“By the way, I’m a trainee referee demon wind.”

Feeling Wu Di’s strange eyes, Demon Wind explained: “I’m not bad…”

One sentence is not finished.

The demon wind felt that his face was so hot.

I thought anxiously, what does this have to do with bad people?

I just helped Shanshan ask for WeChat.

Don’t be nervous.

I’m not nervous.

“Di Shen, I helped my friend ask for WeChat, my friend likes you very much.”

“She is also a trainee referee for the LPL.”

“Can I add it?” After Demon Wind finished speaking, he looked at Wu Di expectantly.

Wu Di looked at the expectant look on Miss Demon Wind’s face, and felt quite awkward.

Just add a WeChat, as for this?

Wu Di smiled and said, “Yes.” ”

Add a WeChat.

For Wu Di, it’s not a big deal.

“Thank you Flute.” Demon Wind is happy.

Just take out your mobile phone and add Wu Di WeChat.

The child smiled badly and said: “Sister Demon Wind, your friend is also a trainee referee, why don’t you come in person?” ”

The broiler looked serious: “Yes, young sister, you are a little excited.” ”

Baolan smiled and said, “Do you want to plot against our brother Wu Di?” ”

The child spoke up again: “Hehe, if 29 wants to attack Brother Wu Di, don’t you consider giving us some benefits?” Like what… Treat us to a meal? ”

“Good meal.” Duke nodded approvingly.

“I…” Demon Wind felt his ears get hot.

She has never taken the initiative to add boys’ WeChat.


The IG four teased.

Let the demon wind be overwhelmed.

She didn’t lie.

Really help Shanshan ask for WeChat.

Though… Demon Wind also wants to add Wu Di to WeChat.

But Demon Wind dares to guarantee that she simply thinks that Wu Di’s LOL level is relatively strong, and it has nothing to do with Wu Di’s handsomeness.


It really doesn’t matter.

“Mobile phones are not allowed in the game, you remember it.” Wu Di glared at the four IG and said, “My WeChat ID is ******.” ”

Wu Di said again: “By the way, remember to make a note after adding me.” ”

Demon Wind nodded.

Confirmed the WeChat number again.

“Goodbye everyone, goodbye to the god of the flute.”

Saying goodbye, the demon wind whizzed away.

“Brother Wu Di, did we delay your good deeds?” The child thief smiled.

“I just want to have a meal.” Baolan smiled.

“Brother Wu Di, don’t you have Sister Rita?” Broiler said seriously.

“And the afterfrost… Zhou Shuyi…”Duke is also very serious.

Wu Di Li ignored the child and Baolan and glanced at the broiler chicken and Duke.

Something strange.

How did you have Rita yourself?

Zhou Shuyi and Yu Shuang also became their own?

It’s hard to be human.

Being a celebrity is hard.

It’s harder to be a celebrity with scandals.


Five minutes later.

On stage.

In the cheers of the audience, Wu Di interviewed the stage.

Today’s interview host is the famous LOL First Show ”.

“Hello Di God, thank you very much today.”

“This is the first time we met, my name is Ren Dong.”

As soon as he walked onto the stage, Wu Di saw Ren Dong coming and talking as he walked.

“Hello.” Wu Di nodded.

Lock his gaze on Ren Dong’s empty right hand.

Ren Dong welcomed Wu Di to the center of the stage.

He spoke: “In today’s two games, Di Shen won MPV. ”

“I don’t think much.” Wu Di nodded, and his gaze continued to lock on Ren Dong’s right hand.

This answer.

Of course, Ren Dong was not satisfied.

Two games and two MVPs, don’t blow a wave at this time?

Why is the performance so bland?

“At present, Dishen has participated in six rounds and won six MVPs, setting an LPL record.”

“At the same time, today’s first game also broke the record for the shortest game duration in the LPL.”

“Is there anything you want to say?”

Ren Dong handed the microphone to Wu Di.

“It’s just a normal fight.”

“The teammates played well.” Wu Di said seriously.

His gaze locked on Ren Dong’s free hands.

Is it really going to be so bland?

Ren Dong decided to change the question: “The lineup system of IG has changed a lot in the two games today. ”

“In the first game, we found a different way and selected the lineup system of the Sword Saint Gem.”

“In the second game, I chose Bron who is talented in the Stone Contract, are the lineup systems developed by the Di God?”

After speaking, Ren Dong looked at Wu Di expectantly.

I would like to hear more topical answers.

After all…

He is notoriously topical.

Wu Di said a lot this time.

But how Ren Dong listened to it felt wrong.

“Whether it’s the Gem Sword Saint or the Stone Descent Contract Talent Bloon.”

“These lineup systems have actually existed for a long time.”

“Even more exaggerated lineup systems are there.”

“Go to play the bronze game, what system lineup can’t be touched?”

These words spoken by Wu Di are indeed words from the heart.

Don’t look at how tall the professional team is.

When it comes to weird gameplay, weird system lineup… Bronze players are not inferior to the analysts of professional teams.

Imagine past lives.

When playing the bronze and silver list, the group of bronze players I met.

Ai Li’s gifted sword saint.

The toad of the comet.

Anne the Predator.

In short, I have seen all kinds of strange gameplay.

What’s particularly hilarious is… Anne the Predator had not yet been exploited, and Wu Di met in the bronze segment.

Of course… Wu Di, who played Single Sword Ji in that game, did not take Annie’s head.

Wu Di felt.

Maybe the Sword Saint Gem System, Bloom with the stone descendants contract out of the incense burner gameplay.

Has the bronze rank already appeared?

Merely… No one is going to pay attention to qualifying in the bronze segment.


What is this answer?

Going to play the Bronze Bureau?

I’m not bronze either!

Ren Dong was very dissatisfied with this answer, and at the same time Ren Dong noticed a situation.

Why does the flute god keep looking at my hands?

Looking at his hands, Ren Dong felt that his hands were quite clean.

Nothing strange?

Why do you keep staring at my hand?

It seems like… Since the flute god on the 193 platform, the eyes have not left my hand?

Is the Flute God a hand control?

Rita and Yu Shuang’s hands are much more beautiful than mine!

No way.

Ren Dong hid his left hand behind him and took the microphone with his right hand.

I think it’s better to finish the interview early.

Speak up: “Last question, IG is about to participate in the continental competition, do you have any goals?” ”

After talking about the question, Ren Dong handed the microphone.

Hearing this question, Wu Di smiled and said seriously: “The audience just shouted the champion!” ”

“Then I’ll get the trophy back.”

“Let the Continental Championship Trophy stay in the LPL!”

As soon as these words came out.

The scene boiled.

The word “champion” was clamoured together.

It was mixed with the cries of many female voices ‘Flute God’.

Ren Dong was extremely satisfied with this answer.

Think of the champion as the palm of your hand!

That’s what it’s called a topic.

Ren Dong withdrew the microphone and said with a smile: “Thank you Di Shen for accepting the interview, then we’ll see you in the intercontinental competition.” ”

Ren Dong stretched out his right hand.

And then…

Ren Dong saw Wu Di’s left hand stretched out.

Ren Dong subconsciously took the microphone with his right hand and stretched out his left hand.

And then… Ren Dong saw Wu Di take away the microphone.

He said: “See you in the intercontinental race, goodbye!” ”

Then handed the microphone to Ren Dong’s outstretched left hand.


The sound of the microphone touching the palm of the hand is heard.


Ren Dong looked confused.

I’m going to shake hands!

Not a microphone!


To see the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Jr

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