The Strongest Creature In Fairy Tail

Chapter 211 Qinglong VS Black Dragon (2)

"Dragon!! Dragon!!! Still two!!!"

"Isn't the dragon a legendary creature? Why are there two here?!

"What exactly happened?!"

Everyone on the battleship of the Magic Council outside Sirius Island was frightened.

It's just a mission, how could such a thing happen.

The same is true for everyone in Fairy Tail. One dragon is enough to shock, and two dragons appear in the sky at the same time. This scene is really shocking and suffocating.

Go to die "Go!!" The black dragon Aknororia seemed to be stimulated by seeing Su Tan transformed into Jackie Chan, and the killing intent spread all at once.

Aknorollia rushed towards Su Yan.

Su Yan also greeted him without fear.


The heads of the incarnated blue dragon and the black dragon Aknororia savagely collided.

"Boom ---!!!

Lightning and thunder in the sky, huge waves on the sea, two creatures in myths collide, just the aftermath will produce terrifying destructive power.

"Quick!! Get out of here!!"

The power of the dark dragon was wrapped around the claws of the black dragon Akunorolia and grabbed it towards Su Tan.

"Kacha--!!" The dragon scales on Su Tan's body were shattered, and blood flowed out.

Su Yan also grabbed the black dragon Aknororia with one claws.

The armed color is domineering hardened and wrapped, and the overlord color is domineering and compressed.


The body of the black dragon Aknororia was also scratched by Su Yan with several bloodstains, and the blood oozes from the wound.

Although it looks like an ordinary attack, the two people or two dragons are all aimed at killing each other.

The black dragon Akunorolia slammed his fist on Su Tan's Qinglong head.

Su Tan's huge dragon body was repelled.

Because of the different forms of dragons, the body of the black dragon Aknororia has a greater advantage in close combat.

The dark feathers behind the black dragon Aknororia quickly pursued.

After Su Tan saw it, the huge green dragon flicked its tail and hit the black dragon Aknororia on the face.

The black dragon Aknororia is swept away.

"Crash ---!!"

The dragon claws of Aknororia slid a long distance on the sea.

Then take a deep breath, the huge dragon power gathers towards the lungs, and the huge dragon chest expands.

"It's a roar---!!!"

Gajeel shouted when he saw it.

Su Yan also opened his mouth wide, and a huge amount of energy gathered in his mouth. Su Sai also incorporated the domineering of armed and overlord.


The black dragon Aknororia spit out a terrible energy bullet.

"Heat breath!!!"

Su Xuan's mouth also spit out a scorching heat breath, and purple lightning was wrapped around the heat breath.

The roar of the black dragon and the heat from Su Tan collided in mid-air.


Two strong forces collided, as if a sun appeared on the sea.


Makarov shouted in horror.

The Fairy Tail all gathered together to defend themselves with magic.

Immediately afterwards, the impact of the collision of two powerful forces erupted.

The terrifying impact blew off many trees on Sirius Island.

Distant huge waves were set off on the sea, rolling toward Sirius Island and the surrounding area.

"Wow ah ah ah!!


Everyone screamed in surprise when they saw this scene.

This time, the attack power of Su Yan and Aknororia was half a catty.

No one on either side has pressed anyone.

In the eyes of others, this is already a disaster that is almost devastating.

"This, is this the legendary dragon that can destroy a country in one go?

The magic attack did not take advantage of it, and Aknororia immediately rushed towards Su Yan again.

Su Tan opened his mouth and aimed at Akurolia: "Bad wind!!!"

"Boom boom boom!!!"

One after another, huge wind blades that can cut through everything spit out from Su Tan's mouth.

Akurolia's wings and body quickly flew towards the sky, avoiding the bad wind of Su Tan.

He exhaled a continuous dragon breath at Su Yan.

ask for flowers


Su Tan's huge dragon body was spinning like a spinning top, sending out bad winds.

Neutralize the Dragon Breath of Aknororia.


A tornado appeared around Su Tan's body, restricting Akurolia's movements.

"Is this a disaster...

Everyone in the Magic Council couldn't believe it after seeing it.

They have always been proud to be members of the Magic Council.

I don't think there is anything more powerful in this world than the Magic Council.

But today they feel that everything has been turned upside down, like these two creatures in the sky, any one of them can easily destroy the Magic Council.

"Get out of here!!" Rahal ordered loudly.


Mest's face changed: "There are also Fairy Tail people on Sirius Island!"

"There is no way to control them, if we don't leave, then we will all die here, and the aftermath of the battle between the two god-like creatures is not something we can bear.

Although "I knew about the existence of the black dragon from the data, I didn't expect it to actually appear. The appearance of the black dragon represents the end of the era, and the troubles of mankind may have just begun."

"What I'm very confused about now is the origin of that cyan dragon.

Although the power of the tornado was very strong, it couldn't stop Akurolia from getting close.

The black dragon Aknorollia came to Su and attacked Su Tan with its claws.

"Crack!" The dragon card on Su Tan's body was destroyed.

"Ugh!!" Su Tan couldn't help but let out a painful cry.

He opened his mouth and bit Akunororia's arm.


The black dragon Aknororia cried out in pain, her arm was bitten by Su Yan, and blood flowed.

The black dragon Akunorolia also quickly grabbed Su Tan's arm and opened his mouth to bite on Su Tan's body.

"Ugh!!" Su groaned, but he bit his mouth and didn't let go, and his body immediately wrapped around Akurolia.

The dragon claws attacked Akronorlia, and Akronoria also attacked Su Yan.

The two dragons slaughtered each other as if they were beasts. ten thousand.

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