"Goo!! Cuckoo

A strange-looking little frog caught Natsu's attention, and Natsu approached quietly, then pounced.


"Cuckoo!" The little frog dodged easily.

"Stop!!" Natsu started crawling on the ground in pursuit.

Carla groaned: "What is he doing so he doesn't feel a little nervous?"

Lisanna laughed: "Hahahaha~! Two years later, Natsu still hasn't changed."

When she was a child, she and Natsu caught all kinds of small animals in the mountains together. Natsu was also very curious, and this kind of stupid thing was what Natsu would do.

"How long will it take to get to the capital?" Wendy asked.

Lisanna looked at it and said, "It would take about five days to walk.

"Happy" said: "Wings "Nine Seven Seven" are not in good condition either, I don't know what happened."

Carla sighed and said, "I don't know, the future is really bleak.

Su Tan didn't think about this, the distance was not a big problem for him, and he turned into a blue dragon and flew directly to the capital.

He is now thinking about how to add more points in his mind.

That's right, Su Yan gained attribute points again not long ago.

[Ding! The system automatically signed in successfully!

【Sign-in location: Fairy Tail( Edolas)

[Reward: 100 free attribute points.

It has only been a week since the last time I obtained 100 attribute points, and I never imagined that I would have obtained another 100 attribute points.

Otherworld, the new map, he has an urge to run the map again, maybe he is used to running the map.

But this time, he was a little entangled with the addition of some points. The reason is very simple. Now someone can break the defense for him. Although it is a human form to break the defense, it also makes Su Yan feel it.

Of course, the more trump cards, the better, so most of the time he uses his body to resist hard, and when he can't, he uses the domineering defense of the armed color.

After all, it is still in the early stage of the plot, and there are people who are stronger than this in the later stage, and there is the strongest black dragon, Aknororia.

He was a little worried that his armed arrogance was not enough.

Forget it, let’s start with a little bit of armed arrogance, it doesn’t seem good to be too biased.

"System, put 100 free attributes on the domineering of the armed color."

[Yes! Add some success!

The column of Armament Color Domineering became 600 points, Special Constitution: 52%.

Su Tan felt that his physique was a little stronger, and the feeling of getting stronger was very good.

""Happy", come and help!! That's a frog I've never seen before!! Take this as a present to Lucy and the others!!

"Happy" complained: "I don't think they will be happy."

"Hey! Natsu" Frog jump, a scholar who was still in high spirits, chased the little frog.


Suddenly, Natsu bumped into something, and when he looked up, he saw a super big frog appearing in front of him.




Seeing such a huge frog, Natsu and the others were taken aback.

"Cuckoo----!!" Big Frog's flippers pressed down on Natsu.

"Natsu!! It's attacking!!!"

Natsu clenched his fists and said, "Okay-!! Fire Dragon's...

Immediately afterwards, Natsu's sweat broke down, and his fists kept shaking.

"Magic can't come out----!!!"

Natsu turned around and started to run away. Lucy of Edolas wanted to see what kind of magic this Natsu of Aislandon would use, but even the Royal Army tried to provoke him, and it turned out to be like this.

"Lisanna!! Don't die with these idiots! Come back with me!!" Lucy shouted to Lisanna.

Lisanna smiled and said, "Ahaha~! What's going on here?"

Natsu ran towards Su Yan and shouted, "Su Yu!! Help me!!!"

Su Tan shook his head helplessly, this idiot will always cause trouble.

The big frog came to Su Tan and patted his claws towards Su Tan. Lucy took out his weapon and was ready to attack.


Su Su looked directly at the big frog and let out a cold snort.


The invisible overlord's domineering eruption.

The big frog's eyes suddenly turned white.


The big frog fell to the ground and passed out..

Seeing that the big frog fell to the ground and fainted, Natsu immediately went up and punched and kicked the big frog.

"You bastard! How dare you scare me!!" But Natsu has no magic power now, and his attack power is not very strong.

Su Tan grabbed Natsu and said, "Okay, that's about it, who asked you to provoke other people's children first."

Lucy looked at Su Yan in surprise and asked, "How did you do it? You obviously didn't use 'magic'?"

Lisanna explained: "Lucy, in Aislandon, there is magic in the human body, and when using magic, you don't need those magic tools, you can use magic yourself."

Lisanna had been in this world for two years, and she was also in the Fairy Tail guild, so she naturally understood what Lucy meant by magic.

"Then why can't he use magic?" Lucy pointed to Natsu.

"How do I know?!" Natsu felt that he had lost his magic power. The magic power was still there, but he couldn't cast the magic, which made him very depressed.

"Me. Me too!" Wendy also felt like she couldn't use magic anymore.

Carla said: "Maybe this is the effect of Edolas Icelandon being different from the world?"

"Then why can he use it?" Lucy pointed at Su Yan and asked.

"Happy" said, "Because what Su is using isn't magic at all!"

3.5 "Isn't magic? What is that?" Lucy was a little confused.

"What should I do now that I can't use magic?" Natsu was feeling a bit of a headache now, and without magic, he wouldn't be much better than a normal person.

"Yeah!" Wendy was also a little worried.

Su Tan smiled and patted Wendy's little head and said, "Okay, don't think about it so much. When I get to the capital, I'll kill all those guys in the capital."

"But I also want to do my part!

"Lucy, please help us." Lisanna said to Lucy.

Lucy pouted, she could see that this man named Su Yan did possess great power, but he was a super arrogant arrogant.

"Humph! For Lisanna's sake, I'll help you once. Come with me. Traveling without a weapon is simply suicide."

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