The Strongest Beast Guarding System

Chapter 561: Entering the Body of the Flying Snow Bear

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Chapter 561: Entering the Body of the Flying Snow Bear


Following the Flying Snow Bear's big mouth sucking, a large number of snowflakes continuously boiled from the ground, and quickly entered its body.

As these snowflakes melted, the Flying Snow Bear's big mouth swallowed at least tens of thousands of catties of snowflakes.

However, there was nothing but a clone of the Nine-Tailed Snow Fox, so it was impossible to grab its body. This made the Flying Snow Bear shake its huge body again, and slammed its palms on the ground. The whole ground shook again.

"Master, it's our turn to act now." You must know that the beheading plan that Nine-Tailed Snow Fox made for Lu Yang was actually a ruthless idea that Nine-Tailed Snow Fox came up with recently.

You must know that every time the Flying Snow Bear attacks the Nine-Tailed Snow Fox recently, it will use its spiritual power to absorb the nearby snowflakes, trying to absorb the Nine-Tailed Snow Fox in one gulp.

If the Nine-Tailed Snow Fox can find the poison that can poison the Flying Snow Bear, or get into the Flying Snow Bear's stomach, it will have a chance to kill it.

Now Nine-Tailed Snow Fox told Lu Yang this method, which made Lu Yang think of various ways to kill Flying Snow Bear, but he felt that if he relied on his own strength to kill Flying Snow Bear, it could only be regarded as helping Nine-Tailed Snow Fox takes revenge.

If he could help Nine-Tailed Snow Fox and let her avenge herself, it would make the other party appreciate Dade and truly regard herself as one of his own, so he decided to choose a more difficult method to help Nine-Tailed Snow Fox kill Flying Snow Bear.

"Okay, let's get into Flying Snow Bear's body together and find a chance to kill it." Thinking of this, Lu Yang stopped hiding and rushed towards Flying Snow Bear's big suction mouth.

"Quack quack, there is still a pitiful human beast master, that's great!" Flying Snow Bear swallowed Lu Yang and the Nine-Tailed Snow Fox into his body at the same time, hiccupped slightly, and suddenly felt a pang all over his body. An indescribable comfort.

At this time, Lu Yang and Nine-Tailed Snow Fox had also entered the body of Flying Snow Bear.

I have to say that Flying Snow Bear's body is like a huge ball, and any esophagus inside is tens of meters thick, and Lu Yang has enough room to move inside, just like a passage leading underground , kept rolling rapidly towards the ground.

Then Lu Yang entered a huge cave, but this is not an ordinary cave, it is very likely to be the stomach of the Flying Snow Bear, because there is a huge lake of gastric acid in its stomach, and there is nothing in the lake. Yes, there were even skeletons of human beast masters. There were almost a hundred of them floating in front of them. Besides, there were countless trees and stones.

In short, this Flying Snow Bear has always been willing to eat anything. It eats whatever it sees. It can be said that it has a very good appetite. Even if it is given a mountain, it can still eat it, and it tastes good. Not at all ambiguous.

Lu Yang felt that he should find the heart of the Flying Snow Bear, and then enter the Flying Snow Bear's brain through the heart. As long as he entered the Flying Snow Bear's brain, he could use the advantage of the Nine-Tailed Snow Fox to transform the Flying Snow Bear's brain. If it is completely defeated, it will be easy to kill it when the time comes.

"Master, I used to think that our fox clan is the strongest beast, but now it seems that our fox clan is still much worse than the human race." Hearing Lu Yang's words, the nine-tailed snow fox slightly sighed, feeling that This approach is still very feasible.

Of course, there is a problem here, how to get from the body of the Flying Snow Bear to the brain of the Flying Snow Bear is a problem.

Of course, it may be difficult for others, but for the Beast Familiar System, this is nothing more than a simple matter. As a result, through Xiaomei's operation, Lu Yang quickly got a road map leading to the brain of Flying Snow Bear.

It turns out that there are three major organs in Snow Bear's body. The first organ is the stomach, where the Snow Bear digests food.

The second place is the heart, which is used by Flying Snow Bear to deliver nutrients.

The third place is its brain, which is used to condense the aura of heaven and earth and store spiritual consciousness to form a brain.

These three places are all connected by blood vessels, and the faster the blood flows, the faster the Flying Snow Bear can practice.

However, if she wants to enter Flying Snow Bear's brain from Flying Snow Bear's stomach, she needs to pass three checkpoints. The first checkpoint is the gastric acid lake in the stomach.

Generally speaking, the food digested here usually enters the blood vessels of the Flying Snow Bear through the many pores in the stomach.

The second checkpoint is the gate to the heart. There are countless parasitic beasts inside this gate. Although the beasts here are all earth-level beasts, they are very difficult to deal with.

The third checkpoint is a neural circuit from the heart of the Flying Snow Bear to its brain. There are tens of thousands of nerves that can affect the Flying Snow Bear, although these nerves cannot provide enough IQ for the Flying Snow Bear. , but its toughness can also provide the Flying Snow Bear with a strong defense, thus preventing Lu Yang from entering its brain smoothly.

"Gulu Gulu..."

As Lu Yang entered the stomach acid lake, he felt a large amount of corrosive liquid gradually soaking his body.

However, for him, these are not considered to affect his safety. If you look into it, it can only be regarded as an obstacle that affects his defense.


Just when Lu Yang was about to swim deep into the stomach acid lake, Lu Yang suddenly felt strips of black ground-level insects swimming from nearby. Although these insects were not long, they were extremely fast. Xiang Lu Yang opened his sharp teeth, trying to tear Lu Yang's body into pieces.

And inside the Flying Snow Bear's body, there are at least hundreds of such black worms, and when they appeared, they surrounded Lu Yang. Obviously, this is not what should appear in the Flying Snow Bear's stomach, but its body. parasites inside.

"Master, let me come!" After seeing these parasites, in Lu Yang's mind, Tianshui Bird King became interested.

It flew out of Lu Yang's body at once, and every time it dived into the water, it would pick up a black worm. Although it could only eat one worm at a time, its speed was so fast that it ate up all the black worms in less than a quarter of an hour, causing some changes in his body.

With a "boom", the Tianshui Bird King has been promoted to the Xuan-rank Dzogchen, and there is only a thin line between him and the earth-rank battle pet.

"I didn't expect the parasites here to be so lethal. It looks like the next few levels will be more difficult." Although these black worms gave Lu Yang some surprises, they still couldn't stop the tower from entering the bottom of the stomach acid lake. .

If the black bugs before were just the most common level, now Lu Yang faced the pores of the lake of stomach acid, which was the difficulty he had to overcome if he really wanted to enter the blood vessels of the Flying Snow Bear.

You must know that Flying Snow Bear's food is big or small, soft or hard, almost anything, as long as it can be swallowed, it can eat these things into its stomach, and finally absorb them through these pores.

But these pores are not kind, they are all strips, the thickness of an adult's thigh, with rows of sharp-toothed tentacles.

Such thick and thin pores, not to mention Lu Yang, even a snake would not be able to pass through them.

However, in the face of this situation, Lu Yang did not panic, but began to quickly condense the power of the Chen Tu rune, slowly condensing his body into a stone, and ruthlessly drilled into this tentacle. go.

What he gambled on was that these strip-shaped tentacles could expand and contract freely, and could completely swallow the stones composed of sunken earth runes condensed by himself into the blood vessels.

Of course, the stone formed by Lu Yang is only to protect his own body, and will not cause any harm to the digestive organs of Flying Snow Bear, so even if he passes through these pores, Flying Snow Bear will not be alerted.

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