The Strongest Beast Guarding System

Chapter 560: Flying Snow Bear

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Chapter 560: Flying Snow Bear

Because the Beast Familiar System may not have any effect on real attacks, but for illusions, it is almost the natural enemy of all illusions, especially these days when Lu Yang is on the road, the Beast Familiar System has already shattered the pieces of the Book of Heaven and the Darkness of Heaven. The fragments are absorbed in, although a lot of resources are still needed to refine these two fragments of heaven, but its function has been improved a lot on the previous basis, even this nine-tailed snow fox has already explored a trace of heaven At the edge of his body, he formed a magic power similar to heavenly magic, and it was difficult to confuse him.

You must know that since the formation of spells after being promoted to the ground level, whether it is a beast or a beast master, the spells will change every time one is promoted to a higher level.

In comparison, at the ground level, spells are used. At the level of heaven, it is heaven, and the power between the two is also very different.

And once one comprehends the Heavenly Book, it is equivalent to truly comprehending the Dao of Heaven, even if it is just a tiny bit of it, just touching the edge of the door of the Dao of Heaven, and the power of contamination in it is by no means comparable to ordinary spells.

Now even if Lu Yang could identify the clone of the nine-tailed snow fox, its real body might not necessarily be nearby.

Of course, Lu Yang didn't dare to be careless, because the nine-tailed snow fox is too cunning, and the things it does generally exceed the limit of ordinary human intelligence, and some nine-tailed snow foxes are even higher than human beast masters. Out of some, it has many shocking legends.

So even if the Nine-Tailed Snow Fox's combat power is weak, ordinary Heaven Rank ferocious beasts will rarely provoke it if they are not sure of killing it with one blow.

Of course, when Lu Yang chased and killed the Nine-Tailed Snow Fox, besides him, there were also Heavenly Demon and Xiaomei who were helping to find him, especially Xiaomei, whose ability was based on the Beast Familiar System, so she She has a tracking ability that exceeds that of ordinary human beast masters and beasts, especially when dealing with illusions, her reaction speed is faster.

In the process of her constant search, she suddenly saw the figure of the nine-tailed snow fox.

However, not far from her, there seemed to be a clone of a nine-tailed snow fox, and its main body was hidden near this clone. It was really clever to do so.

We all know that the Nine-Tailed Snow Fox is cunning, but this time Lu Yang saw it and was almost fooled by it.

However, Lu Yang didn't want to dismantle it. Instead, he followed the conspiracy of the Nine-Tailed Snow Fox and found its second clone. Its third clone.

On the surface, Lu Yang was played around by it during this process, but Shang Luyang took advantage of the Nine-Tailed Snow Fox's self-conscious psychology, and then gradually led it into the abyss.

Sure enough, when Lu Yang was gradually led away by the Nine-Tailed Snow Fox, and its body gradually appeared, suddenly a wave of space rune power suddenly appeared beside the Nine-Tailed Snow Fox, bringing Lu Yang's body directly here place.

"Don't go!" Lu Yang came directly to the Nine-Tailed Snow Fox, and stabbed him with a sword. His sword was extremely fast, without any fancy, it was completely an instinctive reaction.

Although the Nine-Tailed Snow Fox was extremely fast, and facing Lu Yang's sword, there was no possibility of dodging at all.

At the critical juncture, the Nine-Tailed Snow Fox hesitated for a moment, and then offered up his natal consciousness. What he bet now was that Lu Yang would take him as his pet in battle.

"Huh? You actually surrendered voluntarily. Anyway, the nine-tailed snow fox is not a fierce beast that is difficult to tame, and it is also extremely smart. Since you are willing to follow me, then I might as well accept you as my battle pet." Lu Yang saw that the nine-tailed snow fox's eyes were filled with tears, and he looked pitiful, so he developed some benevolent psychology, took away its natal consciousness, signed a soul contract with it, and took it as his own. battle pet.

In fact, once the strength is equal, it is very simple to sign a soul contract. Generally, it is difficult for a beast master to subdue a fierce beast, that is, the difficulty is that the beast is unwilling to dedicate its soul to the beast master, so it is necessary to use force to surrender. This is also the real strength of the beast master.

