5:30 p.m.

The IG team members returned to the lounge.

Kim Myung-so clearly knows what the players want.

After praising the five, Kim Myung-so said: “From tomorrow, we will play training matches crazy to prepare for the intercontinental competition. ”

“In three days, we will leave for Treasure Island.”


“Today evening, you can have a good time.”


Kim Myung-so spoke.

The atmosphere in the lounge is warm.


6 p.m.

Wu Di, who declined the invitation of the IG team members, returned to his own community.

When the elevator stops to the 7th floor.

Wu Di saw the security door of Rita’s house wide open.

Get out of the elevator.

Wu Di could clearly hear the laughter coming from Rita’s house.

Step into Rita’s house.

Changed slippers at the door.

Wu Di saw it in the living room.

Yaya grabbed the corner of Rita’s clothes and made a whoa cry as she ran.

In front of them.

Yu Shuang opened his arms and shouted: “The eagle is coming, the eagle is coming.” “Chase Yaya twice from time to time.

Let Yaya run faster.

Does an eagle catch a chicken?

Wu Di looked at the elated three people who were playing, and spoke, “You don’t know about closing?” What if bad guys come in? ”

“Dad.” Yaya suddenly released her hand that was holding the corner of Rita’s clothes, and Niu Yan ran towards Wu Di like a throwing herself.

The little red face was full of joy.

“Hey.” Wu Di squatted down and opened his arms.

He hugged Yaya.

“It’s back.” Yu Shuang nodded in greeting.

“There are two of us on the 7th floor, where can anyone else come.” Rita smoothed her hair and said gently: “We watched today’s game, Wu Di, you performed super well.” ”

After speaking, he also raised a thumbs up.

Rita asked curiously, “By the way, why don’t you shake hands with Ren Dong?” ”

Yu Shuang also looked over curiously.

“I’m afraid of being shown.” Wu Di told the truth.

Ren Dong’s immortal grip.

Wu Di is thunderous.

Not only Faker was shown, but many LPL players were shown by Ren Dong’s immortal hand.

He didn’t want to be shown by Ren Dong into an emoji.


During Ren Dong’s interview, Wu Di maintained a high degree of caution and did not give Ren Dong the opportunity to exert his immortal grip.

Wu Di’s answer made Rita and Yu Shuang look confused.

Be showed?

Ren Dong is very good at playing LOL, right?

Can you show the flute god?


Now Ren Dong’s immortal grip has not yet been developed.

Wu Di did not explain.

I looked at the empty dining table.

He asked, “Aren’t you two cooking?” What about dishes.? ”

But it was yesterday.

After Wu Di took the two to the king, when saying goodbye.

Rita volunteered: “Tomorrow you have a competition, Yaya let me pick it up, make you a meal in the evening, just when you take me to the king’s thanks.” ”

Yu Shuang also said that he cooks well.

Will cook with Rita.

As soon as Wu Di heard that Yu Shuang and Rita were cooking, he agreed to come down.


Wu Di didn’t see the food.

“Wait a minute.” Rita and Afterfrost ran into the kitchen.

“Dangdangdang.” Soon, the two came out with a large basin in their hands.

Two large basins are placed on the dining table.

Open the cover.

Wu Di saw two pots of steaming.

Rita and Yu Shuang ran into the kitchen again to bring out the sauce.

A couple of small bowls.


Small disc.

“Try our craft.”

“Steamed seafood master.”

Rita looked up proudly.

Yu Shuang smiled and said, “I specially bought it in the morning, it’s very fresh.” ”


This is… Legendary cooking?

Steamed seafood coffee?

Remove the word big coffee, it is steamed seafood!

Wu Di said that his understanding of cooking is different from that of Rita and Yu Shuang.

But looking at Rita and Yu Shuang expectantly.

Wu Di hugged Yaya and walked over.

A meal of seafood.

Ate for more than ten minutes.

Wu Di didn’t feel a hint of fullness.

Yaya ate deliciously, clumsily holding the chopsticks and taking the seafood that Rita and Yu Shuang had grilled.

“Toot toot.”

