IG Team Voice.

With the sound of double killing, it spread throughout the canyon.

IG voice is quiet.

As if it was the IG off-road duo who were double-killed.

Didn’t speak.

The child silently beats the toad.

Duke chose EQ to consume Nar’s HP and rushed forward to fight a wave.

Broiler chickens clear the troops in the middle.

Parang… Belch!

Royale was in a daze.

The spear was only 0.01 cm away from him…

To put it bluntly, when Wu Di released the Q skill, Baolan was very close.

See it with your own eyes!

Wu Di released the Q skill in mid-air and forcibly closed the distance between him and the small cannon.

At the same time, Baolan can also see it… The position where Wu Di landed has the meaning of covering the trajectory of the Q skill.

The cannon fell!

Double kill!

Seeing this scene, Baolan had a doubt.

Brother Wu Di is so strong… Why doesn’t EDG and JDG don’t?

Are both teams fools?

Wu Dige operation, consciousness, overall view, command, BP…. Which is not top-notch?


It’s all super-top.

Baolan believes that he has played in the LPL for so long, and he has never seen anyone better than Wu Di.

LPL first person!

LOL in… Wu Di probably has few opponents.

It’s a big profit!

Baolan thought about a picture.

Genius assisted… One year after his debut, he joined hands with LOL’s strongest AD and moved to thousands of miles.

Won the S7 World Championship.

I… What champion skin to choose?


Wu Di felt very strange.

That wave just now.

Whether it’s flat A near and small cannon distance, air drift Q skill.

Or cover the trajectory of the Q skill.

It’s all very showy!

In Wu Di’s eyes, they all felt that that wave was their limit.

What do you mean?

Nobody spoke anymore?

When I’m not showing, they praise me for showing.

I want to show you guys, and I don’t squeak?

That’s too much!

Wu Di spoke up: “What’s the situation?” ”

Being licked for no reason, Wu Di rejected it in his heart.


He is obviously very showy, IG guys don’t even say anything, Wu Di feels the need to say two words: “Why don’t you talk?” ”

“I’ll choose Luo.” Baolan subconsciously spoke up.

“Lo? It’s okay, actually, I want to choose a blind monk. “The kid spoke up.

“Wow, you think so too, child?” Baolan was surprised.

“It seems that we both think so.” The child laughed.

“Can I choose Jian Ji?” Duke spoke up.

“How about I choose Yasso? My sword is like the wind, always with my body! The broiler spoke.

What the?

Wu Di was confused.


Team RNG.

Training room.

“Xiaoming, let’s practice hard assistant recently.”

“Hammerstone should also be good, Bloom must practice.”

“In a moment, which of you will send a letter to the puppy and tell him to practice Calista in addition to Xia.”

“By the way, Xiaoming Old Niu also practiced.”

“Wright fan, you have to practice the physical output type list.”

“Little Tiger try Yaso.”

Brother Feng spoke up while watching the game on the screen.

He lowered his head again and wrote and drew on the notebook.

“By the way, I have a question for you.” After Brother Feng finished writing, he raised his head and looked at the RNG team members.

Seriously: “Uzi didn’t come today, don’t tell him about this.” ”

“What do you think of Wu Di’s AD and Uzi?”

“Tell the truth!”

Because it was related to Brother Feng’s tactical arrangement, he looked at the RNG players very seriously.

“It’s okay.” Seeing Brother Feng looking at himself, Wright said in a lost voice.

“What about you?” Brother Feng looked at Xiaohu.

“I think Uzi is also very strong.” Little Tiger spoke up.


Brother Feng nodded.

Understand what Little Tiger is saying.

Although Wu Di is strong, Uzi is no worse than Wu Di!

Brother Feng looked at the spicy fragrant pot.

“If I hit IG, I will either be caught to death, or I will not go down the road at once, I am afraid of being shown!” The spicy fragrant pot said bluntly.

“Oh, where’s Bob?” Brother Feng looked at Xiao Ming again.

“The puppy and Wu Di are very fierce, but I think Wu Di is more stable than the puppy. As for who is stronger, I really don’t know if I haven’t fought. Xiao Ming smirked and said, “I should be stronger than Baolan.” ”

“Why?” Brother Feng was quite curious, and it was the first time he had seen Xiao Ming so confident.

“IG is Wu Di to suppress the line, fight consumption, and hit the lead, I think Baolan is useless.” Xiao Ming scratched his head and replied with a smirk.

“Hmm.” Brother Feng didn’t say much: “Keep watching, learn more about the IG system.” ”

Finish speaking.

Brother Feng picked up a pen and wrote on the notebook.

Value IG.

Especially IG’s AD Wu Di.

After writing, Brother Feng raised his head and looked at the RNG players who were watching the game very seriously, and he was still very satisfied with the serious attitude of the RNG players.

But Brother Feng is equally clear… The RNG players are not optimistic!

Confidence in the face of IG is not so enough.


SKT Team.

Training room.

Due to delays.

At this time, on the screen of the training room, a replay of Wu Di’s double killing was playing.

Kim Jong-kyun has a headache.

SKT’s Calista system is gone.


IG also developed a hard-controlled auxiliary incense burner system.

IG’s AD bit has also begun to show!

Drift in the air?

Take the double kill?

Kim Jong-kyun glanced at Faker.

Faker was watching the replay carefully.

Except for two people.

The other SKT teammates, because of Kim Jong-kyun’s orders just now, are training in training mode.

“Let’s all stop.” Kim Jong-kyun spoke, very loudly.

The SKT team members with headphones turned their heads to look at Kim Jong-kyun suspiciously.

“Come and watch this game.” Kim Jong-kyun spoke up, then looked at Faker and said seriously: “You can also sit down and watch.” ”

Faker nodded, stared at the replay and stepped back two handfuls, pulled a gaming chair and sat down.

The line of sight never left the screen.

He was interested in IG.

To know.

Back in the time of the IG regiment.

Faker felt that IG wasn’t messing around.

So after Kim Jong-kyun asked the SKT players to train, Faker did not go but watched the game.

At this time.

IG’s performance in the game.

Prove Faker’s feelings right.


Faker always thinks IG is doing a little too well, right?

Exceeded his expectations.

Especially the performance of IG’s down-road duo.

Let Faker have an idea.

Wolf’s strength is stronger than IG Assist.

But can bang beat IG’s AD?

Can SKT Downside Duo beat IG’s Downside Duo?

Faker, who was originally full of confidence, was a little shaken.

He can’t deny that …. This Calista operation is strong.

“Watch this match well, in the next intercontinental competition, our SKT opponent is most likely to be Team IG. After the players gathered around, Kim Jong-kyun said seriously: “IG’s strength is very strong, there are many routines, and there are many systems, we SKT must pay attention to the IG team!” ”

“Especially the AD of Team IG.”

“We need to pay more attention.”

“Bang and Wolf, you two, look at IG and Wudi’s match records in the past two days to understand his operating habits.”

“At that time, even if SKT does not play IG, we can tell the other teams of LCK.”

“The continental competition is very important, and we at SKT must help the LCK division win the championship.”

“You know what!”

Listen to Kim Jong-kyun’s words.

The SKT team members responded in unison, but they inevitably had doubts in their hearts.

Just now, coach Kim Jong-kyun also said that IG is releasing water!

Don’t you need to watch this game?

How did it change all of a sudden?

But right away…

They found the answer on screen.

New routines again?

IG: Is this AD so crazy?


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