The Strongest Beast Guarding System

Chapter 557 Fishing in Troubled Waters

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Chapter 557 Fishing in Troubled Waters

"Your strength is at the early stage of the earth level, so you only need to kill all the beasts at the early stage of the earth level. Here is your token. Once you finish killing, activate the token. Follow the instructions above to find the assessment Officer, waiting for the next round of assessment." After registering Lu Yang's information, the examiner handed him a token and asked him to drip his own blood on it as a mark.

Because Lu Yang was the last one to come, after he registered, he saw that there was no one around, so he could only enter the ice and snow field by himself.

The ice and snow field looks like a plain, but in fact, on this plain, it is covered with ice and snow all year round, so many places are full of undulating ice and snow peaks.

However, unlike the ice and snow peaks in other places, the ice and snow peaks on the cold ice and snow field are completely composed of ice and snow. Once the temperature rises, these ice and snow peaks will melt.

Lu Yang walked all the way, and most of what he saw were beast masters in groups, and few of them went here alone to participate in the audition.

After all, in the exam, the requirements for the first round of audition did not clearly indicate that the beast master can only pass the exam on his own strength, or he can also rely on the strength of others to pass the exam together, but one thing is for sure, that is Every beast master must have at least one beast equal to or greater than his own strength as his prey, in order to be able to enter the second round of the knockout round.

Of course, there is something special about participating in the audition, that is, you can cross realms and kill fierce beasts stronger than yourself. The higher the realm you cross, the higher the rewards you will get, and you may even have the opportunity to be personally received by the city lord, and Has the right to have a free chat with the city lord.

Therefore, the beast masters who entered the ice and snow field this time generally went for this reward.

However, this reward is only limited to the existence of the beast master above the ground level, and the beasts that must be hunted and killed by their own strength can be personally rewarded by the city lord.

From this point of view, Lu Yang still has a great chance of getting this reward.

"Hey boy, you seem to be alone, do you want to join our team!" Just when Lu Yang entered the ice and snow field and walked among thousands of ice and snow peaks, he found that his path was blocked. Four or five ground-level beast masters were stopped.

These earth-level beast masters stopped in front of him, as if they had good intentions, but in fact they were blocking the road in disguise.

You must know that in every season of hunting, there will be a considerable number of human beast masters. In order to gain benefits in the ice and snow field, they deliberately recruit other beast masters to work as coolies for them. Some benefits will be given to these beast masters, so that they can pass the audition smoothly.

If these people are in a bad mood, they will directly deprive them of the fruits of their labor, so that other beast masters will have no chance to pass the audition. The few people Lu Yang met now are this kind of beast master group.

After all, everyone knows that the ferocious beasts in the ice and snow field are not only valuable for their fur, but also the materials on their bodies can be sold for a high price, but usually the ice and snow field is extremely dangerous, even if they have the ability to go in, the chance of getting out is very slim. But the situation is different in each quarter when the Snow Wind Sect audition, as long as they can find enough teammates, they can hunt enough ground-level beasts in the ice and snow field, and thus make a lot of money.

Now these few earth-level beast masters intercepted Lu Yang, just wanting him to be their scapegoat.

Of course, Lu Yang didn't understand it yet, so he readily agreed and was ready to cooperate with them as a team.

Just after Lu Yang joined, they unexpectedly met another earth-level beast master.

After seeing this single ground-level beast master, the other ground-level beast masters all surrounded him at once, and the leader of the ground-level beast master hurriedly said, "Little brother, you are alone in this cold and snowy place!" How dangerous it is to complete the mission in the original, if you join our team, it will definitely ensure that you pass the audition within the specified time, and it will also help you avoid danger, how about it, do you want to join?"

Lu Yang followed behind the team. It was quite strange to see these people wooing people, but they didn't speak.

But this earth-level beast master is a person who likes to be alone, so he rejected them without thinking too much.

All of a sudden, these ground-level beast masters were annoyed, especially the leader of the ground-level beast masters immediately ordered the other ground-level beast masters to surround him, "Boy, don't you know that we Is this for your own good? Since you don’t want to join, then hand over everything you have on you. In this case, maybe we will give you a chance, otherwise, we will definitely be able to chop you up together. Turn into meat paste!"

Speaking of which, these earth-level beast masters wanted to rush up and beat him up. But before they could make a move, they were stopped by Lu Yang. He looked at these people, and asked a little strangely, "Aren't you helping others? Why are you threatening?"

"Hey, you kid, are your skin tight? Whatever I tell you to do, you just follow along. There is no room for you to talk here. I advise you to get out of here quickly, otherwise, you will follow him today It's all bad luck." The leader of the earth-level beast master no longer bullied others, but stared at Lu Yang and said.

It seemed that as long as Lu Yang dared to make a move, he would be completely suppressed, and even deprived of his chance to pass the hunting contest audition. But in fact, they don't have this power, they only rely on threats.

"The leather is tight?

I think you are bullying others! "The more Lu Yang talked, the more angry he became, and he punched the leader of the beast master, and the beast master who had been threatened gradually joined the melee.

If it was normal, these earth-level beast masters would only bully those beast masters who came here from other places to participate in the audition, or those earth-level beast masters who were not strong.

But now Lu Yang's strength far exceeded their expectations, so before they could make a move, they were sent flying by Lu Yang's punch. This kind of strength has almost caught up with the middle stage of the earth.

It can be said that with a few punches, Lu Yang beat all these beast masters to the ground. Almost all of the human beast masters who were beaten to the ground had broken bones and tendons, and their fate was very miserable.

After teaching these earth-level beast masters a lesson, Lu Yang continued to head into the ice and snow field.

Because at the outer edge of the ice and snow field, only some mysterious beasts can be found at most, and even if there are earth-level beasts, they are just ordinary existences, but when it comes to the middle of the ice and snow field, the number of earth-level beasts will increase sharply increase, and there may even appear heavenly beasts there.

After reaching the depths of the ice and snow field, at the junction with the sea of ​​ice, there are even more earth-level beasts, and the sky-level beasts can be easily seen there.

But in the ice sea, the beasts of the sky rank are already very common, and even the beasts of the king rank can be seen.

But this time, the most people who come to participate in the audition are only allowed to participate in the beast masters of the earth level, so as long as there are some beast masters in the audition who can kill all the beasts of the sky rank with their own strength, they will have a chance When I met the City Lord of Snow Wind City, I got a chance to have a chat with him.

In this way, it was determined that Lu Yang had to enter the middle of the ice and snow field, or even the deepest part.

Because fighting among the beast masters is not prohibited here, as soon as Lu Yang walked into the periphery of the ice and snow field, he saw that three or four groups of beast masters had already started fighting, so in the audition, there will be one-third of them Once killed by a ferocious beast, another one-third of the beast masters will also be killed by other beast masters, and the remaining one-third can pass the audition. This is also the case in the human world. A cruel place.

However, Lu Yang doesn't like to participate in this kind of fight, but he doesn't want to provoke others, which doesn't mean that those people don't want to provoke him, and judging from his clothes, he seems to be a fat sheep, which is very important for those who take robbers as their own. For a raw beast master, it is definitely a good deal.

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