings to soar. "

"Yes, I also want to become a bird so that I can fly freely in the sky. I wonder if you can help me?" Murong Qingcheng looked at Lu Yang and said with a smile.

"Me? I don't know. In fact, everyone's freedom is found by themselves, and I don't have absolute freedom now, only relative freedom." Lu Yang said with a smile.

"Forget it, you don't want to help me, forget it, maybe my prince charming is not yours." Murong Qingcheng sighed, as if full of sorrow, then she looked at Lu Yang and asked, "If I would like to give I give you, can you set me free?"

"No? Because freedom is in your heart. If you are not free in your heart, you may not be free for the rest of your life." Lu Yang shook his head.

Hearing Lu Yang's words, Murong Qingcheng fell into deep thought again, maybe she was thinking about Lu Yang's words, maybe she was thinking about her future and just continued.

The two of them left the main hall amidst such nonsense chatting, and came to a secluded place.

Murong Qingcheng turned around abruptly, grabbed Lu Yang's arms, and leaned against Lu Yang's body with her body slightly. That soft chest and soft body completely entered the In Lu Yang's arms, he felt a softness he had never felt before, and at the same time, a faint fragrance entered Lu Yang's nostrils.

"It smells really good." Lu Yang nodded, thinking that being able to just smell Murong Qingcheng's body like this is indeed a very good enjoyment.


In Lu Yang's enjoyment, Murong Qingcheng offered his sweet kiss. Maybe she didn't know how to kiss, but the feeling of panic really gave Lu Yang's body an electric shock. Feel.

This is the harmony of yin and yang, which arouses certain feelings in Lu Yang's body.

"Master, there are death runes and life runes in your body, but now the life runes can't be used by you, because you can't reconcile yin and yang in your body, and this girl's body is born with life runes." Wen, so her body is full of vitality. If you can possess her, even just once, she will bring you endless benefits. benefits. This is the harmony of yin and yang!"

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