A conversation between the two.

Let the audience burst into laughter.

“This wave of flutes took Nami’s head, and IG went down and liberated.”

“It’s a pity that you can’t kill the small cannon, you can’t tear down the tower.”

“But the god of the flute is already very showy!”

PDD spoke up: “Flute God again…..”

The next words were not spoken.

“Double kill?” Zhou Shuyi interrupted PDD’s words in surprise.


PDD subconsciously looked towards the screen.

IG and Wudi have killed JDG and Lvmao.

IG and Wudi have killed JDG and xiaoali.

? Doubleki11?

PDD didn’t react, just now he just looked up and explained, what happened?

PDD turned his head and looked at Zhou Shuyi curiously.

Inside the venue.

The audience would have agreed with PDD’s statement.

In their opinion.

The small cannon was even slowed down by Bloon, but in this position.

After Wu Di killed Nami, it was difficult to chase and kill Xiao Cannon anymore.

But right now…

Big screen.

? The sound of Doubleki11 resounded throughout the audience.

Lower the JDG Defense Tower outside the ground.

Two corpses.

One left and one right 02.

On the left is the small cannon, and on the right is Nami.

“What’s the situation?”

“I just drank saliva, how did the little cannon die?”

“Replay, playback!”

Many viewers said they didn’t understand.

“The flute god is so chicken.”

“This wave of blind eyes.”

“Second kill, instant second kill, the little cannon didn’t react.”

The audience who witnessed the whole process were surprised and exclaimed.


Betta Fish TV

The gathering place of the flute.


The barrage was quiet.

The original words that insulted IG and insulted Wu Di disappeared in a short time.


The barrage function is gone.


Panda TV

Flute powder gathering place.

“Don’t help me, let me kneel and read it.”

“In ancient times, there were big eagles with curved bows, and today the god of the flute kills two eagles with one stone.”

“Heaven does not give birth to a flute god, LOL is as ancient as a long night.”

“A thousand operations, all kinds of consciousness, I only ask, can you rival the god of the flute?”

“Fight with the heavens, its pleasure is endless, fight with the earth, its pleasure is endless, fight with the flute god, bye to you!”

“LOL all the way, it is stealing operations, seizing consciousness, turning the overall situation, grasping operations, palm to line… Well, I can’t make it up. ”

“Is there Uncle Liu?”

“True Di Shen Shuyou Live Broadcast Room?”

“Seek the imperial uncle together!”

“The barrage is too crooked… Di Shen’s wave of heavenly show, no one said it? ”

“Say what? Just kneel and watch! ”

“Hehehe, I have long guessed that this will be the case, prepared a mat, and kneel very comfortably.”

“The man has gold under his knees, please teach me platinum.”

“Just entered the live broadcast room, what happened?”

“Sit back and wait for the playback, record the GIF.”


Inside the venue.

On the big screen.

A replay occurred.

Wu Di’s Calista, Nami who has always been A.

The spears on Nami’s body are increasing.

Gradually, it is dense.

Seeing that Wu Di can detonate Nami’s E skill.

But Wu Di didn’t.

Still flat A


When Nami had more than one hundred and twenty drops of blood left.

Wu Di shot a flat A, the person was in mid-air, seemed to continue to jump forward, just overlapping with Nami’s figure, Wu Di shot a Q skill suddenly shot.

This caused Wu Di’s position to change in midair.

Swipe straight upwards and look like you’re blocking the Q skill.

Q skills are extremely fast.

Very oblique.

Kankan touched Nami.

The next moment.

Nami fell.


Wu Di’s Q skill that passed through Nami’s body.

With a dense spear, it fell on the body of the small cannon.

The light on the small cannon flashed.

Barriers appear.

With a tearing sound.

The small cannon is emptied of HP.

None of the barriers saved his life.

Commentary seats.

“That’s too chicken, isn’t it?” PDD’s eyes widened and he looked shocked.

If Calista kills an enemy with the Q skill, she can pass the accumulated spears on the enemy to the enemy that the Q skill subsequently harms.

This situation.

PDD is known.

But PDD is also clear.

Calista’s Q skill accuracy is difficult to control.

Shoot one easily.

It’s very difficult to kill two birds with one stone.

Not to mention.

The distance between Wu Di and Xiao Cannon has exceeded the limit distance of Q skill.

If it weren’t for Wu Diping’s A shot, when the figure slides forward into mid-air, he releases the Q skill in mid-air, causing the small cannon to enter the Q skill limit distance.

This Q skill must not hit.

At the same time, Wu Di also controlled the position of the fall in detail, just blocking the trajectory of the Q skill.

Look at it from an OB perspective.

It seems that Wu Di uses two flat A shots in a row.

PDD doesn’t need to think about knowing that Wu Di’s operation is to make the small cannon react a little slower.

After all, small cannons have flashes.

Wu Di did it!

Kill the cannon in seconds!

Details, operations, anticipation…


PDD was secretly alarmed.

I feel that my previous assessment of Wu Di’s strength seems to be a little low.

Zhou Shuyi didn’t think so complicated, she only knew.

Wu Di floated around in the sky.

Very handsome.

Shouted excitedly: “Double kill, the god of the flute took the double kill, this Q skill directly kills the blood cannon in seconds.” ”

“Everyone, pay attention, the small cannon uses a barrier.”

“This was all killed by the god of the flute!”

“Awesome, awesome!”

PDD listened to Zhou Shuyi’s words.

A wry smile appeared on his face.

A set of operations so beautiful by the Di God, when it came to Zhou Shuyi, it became such a simple sentence?

A Q deal?

What is the use of light damage?

PDD explained aloud: “Audience friends, this wave…”


JDG Team Voice.

“Mine, mine.” Green hair chooses the back pot.

If he hadn’t tried to escape just now.

It will not cause Wu Di to keep chasing him to ping A. The final Q skill killed Xiaoali in seconds.

“It’s okay, I forgot to hand over the flash.” xiaoali410 released the hand holding the mouse and felt that his hands were a little tight.

He is a professional AD player.

Calista this hero, he played!

He also knows the effect of Calista’s Q skill.


He was walking close to the wall just now, and he clearly knew that this had exceeded the limit distance of Wu Di’s Q skill.


He did not exchange flashes, ready to walk safely back to the bottom of the tower.

What he didn’t expect was…

Wu Di will use the Q skill to force displacement in mid-air.

The figure rushes forward with the Q skill.

Causing Xiaoali to misestimate the distance and trajectory of the Q skill.

Wait for the reaction to come.

Even if he pressed the barrier, it would not help.

Too much detail, right?

Look at the black death interface.

Xiaoali developed a sense of panic.

Or for the first time.

He felt that way.

Even the first two rounds of JDG lost one after another.

In addition to being unwilling, Xiaoali has never felt this way.

But right now… Xiaoali feels that even if the JDG lineup is good, Ue-Nakano will get a big advantage.

It’s also hard to beat IG.

This contestant named Wu Di… It’s terrifying.

From start to finish.

After two games, there was no mistake at all.

And it’s been showing.


In the past, Wu Di’s competition did not make a mistake.

Wu Dixiu: It’s normal!

Xiaoali was confused, he didn’t know how to line up with Wu Di.


Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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