The Strongest Creature In Fairy Tail

Chapter 212 Qinglong VS Black Dragon (3)

Everyone was shocked to watch the most primitive torn apart of the two strongest creatures in the world.

It all feels like nothing is more shocking than this.

Su Tan, who turned into a blue dragon, and the black dragon Aknororia were torn apart.

From the sky to the sea, and from the sea to the sky.

At this point, Gildarts came running with Freed and Bickslow.

Everyone "! Get on board!!" Gildarts shouted to the Fairy Tail crowd.

Gildarts "?! How did you guys get back?!"

"We immediately returned when we saw the red flares launched on Sirius Island, but we didn't expect to encounter so many big waves, which delayed a lot of time."

"Hurry up and leave by boat while Su Tan blocks us!"

Su Yan and Akurolia were both seriously injured.

"013" "Ah---!"

Su Yan and Akurolia dispersed.

"Eternal Ray!!!"

Akurolia opened her wings, and dense dark rays shot at Su Yan.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

Su Yan evaded quickly, but was still attacked several times.


If Su Yan was immune to these attacks before, but now that Su Tan is injured, these attacks will also cause a lot of damage to Su Yan.

Su Tan opened his mouth and sent out three fireballs.

Aknorollia evaded all these attacks and rushed to Su Ji quickly.

The claws grabbed towards Su Tan, and a powerful magic force was condensed in his mouth.

Su Tan's eyes changed slightly after seeing it.

A part of the scales on the body quickly changed color and turned black, which is the domineering hardening of the armed color.


"Ah!!" Although the armed color resisted the attack with arrogance, it still broke the defense.

Armament color domineering can indeed increase attack power and defense power, but it is similar to enchanting.

The strength of domineering influences the defensive power. Su Yan's armament is not weak, but it is definitely not strong.

Su Tan added almost all of his attribute points to the domineering arrogance of the overlord.

The advantage is that Su Yan's attack on the black dragon's Aknororia broke the defense.

In the original book, only the Fire Dragon King Igneel can break through the defense of the black dragon form Aknororia.

Igneel traded his life for one of Acunorolia's arm.

Of the remaining people, there is no one who can break through the defense of Acunororia.

Of course, it is most likely because Su Yan is not using magic.

However, now the consumption of the domineering and domineering of the armed color makes Su Tan somewhat weak.

Animal Devil Fruit Awakeners have super resilience, as long as they don't die, it won't take long to recover from serious injuries.

However, Su Yan is still a little short of awakening.

Su Tan's tail was entwined with a strong domineering domineering look, hitting Aknororia's body.


Su Yan's tail shattered the ribs on Akurolia's body.

"Proud----!!!" Akurolia also let out a scream, and looked at Su Yan with a hideous gaze.

Powerful dragon power gathers around the body.

"Eternal Ray!!!"

Aknorollia fired a large number of magic rays again.

Su Capital came to think about dodging, but immediately realized that behind him was the Fairy Tail crowd.

Immediately stopped.

"Boom boom boom boom!!!"

The radiation rays that cannot afford to lose hit Su Tan's dragon body, causing a terrifying explosion that cannot afford to lose.

"Wow ah ah ah!!"

Su Tan let out a scream of pain, and then fell to Sirius to the island.


Su Tan's huge body destroyed all the surrounding trees, and the mounds on the ground were well piled up.

Su Tan's body reverted to human form.


Akurolia fell not far in front of Su Yan.

"Human, although I don't know why you can become a dragon, your power is not weaker than a real dragon, but anyone and everything related to dragons should be damned!!"

Aknorollia immediately prepared to kill Su Tan.

Suddenly, a magic bullet landed on Aknorollia's body.

"I won't allow you to attack Su Yan!!

Su Tan looked in the direction of the sound, and saw Mira, who had transformed into Satan, appeared in front of Su Tan and attacked Akurolia with her dark magic.


Immediately after.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

A lot of magic falls on Akronorlia.

Everyone in Fairy Tail attacked Akronoria.

"Go on---!!"

"Kill it!!

"Never let it continue to hurt Su Tan!!

"Everyone... Su Tan looked at the Fairy Tail crowd.

The Fairy Tail crowd's attack on Aknororia had no effect at all.

Akurolia didn't even bother to pay attention to these bugs, and flapped her wings vigorously.




The Fairy Tail crowd was knocked flying by the impact of the airflow.

Makarov's body instantly grew larger, and then he blocked Akurolia.

Although "I don't know what your purpose is, but I will never let you go a step further!!

"My kids are still behind me!!"

Aknorollia slammed forward hard, and Makarov was knocked to the ground.

Akunorolia - slapped Makarov's chest.

"Servant!!" Makarov couldn't help coughing up blood. The random blows of the black dragon were all magic with powerful destructive power, not something that human mages could endure.

Akurolia is preparing to continue the killer in 3.6.

At this moment, "Crack---!!!"

A golden bolt of lightning landed on the top of Aknororia's head from the sky.

Aknorollia shook her head from the lightning strike.

"You bastard, take your claws off the old man's body!!" A man with short blond hair appeared in front of the crowd and scolded the black dragon Akunorolia.


Everyone in Fairy Tail was very surprised to see this person. They didn't expect Laxus to appear here.

But many people were very surprised to see Laxus.

"Laxus, why are you here?"

"That kind of thing will be discussed later, why does a black dragon appear here?!"

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