The Strongest Beast Guarding System

Chapter 556: Snowstorm Sect Audition

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Chapter 556: Snowstorm Sect Audition

After Lu Yang replaced the golden masked man, the former golden masked man was naturally promoted to be a monster master, thus possessing higher power. As for what kind of power it is, Lu Yang is not clear.

But now he probably understands what his position in this evil god sect is.

The evil god religion is divided into four levels in the entire human continent. The first level is the church lurking in the imperial city, also known as the first-level church, and the second level is the church lurking in the royal city, also known as the second-level church. The third level is the church lurking in the main city, also known as the third level church. From the ordinary city below the main city, it is the gathering point.

Generally speaking, the number of churches is small, but the number of gathering points is large, because no matter whether it is in the imperial city or in the royal city, there are a large number of gathering points, which is the lifeblood of the cult of evil spirits.

However, these gathering points are very secretive. Only a few other masked people contacted by the golden masked man can have information about the location of these gathering points. Therefore, even if Lu Yang becomes the golden masked man, the information he has obtained is the same as before. Not much different either.

But the difference is that Lu Yang has the right to enter the Cult of the Evil God.

After learning about this, Lu Yang was finally released from this small room. This time, he finally didn't need to go through the test, but directly met the guardian of the cult of evil spirits.

"See Lord Protector." He didn't know the role of the protector before, but now after some study, Lu Yang probably understands the role of the protector in the cult of evil spirits.

It turns out that the function of the guardian is to deal with the internal problems of the cult, especially in contacting these golden masks. It can be said that in the cult, only the guardian can actively contact and guide these golden masks.

"Well, I didn't expect that you actually passed the test of the golden mask messenger, but you haven't chosen a first-level main city for you to go to yet. You can also choose a first-level main city in the human continent, as long as you choose a good one. Once you level up the main city, you can cultivate your own ten-color mask. Every time you cultivate a masked person, your salary will be higher, and if you don’t cultivate it, you will have no salary. Now you can leave the church.” After finishing speaking, the guardian sent Lu Yang out of the church. up the church.

"Leave just like that?" Although Lu Yang was extremely depressed, it was still some time before he went to the royal city, so he had to rush to that one to complete it.

Because after he left the Heretic God Sect, it was only fourteen days before he was formed, so he didn't have the mind to do other things. After almost fourteen days, he finally rushed to the vicinity of the second-level royal city, Wind Snow City.

Because Snow Wind City is always in an extremely cold state, before Lu Yang arrived in Snow Wind City, he felt that the vicinity of Snow Wind City was surrounded by biting cold wind all the year round, and even just entered the area of ​​Snow Wind City, I have already seen the endless snow and ice, and above the ice and snow, there are still gusts of biting cold wind blowing large flakes of snow everywhere, and the trees that are decorated with ice and snow are standing on the ground. , making the entire plain even more spectacular.

Passing through this forest, Lu Yang entered the boundary of Snow Wind City, and at the same time, an incomparably huge ice and snow mountain appeared in his sight.

This ice and snow mountain is about several thousand meters high, and on top of this mountain, there are chains that seal off the surrounding peaks, as if forming a huge formation, protecting the valleys within dozens of peaks. Strictly, without leaving any gaps.

From afar, the entire Snow Wind City stands on this plain like a crown of ice and snow.

Because Snow Wind City is the only city in this area, no matter if it is a caravan, a penance, or even some nobles, they will use Snow Wind City as a transit point, so the entrance fee to enter Snow Wind City is naturally There will be more, and the stronger the beast master enters the ice and snow, the more fees will be paid.

Generally speaking, a sky-level beast master pays a piece of sky-level spar, and an earth-level beast master pays a piece of ground-level spar, and civilians do not need to pay any fees to enter Ice and Snow City, so Wind Snow City It is also a very famous king-level main city that mainly protects the poor.

After paying a ground-level spar, Lu Yang entered Snow Wind City. Originally, he wanted to find the city lord when he entered the city, but the city lord was not in Snow Wind City, no matter how important he was. You also need to wait until the city lord returns.

However, if he has the strength, he can go to the ice and snow field to find the city lord who is hunting. In that case, he may be able to meet the city lord more quickly without the intermediate review process. Otherwise, he is just an earth-level beast master. Even if he wants to see the city lord for important matters, he needs to go through layers of audits. I am afraid that by that time, he will have seen the city lord for more than ten days, or even twenty days later. thing.

So after Lu Yang found out the approximate location of the ice and snow field, he left Fengxue City and rushed towards the ice and snow field.

Snow Wind City is a royal city on the edge of the Human Race Continent, so it has not been affected by the war between the Human Race and the Beast Race, so now Snow Wind City can still carry out hunting once a season.

During the hunting, these families in Snow Wind City can let the talented disciples in their own families show their strength in front of the city lord as much as possible, so that they will have the opportunity to enter the Snow Wind Sect.

Even though the Snow Wind Sect is just a sect established in a second-level royal city, in fact, the strength of the Snow Wind Sect is not weak even in the face of some first-level royal cities.

It can be said that in the Snow Wind Sect with millions of disciples, at least

There are 100,000 celestial beast masters, which is almost equivalent to the number of celestial beast masters in a first-level main city, and the number of royal beast masters among them is also within a hundred.

In other words, as long as the disciples of these families can enter the Snow Wind Sect, they can almost 100% be promoted to the Heaven Rank Beast Master, and as long as they work hard, there is still a 50% chance to be successfully promoted to the late Heaven Rank. I'm afraid it's just luck.

But even so, there is no shortage of Heavenly Beastmasters in the Snow Wind Sect, and now the Snow Wind Sect is ready to gather enough strength to be promoted to the first-level king city.

Once Snow Wind City is successfully promoted, the number of Heaven-rank Beastmasters in Snow Wind Sect will increase by more than 50%, and the number of King-rank Beastmasters will double, and there may even be Emperor-rank Beastmasters. division.

Now the hunting once a season is just one way for the Snow Wind Sect to select disciples, and the way the Snow Wind Sect selects disciples is very special, as long as you don't join any first-level main city forces, you can join the Snow Wind Sect, Others have almost no constraints.

It is precisely because of this that more than hundreds of thousands of beast masters come to participate in the Snow Wind Sect audition every year, but even so, the number of disciples who can join the Snow Wind Sect every year will not exceed 100% of the number of candidates One, that is, thousands of people.

Because the hunting had just started, when Lu Yang arrived at the ice and snow field, the hunting audition was still in progress, and at the registration office, there were almost a hundred people still waiting for their grades.

When Lu Yang arrived, he was just in time to catch the last train.

"Name, realm of cultivation, place of birth..." After Lu Yang registered his information, he could participate in the hunting audition.

The topic of this hunting audition is very simple, that is to hunt and kill a beast of ice and snow that is comparable to his level of cultivation.

Although the title line is very simple, the entire ice and snow field is too big. Hundreds of thousands of people enter it. The hidden ice murderer is very likely to be a fierce beast that has surpassed the sky rank, reached the king rank, or even the emperor rank.

Therefore, when hunting on this ice and snow field, more than one-third of the human beast masters were killed by local fierce beasts in each audition. One of the places, as for those who are born and can survive, they are eligible to continue to enter the second round of knockout rounds.

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