Just after eating a piece of oyster meat, Wu Di heard his mobile phone ringing.

Take a look.

It was a WeChat message sent by Zhou Qing.

Zhou Qing: What are you doing?

Wu Di wiped his hands and replied.

Wu Di: Eat.

Zhou Qing: At home?

Wu Di: Well, you’re done?

Zhou Qing: It will take a while, what is Yaya doing?

Wu Di: Yaya also eats.

Zhou Qing: Ask her if she misses me.

Wu Di: She said she wanted to.

Zhou Qing: So fast, did you ask?

Wu Di: Yaya definitely misses you.

Zhou Qing: A surprise for you.

Wu Di: ??

“Wu Di, open the door!” Shouting came from the corridor.

Since the security door of Rita’s house is not closed.

The sound is clearly transmitted into the room.

Rita and Yu Shuang turned their gaze to Wu Di.

It’s a woman’s voice!

WeChat chat?


Wu Di opens the door?

“Aunt, aunt, Yaya is here!” Yaya put down her chopsticks and shouted loudly.


A head burrowed into Rita’s doorstep.

It was Zhou Qing.

“That’s the surprise?” Wu Di stood up and smiled helplessly.

I haven’t seen it for a few days, but Zhou Qing still looks like a big grin.

What kind of surprise is this?

Wu Di did not forget to introduce Rita and Yu Shuang: “This is Yaya’s aunt, I…”

The words were not finished.


The sound of high heels landing on the floor.

Zhou Qing walked into the house barefoot, shouting as he walked: “Husband, how do you eat seafood?” ”

“Don’t you like seafood?”

“Who are these two?”

“Hello two sisters, I am Yaya’s aunt and Wu Di’s girlfriend.”

“My name is Zhou Qing.”



My girlfriend?

Zhou Qing: Which one did you make?

Wu Di looked at Rita, who suddenly had red eyes, and Yu Shuang, who had an incredulous face, and suddenly understood Zhou Qing’s intentions.

Is this trying to make him die alone?

Glancing at Rita and Yu Shuang, Wu Di felt the need to explain.

Just about to speak.

Wu Di saw Yaya tilting her head and wondered, “Aunt, why do you call your father and husband?” ”

“What’s a girlfriend?”

“Yaya misses her aunt.”

“Auntie hug.” Yaya opened her arms.

Heard Yaya’s words.

Rita glanced at Zhou Qing and at Wu Di.

Rolling his eyes, he said, “Hello Sister Zhou Qing, my name is Feng Yu, and I am also Wu Di’s girlfriend, you can call me Rita.” ”

After speaking, he pointed to Yu Shuang.

“Her name is Yu Shuang, and she is also Wu Di’s girlfriend.” ”


Wu Di watched Rita stand up with a gentle smile and walk to Zhou Qing’s side.

Holding Zhou Qing’s arm, she looked like a good sister.

Pull Zhou Qing to the dining table.

“The three of us are Wu Di’s girlfriends, so we need to get along well.” Rita said with a cute look. (King Qian’s)

Palace lock bead curtain?

Gong Xin scheming?

The Legend of Zhen Huan?

“Is that so? What a coincidence! Zhou Qingpi glanced at Rita with a smile and said, “Sister Rita, sister Yushuang, we really have to get along well.” ”

“Yes.” Rita heads with sweet desserts.

I was very proud.

Zhou Qing’s sudden appearance just now really made Rita stunned.

There is a faint sense of abandonment.

Tears almost flowed out.

Until… She heard Yaya’s words.

Rita understood that Zhou Qing was not Wu Di’s girlfriend.

Most… That is, I like Wu Di.

Rita is not willing to give in.

You claim to be Wu Di’s girlfriend.

Then I too… It’s Wu Di’s girlfriend.

Well, Sister Yu Shuang is also Wu Di’s girlfriend.

Anyone can be Wu Di’s girlfriend, as long as I give me a fair chance to compete!

Rita quickly picked up a shrimp and handed it to Yaya: “Yaya eat more.” After that, he picked up another shrimp and handed it to Wu Di tenderly.

Sweetly said, “You also eat more.” ”

… Affair…_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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