The strongest brain in the universe

Chapter 161 Individual Choices

After experiencing the chaos, all the freshmen quickly smoothed out the current situation.

This is destined to be a chaotic war. Almost everyone you see is an enemy. Everyone you see can be a target and a brick for their promotion. It just depends on whether you have the ability.

So when a certain critical point is reached, the whole scene becomes chaotic in an instant.

Because they begin to realize that awareness is one thing with ideas, and it's another thing when things actually happen.

Maybe some people didn't know what to do and where to start at the beginning, but when someone fired the first shot, things became a little different.

The game has already started as soon as they enter this practice field, no one can stay out of it, everyone is a fish in this pool, either devouring or waiting to be devoured.

Some students couldn't make the switch for a while, but some of them made their choices instinctively like Jiang Hui. As the awakening of a small group of people naturally affects the thinking of others.

This is where the hunt begins.

Jiang Hui was actually quite lucky. She fell into a remote place by herself at random, and then immediately ran into three unlucky ghosts who came to her door and got points.

But more people fall on the home court or in crowded places. If they are unlucky and directly hit a large team in an open place, fierce battles will inevitably occur.

This kind of freshmen are often directly sacrificed and become someone else's medal before they have figured out the situation and changed their mentality.

In fact, the freshmen participating in this orienteering battle can have two modes.

One is to participate in the battle in groups, that is, to form a team at any time through the simulation bra reporting system. The upper limit of the team is five people, less than five people can only be regarded as a temporary team. After the team is formed, points are still scored according to the number of shots they shoot, and resources are also taken by each team, which can be discussed internally. However, this five-person team is not pure cooperation, there are still some things that need to be shared among the team members.

Under normal circumstances, if you act alone, as long as you hit one hit, you will be eliminated. The simulated corset has extremely precise positioning and identification functions, and there will be no mistakes. Just get shot. The corsage change will automatically restrict the host's activities and simultaneously report the signal of elimination to the system. The entire elimination mechanism is very straightforward, leaving no chance for anyone.

However, if a team of five can be found, everyone in the team can collectively share three opportunities. That is to say, when they are in a complete team state, any one of the five will not be eliminated if they are shot for the first time or the second time.

And if any member of the five-member team or each individual is hit three times, the whole team will be forced to leave the field, and no one can stay. Even if no one in the five-man team was shot once.

So the team needs to be careful. If you can't choose your team members carefully, even if four of the five are extremely strong, it's probably no good to drag one back, and you have to pay an extra price.

Obviously, this is a very collective mechanism that requires a sufficient amount of trust and collaboration among the players. If it is used well, it is a killer weapon, but if it is not used well, it will immediately drag them into the quagmire.

There is another mode, which is stand-alone. That is, you can go through the level alone all the time, and you can get points even if you kill one by one shot.

For a person like Jiang Hui who lives alone in an empty and remote place, whether to form a team or not is second to none. It is unrealistic to think about it now, and she still has a choice.

But for those caught in the melee, things immediately became tricky.

This is not the kind of shooting training that waits for the commander's order to be issued at the same time on the same line, but the "freedom" where there is no order and no one to control, limit and maintain order. Everyone can find targets by themselves, shoot at will, shoot when they see the opportunity, and hit one is worth one point. It is a state of complete chaos.

In this case, no matter how good your shooting skills are, no matter how good your eyesight is, you can't accurately control your own safety, and you can only follow the trend and see your luck. It's a completely uncontrollable situation.

This is obviously not a good thing. It's true that they want to shoot down their opponents as much as possible and score as many points as possible, but they don't want to get out of the field in such a way. If you want to fight, you have to show your true skills. At least set up a place. What's the point of messing around like this? I don't know how many capable people poked someone's gun inexplicably and were directly out of the game.

As a result, more and more people realize that if they want to continue to compete, they must separate the battlefield or separate the friend and foe. If none of the above works, at least get out of this chaotic situation first.

"God..." How long will this be entangled? These guys are horrible.

At the edge of a small war zone that was split off, a disheveled figure cautiously "ziped" out from the edge.

I don't know if it's because of his good luck, or if the people around him didn't pay attention to him, this little shrimp, and let him run out directly.

As he ran farther and farther, the figure seemed to realize that he might really be able to escape this terrible melee zone, so he hunched over and ran faster and faster, regardless of how ugly his escaping posture was.

"Scare scare—"

He finally understood why the people in this circle were still fighting so hard.

If he had thought about it before, he couldn't understand why this group of people insisted on entangled in internal friction. I didn't see that there are large rocks and shrubs on the left and right, and some are hidden places. Isn't it more meaningful and exciting for everyone to engage in jungle guerrilla warfare? Why do you have to pull each other's hair face to face in such an open place or even shoot directly at the door... Isn't this making yourself more difficult?

It wasn't until he ran a long way that he realized that the rocky areas and bushes that looked close were actually very far away.

If they run away separately, it is probably inevitable that they will confess their backs under the eyes of the enemy. They can no more escape the scrimmage zone safely without being eliminated, just as they have no control over the actions and motivations of others. Therefore, everyone can only "stop killing with killing", and get rid of some people first.

Only people like Zhou Xiuwen who don't have much hope of escaping and just want to stay away from the chaos can make such an operation by turning their backs to the melee crowd. When he ran out, he was mentally prepared to be eliminated, and he was still predicting when he would be hit.

But I don't know if he was lucky, or he really couldn't arouse the desire of the "hunters" to hunt. No one took the opportunity to mend his back, and finally made him run out.

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