The strongest brain in the universe

Chapter 742 Fight (Part 2)

Jiang Hui had no time to deal with the changes in the central control frequency. She was now completely behind bars.

Clarence trapped Jiang Hui at the cost of half of his own mobility. Naturally, he was not playing a tug-of-war game with her. He used chains to block all the enemy's actions. The next step was to "sharpen his sword against the cattle and sheep".

And Jiang Hui is that sheep.

No matter how much she struggled, Jiang Hui was still blocked by these layers of chains, unable to break free.

And the enemy has just begun to show its fangs.

After confirming that the target was unable to break free, the gold and red mecha immediately boosted the jet from behind the aircraft, floating at low altitude on the ground, and straightened the joints of the chains: "Pattering - Keng -"

The purple mecha fell heavily, causing dust to fly, sand and rocks to fly, and even the nearby mecha-level human formations became unstable.

The two of them were upside down, and their situation was completely reversed from before.

But the person who should be panicked in the eyes of everyone was looking calm in the cabin at the moment. She looked around and didn't know what she was looking at. Then she slightly released the brake lever, and then clasped her hands. Let go completely.

The main control screen is a running automatic operation applet, with dozens of split screens of varying sizes flashing on the left and right, displaying the current battle situation from different mechas in all directions on the battlefield.

But the most eye-catching thing is the small program that is enlarged and then enlarged in the middle. On the top there are detailed codes generated by the running program and the newly generated prediction data. At the bottom is a row of measurements and readings of the peak power of each port. I don’t know what it is used for at the moment. In fact, the prototype of this kind of small program is not sophisticated. It is a product of the school's drill for educating students. When it is actually applied on the battlefield, it seems to be full of mistakes, so it won't be of much use for the time being.

Jiang Hui is quite interested in this thing. Although she cannot make fundamental changes with her current ability, she can still make a slight modification to an operating program that is more suitable for her own use.

Therefore, Jiang Hui's series of futile struggles in the eyes of everyone were actually carried out through this small program. Therefore, Jiang Hui's resistance seemed a bit weak in the eyes of outsiders, but it was indeed consistent with her locked state.

As for whether the one she was currently fighting had noticed, he probably had some awareness. After all, the two of them had fought against each other hundreds if not thousands of times in the past. How could Clarence not understand Jiang Hui's behavior and temperament? Her behavior after being in danger seemed a bit mechanical.

Even so, based on Jiang Hui's understanding of him, even if he knew it, he wouldn't care, or should I say, he wouldn't change his mind and easily change his original plan.

——This is exactly what Jiang Hui needs.

Breathing again, Jiang Hui ignored the sound of metal collision that lingered in his ears. He stared at the split screen and finally saw the long-awaited red light on the reflective surface. His expression moved slightly, as if on a chessboard. Press the red button in the middle like a "click" like the last stroke.

I saw dozens of sub-screens floating on the left, right, top and bottom of the main screen jumping at the same time, and the words 'Instructions conveyed' were displayed in red.

She finally contacted the last person through spiritual transmission: 'The overall centerline is shifted 352 star meters after 47 degrees, execute it in sections, and then execute the B-line plan immediately. ’

Regardless of whether the person on the other side heard her or not, or whether she would listen to her, she immediately closed the dozens of main and auxiliary screens, revealing a clean console.

Looking at the close warning on the display screen and the red light reflected by the carapace on the side, Jiang Hui's eyes darkened, and he pressed the brake cylinders of the left and right modules with both hands, while both feet stepped on the dual-line oil throttle.

Finally it was her turn——


Although the team has an acting commander who has temporarily taken over the power, G's bad situation still affects the mood of many people. Even if they adjust and stop losses in time, they will inevitably fall into decline in some areas.

However, the fact that 556 dealt with dozens of commanders resolutely still had a certain deterrent effect on everyone. Whether they were timid or those with ulterior motives, they all realized that they and G were still sitting in the same boat. If the boat capsized, Then there is no way for everyone to survive.

So no matter how anxious they were, they still managed to calm down and start completing the instructions given to them, and they didn't intend to think too much.

They originally thought that the current situation was "breaking the boat" and that they would inevitably fall into the fate of "the building would collapse". However, at an unexpected moment, they received a long-awaited order from the commander-in-chief GZ.

But G is still clearly in a predicament and has no time to take care of himself? !

No, the lavender S-class mecha over there is the one driven by their commander-in-chief, right? It was almost "strangled" by the single platinum chain and was unable to resist. She had time to distract herself at the moment. Are they giving orders?

It's not a collective order. Corresponding to each point, the on-site command, executive command, supervising command and acting command all receive her instructions in turn. At the same time, all the connectors in the channel were banned, leaving only the collective command of G carousel.

Such a huge amount of arrangement work cannot be completed in a moment no matter how fast it is. Even if the arrangement is random, it still takes time to read the instructions accurately, not to mention that no one knows better than them whether the other party is talking nonsense. It is not said whether these instructions can achieve the final effect required by the collective instruction, but they coincide with the current battle situation.

The current battle situation was explained by G immediately before the fight with L.

They even thought absurdly that the other party had anticipated all this and planned it? ! No, is this something that humans can do? Even a simulation analysis machine cannot reach this level, right? !

No, it's impossible, there is absolutely no way there is such a monster - even if 'she' is their leader.

Yes, this must be because the other party realized that they were about to be defeated and unable to recover, so they immediately gave up all struggles, and this was the last way out for them.

No wonder the opponent seemed to be full of mistakes when she was struggling after being trapped by a single platinum chain. Maybe she was thinking about "a strong man breaking his wrist" at that time.

Yes, that must be the case——

Looking at the mecha that was sealed by chains and targeted by the energy cannons on the enemy's shoulder armor, Gengjia confirmed this, feeling surged and complicated in his heart, but then he unexpectedly complied with it willingly.

The only acting commander who knew the inside story and endured all the pressure looked dumbfounded as he stared at the battlefield, which was stunned for a moment and then turned into chaos by Jiang Hui's instructions. He didn't know whether to let out a sigh of relief or sigh.

‘Wait, I will win. ’

"Then you really have to win," 556 muttered as he temporarily sent everyone around him out of the main control room and completed Jiang Hui's final order alone.

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