But now the Nine-Tailed Snow Fox is willing to dedicate its natal consciousness, that is, its soul, to Lu Yang, which means that it is willing to surrender sincerely. This is also the cleverness of the Nine-Tailed Snow Fox. and interests, casually sacrificed his own life.

What's more, being a battle pet is not without benefits, and if it can follow the master, the battle pet may even gain many benefits that the beast cannot obtain, such as having the master's luck and protection, especially like A fierce beast like the nine-tailed snow fox, which obviously lacks attack power, needs a backer even more.

"Nine-tailed Snow Fox, you will call me Xiaobai after you follow me." Lu Yang put the Nine-Tailed Snow Fox into his pet space, which can be regarded as adding another point of fighting power to himself, "By the way, you know the pets nearby Are there any other beasts in the sky?"

"Heaven-level beast? Let me think about it!" Nine-tailed Snow Fox heard Lu Yang's words, thought for a while, and then thought of a deadly enemy, "There is a heaven-rank beast that is very average in strength, but just likes to bully I am a fierce beast with insufficient combat power. And I also know its fatal weakness, if I take the master there, I am afraid I can kill it in an hour."

"One hour? Very good, as long as you can kill a heavenly beast as soon as possible, there should be some danger." Lu Yang nodded and accepted the suggestion of the Nine-Tailed Snow Fox.

It turns out that in the place where the nine-tailed snow fox lives, there is also a flying snow bear. This kind of big guy eats a lot and his brain is not very bright, but there is only one thing

That is, its defense is extremely strong, and its power far exceeds that of the nine-tailed snow fox.

But the Nine-Tailed Snow Fox is extremely smart. It can be said that the two are completely two extreme examples. Almost every meeting between the two parties is a fight, and there is no possibility of peaceful coexistence.

Of course, because of the huge difference in strength between the two, the Nine-Tailed Snow Fox will never be able to kill the Flying Snow Bear, and the Flying Snow Bear will never be able to kill the Nine-Tailed Snow Fox. At most, there will be some accumulation between the two. friction. It's just that Flying Snow Bear didn't know what he was doing recently, but came to harass Nine-Tailed Snow Fox every day, which made it want to kill Flying Snow Bear.

"Boom boom boom..."

When it was almost evening, Flying Snow Bear finally came to make trouble.

It slapped its claws on the ground fiercely, and the huge force directly shook out two huge palm prints on the ground. Immediately afterwards, it saw this piece of snow exploding suddenly, and large snowflakes kept falling on the ground. The explosion turned into a large cloud of mist and enveloped the entire territory of the Nine-Tailed Snow Fox.

Because of this mist, no matter where the Nine-Tailed Snow Fox is, the Flying Snow Bear can find it. I have to say that this Flying Snow Bear has indeed touched the Nine-Tailed Snow Fox's living habits. Grasping its lifeblood directly made Lu Yang more curious about the IQ of this Flying Snow Bear.

Because he felt that although the flying snow bear was not as good as the nine-tailed snow fox, it was definitely more obedient than ordinary bears, at least smarter than the bears he had encountered before.


Just after the Flying Snow Bear roared, it finally saw the figure of the Nine-Tailed Snow Fox, and saw a pair of snow-white wings appearing behind it. The wings were hundreds of meters wide. , its body rose into the air all of a sudden, and rushed towards the position of the Nine-Tailed Snow Fox. The location is completely covered.

Only then did Lu Yang understand why the Flying Snow Bear has been coming to trouble the Nine-Tailed Snow Fox recently. It turned out that the Flying Snow Bear had improved in strength and gained the ability to kill the Nine-Tailed Snow Fox. If you kill the Nine-Tailed Snow Fox, you can eat it and increase your strength.

Sure enough, when Lu Yang was hiding, the Flying Snow Bear opened its mouth suddenly, and sucked towards the clone of the Nine-Tailed Snow Fox, "I ate you!"

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