The Strongest Creature In Fairy Tail

Chapter 158 Su Disaster Rescue

"Horrible Lucy!

"Horrible Miss Lucy!!"

Lucy spit out: "You don't want to be terrible at one bite!!"

Natsu came to Lucy and patted Lucy on the shoulder: "You're still Lucy anyway!"

"What are you saying!

Soon, a few people led by Lucy came to a town. Although the architectural style here is a bit peculiar, the difference is not big, but the town looks a bit desolate.

Lucy brought a few people to the underground magic black market and bought a magic weapon for Natsu and Wendy each. As for Lisanna, Mira put a weapon on Lisanna when she went out.

After finishing the work, a few people came to a cafe in the town to drink tea and chat temporarily, after all, they had traveled a long way before.

"Ahahahaha! Said I was writing a novel? Also said I was the daughter of a daughter who used Celestial Spirit Magic! Ahahaha!"

Natsu smiled and said, "It's the same loud voice."

"Don't say I'm loud!!"

"It turns out that Miss Lucy also joined Fairy Tail in Icelandon, is she still Natsu's teammate?" Lisanna is very curious about the changes in Icelandon Fairy Tail.

When she left Eslandon, Lucy had not joined the Fairy Tail guild.

"Brother Su Yan, how is your relationship with Sister Mila now?" Lisanna asked quietly in Su Yan's ear.

Lisanna said when she was a child that she wanted to be a Natsu bride when she grew up. Although a large part of it was a child's words, it was considered a relatively precocious one.

At that time, Lisanna was like a little matchmaker, matching Su Yan and Mila. She saw at that time that her sister was really too strong.

So strong that almost no boy in the guild can hold down Sister Mila, in order to prevent Sister Mila from dying alone all her life, she had to match up with Su Yan, who was stronger than Sister Mila.

She also saw that Su Tan and Mila also had different feelings in the sparring, and only Brother Su Tan could conquer Sister Mila.

"Well! The relationship is okay." Su Yan showed a smile on his face.

"It's been two years, and I haven't taken down Sister Mila, so you can't do it, Su Yan! I thought you and Sister Mila had babies."

Name!" Su Yan raised his finger on Lisanna's forehead lightly.

Ouch "! It hurts!"

"People are big devils.

Suddenly, several voices sounded.

"found it!!"

"Block the entrances and exits of the street!!

Many men in military uniforms broke in through the gate.

Lucy's face changed: "Kingdom Army?!!"


Several people did not expect to encounter Wang Guojun so quickly.

"You are the wizards of Fairy Tail, aren't you?! Step over and capture!!"

"Is your identity exposed?!"


Carla and "Happy" were a little flustered when they saw the Royal Army, because according to Carla's account, they should have been on the Royal Army's side.

With a smile on Natsu's face, he immediately jumped out: "Just right!! Come and try the "magic" you just got!!

"That's right! Let's show you how good we are!" Wendy also stood beside Natsu and said aggressively.

Come on "!! Take the call--!!"

Natsu took out a hilt that looked like a sword, aimed it at the Royal Army, and pulled it.

"Flame attack----!!!!"

A flame shot out from the hilt.

"Haha--!! Huh?" Natsu had just finished laughing, and the smile on his face quickly froze.

I saw that an energy shield was formed on the arms of these Kingdom Army soldiers, blocking Natsu's flame attack unscathed.

Seeing that the attack was useless, Natsu quickly pulled the hilt of the weapon again.

"Those bastards, do it again!!!"

But this time, no flames came out.

"Didn't I say that magic power is limited?! All magic uses must be limited in number!"

Natsu was dumbfounded: "This thing is a one-off!!

"If you use the right force, you should be able to say it 100 times!!"

Wendy anxiously fiddled with the magic weapon in her hand: "How exactly should this be used?"

"Catch them--!"


"Su Yan!!"

"Brother Su Yan!!"

Natsu and Wendy immediately turned their heads and ran towards Su Yan, hiding behind Su Yan, Carla helplessly held her forehead, these two guys are really a bit embarrassing.

"This man also has Fairy Tail's coat of arms on his arm. He must be a member of Fairy Tail. He will be arrested with him."

People from the Kingdom's army rushed towards Su Tan.

"Go away!!"

Su Tan snorted coldly.


"Boom boom boom!!!"

The domineering burst of domineering looks, smashing all the tables and chairs in front of Su Tan, and swept away towards several people.

"Wow ah ah ah!"


These people didn't even have time to open their magic shields, all of them screamed and were knocked into the air. They crashed into the opposite wall, and fell into a coma under the mental and physical impact of Overlord Seba.

"It's amazing!!" This is the second time that Edolas' Lucy has seen Su Xun make a move. There is no trace at all, and he can burst out with a very terrifying power. Who is this man?

Carla persuaded: "There is no way to use magic now, so don't push yourself."

"Damn it!! The "magic" in this world is too useless, if I could use the original magic, these guys could all be defeated in three or two strokes!" Natsu said unwillingly.

Lucy said: "This place has been discovered by the Royal Army. The Royal Army is now searching for our Fairy Tail. Let's leave and go to the next city. There are too many Royal Army in this town."

Although Su Tan didn't pay much attention to these royal troops, it was still good to go to the next city first.

A few people just walked not far when a voice sounded.

"Found it!! It's Fairy Tail!!"

"Have you been found?!" A few people looked around, and there was no Royal Army running towards them, apparently they were not found.

The voice came from another street, and a few people went over there to see who was caught, and if it was a Fairy Tail member, they would help.

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