The strongest brain in the universe

Chapter 741 Fight (Part 2)

The heavy chains wrapped around the mecha layer by layer, and Jiang Hui felt her breath suffocate for a moment in the cabin. It was obviously the mecha that was trapped, and she was not a real person here.

Even though Jiang Hui reacted quickly enough and broke away quickly, the fuselage was already trapped, and the chain behind him suddenly tightened, and Jiang Hui and the fuselage lost half of their mobility.

Clarence dragged the chains and beat them backwards. These chains were installed at two points on the waist of both ribs and on both sides of the back body. After one set of chains was placed on Jiang Hui, they were all pulled out tightly.

Everyone who was watching this scene in their free time felt as if their tooth sockets were tightening. Coupled with the sound of violent friction between metals, the air seemed to be tense.

But of course this is not the end yet, far from it.

I don't know how the chain's loops were made. If the person who was tied made a slight move, the whole set of chains would shrink rapidly and become entangled.

However, when Jiang Hui tried to break free, his movements were too big but he couldn't get out. In the end, he was still trapped and stuck.

Although one arm managed to break free, the other arm was not so lucky and was directly tied tightly to the armor body by the chain.

This is not good.

Although it seems that there is still one hand exposed and free to move, and there seems to be room for it, in fact, this movable hand has become a constraint for Jiang Hui to escape from the current predicament at this moment.

The chain was tightly stuck on the fuselage through the arm link. A single moving arm could not help her break free of the heavy chain, and even suffered a lot of wear and tear in a short time because of her eagerness to break free.

And the other party obviously won't stop there. It is waiting to use these chains to drag Jiang Hui down.

Then everyone on the battlefield saw that the thunder mecha driven by Jiang Hui was dragged down by Clarence from behind with a large number of chains. The long chains were tightened occasionally, and the lavender mecha shell was entangled with the chains for a while. It made a "sizzling" sound, undulating like lightning and flint, glowing with terrifying thunder.

This chain is actually made from a single piece of platinum. Not only is the material itself strong and tough, but its resistance is also relatively outstanding among similar materials with similar functions. And its monomer structure also allows it to separate or block current, and is generally used as a material for the internal barrier structure of mechas.

Jiang Hui couldn't break it for a while, let alone take off these layers of dead chains from the armor, and he was forced into a desperate situation.


"This, this is the end?!" Looking at the scene of the inner circle dragging and struggling in vain, some people seemed to be very panicked.

"It's too reckless to be trapped so quickly. I have already said that I shouldn't let her act so willfully." This was a senior executive who did not agree with it at the beginning. He had been paying attention to the front line anxiously, and now something happened.

"What to do now? Wait...what to do?"

"What are you doing standing still? Line E, Line D and their adjacent vertical lanes are all lagging behind. Do you all want to end the fight? Damn it, if you want to go out yourself, don't drag others down."

"——Don't worry about how the front line fights. Hurry and lead people to clear the sidelines. If you wait a little longer, they will press in step by step." These are those who have not given up the executive command of the middle level, looking at the already stalemate battlefield. Because the chaos among our own personnel started to scatter little by little, they shouted on the central control channel until their throats started to smoke.

"Where is 8259? What are you doing? The C12 line is about to collapse. Did you take the order I just gave you?!"

"I heard it, but C12 is close to the front line. I'm afraid-"

"What the hell are you afraid of! Even though we are so far away, it won't hinder you. But if you really continue to stand like this, you won't have to wait for G and others to win when the enemy breaks through your side and even a few points around it. If you lose, you will be defeated immediately." The named on-site conductor did not dare to hesitate anymore after being sprayed violently. He had no choice but to bite the bullet and continue to push forward, and finally managed to contain the little bit that was beginning to show. Decline.

After all, it was just a temporary team. Some of the team members with poor psychological quality immediately wanted to quit, and their emotions became less stable.

"What else are you doing? G was almost killed by others. After a while, she was defeated, and S-class mechas came to kill us. Even with our three heads and six arms, we couldn't resist it. Not to mention that their number and number of weapons were comparable to ours. It’s almost the same, but the loss of an S-class mecha cannot be compensated by ordinary mechas.”

"Why haven't reinforcements been sent from the rear? If we wait any longer, it will be too late."

"What kind of reinforcements? Do you think that S-class mechas can be equal to just a dozen S-class mechas? Unless there is a second S-class mecha, no, there is also another powerful mecha warrior."

"Shut up and calm down—"

A voice was inserted into the chaotic central control channel, calming everyone, and instantly silenced it. It was 556 who had obtained the secondary control from Jiang Hui.

"This is not a place for you to chat. Your doubts, lies, and mutual criticisms will have no effect here, and you will not be able to attack an enemy. Instead, your alarmism will shake your mind. I don't care whether you are really worried or fake, or you have ulterior motives—"

"The outcome has not yet been determined, and we really have no power to intervene in the affairs of the two of them. But the central control instructions remain the same, and this is the only thing you need to follow. Do whatever you have to do. If it doesn't work, please step back and let the capable people Someone takes over, don't drag down the whole team." He scolded everyone with a stern voice and no mercy.

Then he clicked on more than a dozen numbers in succession, and they were all people who were currently having problems with the defense lines and were even holding back the team. The next moment was an instruction that shocked everyone: ".These people, I am commanding the agents as the Lord." Their identities as on-site commanders were revoked, and their deputy positions were immediately replaced, and the instructions issued by the central console were immediately executed without any mistakes."

The voice coming from the side of the center console was cold and solemn, unquestionable and threatening, and the channel was silent.

"As for the people who are replaced, if they are calm, they can continue to kill the enemy until everything is over. If they are not calm-"

"Someone asked you to go out. Believe me, you won't be able to wait until the other side is defeated and surrenders." Everyone's hearts skipped a beat. They all knew what the "send out" in the other party's words meant, and their hearts were instantly aroused. People who are alienated are as quiet as chickens.

Probably because of this little episode, everyone in the channel fell silent for a while. There was nothing but instructions and real-time information.

Just when everyone thought that this matter was over, the person who had just issued the order vigorously and resolutely said leisurely: "Remember, this team can be missing anyone, and I am not missing any of you." As if he meant something.

There was silence on the channel.

‘No matter what happens next, you don’t have to worry about it. I allow you to make adjustments on your own and adapt accordingly. Remember, this team can be missing anyone, including me. ’ This is what the man said to him not long ago - it was really accurate.

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