He remembered... They were teleported here for no more than a week, right? ! The competition schedule has a full 36 stars, and now the time is not even a fraction of the time, and the participants are so exhausted, do you want to be so cruel?

If he hadn't been able to find a chance to sneak out of the war zone, he would have long since wanted to stay with those lunatics, and felt that it would be easy to stay for a while and be eliminated.

Oh, someone might ask why he was able to persist in this chaotic war zone for so long even though he was so cowardly... To be honest, Zhou Xiuwen didn't know either. Or as soon as you find a sign of being targeted, you can find a convenient shield to rub against. Anyway, it was just messing around, and in the end it actually worked out a way for him to survive smoothly.

Although Zhou Xiuwen also knew that it might not be safe for him to come out from here, and there was a possibility of being treated as a chicken by others at any time. But it's better than lying dead in a war zone and being stepped on, right? Besides...he really didn't want to be eliminated so soon, so no matter how ugly he was when he came to see him, he had to hold on for a while, even if it was only for a while.

Someone in Zhou thought about the "tragedies" of those unlucky ghosts who were eliminated in the war zone before they were sucked up by the rescue spacecraft, and couldn't help shivering.

Even with the barrier protection that simulates the corset being put out, kicking and stepping over it with a dozen or so feet probably wouldn't be comfortable. He saw some unlucky brother being trampled to the point where he was about to spit out a mouthful of old blood, and he swore at that moment not to be shot in the war zone.

Well, now he's finally... eh? !

"Ah, wait, don't, don't... Brother, can you stop doing it? I'll give you everything. I, I..." Zhou Xiuwen was so frightened that he immediately crossed his arms, as if intending to stop the other party from coming at any time. A bullet fired.

Jiang Hui's ambush here is just waiting to catch the leak. How can such a big person jump out of the team without being conspicuous? She saw it right away. Ordinarily, with Jiang Hui's temperament, this bullet should have been fired long ago - anyway, he couldn't wait for the other party to say this.

But I don't know why, looking at the man who stumbled and ran out of the war zone, Jiang Hui inexplicably saw a vague sense of familiarity.

But in such a short time, the other party went a long way. When Jiang Hui came back to his senses, he wanted to shoot the man down, but he saw the man's face clearly in this round of movements.

Oh, no wonder it looks a little familiar, it turned out to be an acquaintance.

This person had to bump into this side if he didn't want to go.

Dude, can't you feel the surrounding situation with your mental strength so close? Such a big man here is pointing a gun at you in the middle, why didn't he notice it at all?

Now it's all right, she doesn't need to hesitate to shoot or not, the other party will send it directly. Jiang Hui only needs to press the trigger a little bit, and he doesn't even need to use that kind of effort to harvest points and resources.

The way of pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger should not be like this, right? Jiang Hui suddenly wanted to see when he would react to the fact that there was a gun pointed at his face.

Fortunately, this prey was not a pure fool. He felt a different aura floating in the air, and then found Jiang Hui who was hiding in a hiding place and looking at him leisurely.

Zhou Xiuwen: ...

Jiang Hui: ...

What to do, this guy is too stupid, right? It would be better for her to send him directly to the finish line, and by the way, she could give points to her acquaintance.

Seemingly seeing Jiang Hui's plan, this guy immediately yelled - that's the scene at the beginning of the previous one.

Jiang Hui suddenly wanted to pull the trigger several times, but in the end he didn't? So he simply pointed the gun against the chest of the person and coerced the other person to move somewhere.

During the period, Jiang Hui did not forget to pay attention to the surrounding situation, while guarding against whether the other party might riot at any time, okay... Although she really thinks that this guy doesn't look like he has such a brain, but there are few things that capsize in the gutter.

Without sympathy, Jiang Hui held the other person's heart with a gun, and asked the other person "friendly" to hand over their supplies and the only gun that could defend themselves.

She admitted that it was indeed a bit unkind, and it was no different from directly shooting the other party, but she didn't take his point for the time being. But anyway, she still left Qingshan for him for the time being, isn't this also her own request.

The other party was obviously very knowledgeable about current affairs, understood his situation, and cooperated quite well, and even took the initiative to take things out. He breathed a sigh of relief while digging it out, as if as long as Jiang Hui didn't collapse with a single shot, everything would be fine.

The more the other party was like this, the more strange Jiang Wei felt, and he looked at him with suspicion. She couldn't help but asked: "You look like you don't want to compete, or... can I help you?"

The boy waved his hands again and again: "No, no, that's it, just let me go like this. Don't worry about me!"

He reacted like this, but Jiang Hui became more and more suspicious. Without weapons and resources, he just wanted not to be eliminated... But this person really doesn't look like the kind of person who can hold back and wait for an opportunity, and it doesn't seem like he is greedy for fame. People who are not strong enough and have to stay here.

To be honest, this person's demeanor was totally out of tune with the students present.

Everyone's eyes are full of strong emotions such as "thirst", "struggle for victory", "I want to win", etc. Only his wonderful expression like "I'm so tired, when will it end" is written on his face, which is very subtle.

In such a chaotic situation where you live and die, there is a person who is out of place fishing and looks like he is looking for a quick death. It is really uncomfortable to see. Anyway, it seems that Jiang Hui often wants to follow his heart and send him back with a single shot.

The other party nodded first, then shook his head again as if reacting, and said in a rather embarrassed voice: "My dad came to see me this time, I don't want to be so unpromising. He is not in good health and rarely has a chance Going out, I just don't want to be thrown out of the game in the first place... Can you-" Can you let me go for a while.

Jiang Hui had no expression on his face, as if he was examining his words. Just when Zhou Xiuwen thought he was about to die, the other party's expression suddenly became less tense, and the hand holding the gun was not as ready to go as before.

The two looked at each other, and the girl took a small step away, slightly retracting the barrel of the gun. Although there is still enough room for shooting, it already looks like he is following him with downcast eyes.

Jiang Hui wasn't afraid of him being violent, because she had taken away everything on him. She also just needs to watch the other party leave with his back turned. As for whether he will be sent away by someone else as a point because he is unarmed, it is out of her scope.

Being on the battlefield, she can't be allowed to be distracted and soft-hearted. This is also the rule she should abide by here, although... she also knows that she has softened her heart in an inappropriate way just now.

The other party was not at all sad about being cornered, and even jumped in surprise. It seems that Jiang Hui's tacit consent to let him stay in this game for an extra second is a big deal.

Just when Zhou Xiuwen half stood up and was about to turn his back and leave...Suddenly, almost at the same time, the other party turned his head suddenly, with a trace of anxiety lingering in his brows, regardless of Jiang Hui's shot, which seemed to be right Aiming at his gun barrel, he rushed towards her without hesitation.

At the right time, two gunshots rang out.

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