No emotional experience though.

Rita is not stupid!

As Wu Di became more and more famous in the LPL arena.

There are more and more girls who like Wu Di.

Rita is sure of a little.

As long as Wu Di beckons, many girls will post upside down.

Especially Zhou Shuyi, a little fan girl.


Rita was firm on one thought.

Near the water building platform first get the moon.

Whether it’s picking up Yaya from school, or cooking for ~ Wu Di.

It’s all to tie Wu Di down.

Even if many girls like Wu Di, she is the closest to Wu Di.

It’s also the biggest opportunity!

But… With the appearance of Zhou Qing.

There are girls who are closer to Wu Di than her!

Even more abominable.

Zhou Qing is also Wu Di’s best friend in the early stage and Yaya’s aunt.

Thinking of Yaya’s happy expression when she saw Zhou Qing, Rita felt that she couldn’t drag it on any longer.

Drag it on any longer.

Wu Di is about to run away!

After a broken thought.

Rita didn’t wait for Yu Shuang to speak, stood up directly, and said, “I’ll go confess now!” ”

Yu Shuang grabbed her: “Xiaoyu, are you crazy? ”

“At this time, Zhou Qing is also there, you go to confess?” Yu Shuang said helplessly: “Can she make you confess?” ”

“Definitely make trouble for you.”

“You listen to me.”

“Since she has known Wu Di for so long, she has not been with Wu Di, which shows that Wu Di does not like her.”

“I can see that Wu Di likes you very much, otherwise he wouldn’t let you pick up Yaya!”

“You have to hold your breath now.”

“Wu Di is busy playing in the intercontinental competition these days, and when Wu Di returns from Baodao Province, it will not be too late to confess at that time.”

Yu Shuang explained bitterly.

She is a good sister of Rita.

Of course, hopefully Rita will find a good home.

Wu Di is obviously a good choice.

Not only handsome, but also recently in LPL.

It has the meaning of LPL card characters.

In the afterfrost’s opinion, it is… Wu Di is young and golden, very handsome and has a good personality, in addition to attracting girls to like.

Nothing down.

Such a person is worthy of Rita’s trust.

Say practically.

If it weren’t for Rita’s liking Wu Di.

Yu Shuang thinks… Can’t escape Wu Di’s attraction.

Blah blah.

Yu Shuang, what are you thinking?

Wu Di is someone Rita likes!

But in the mind…

Yu Shuang remembered what she said when she was eating just now.

“I happen to be single, do you think I and Wu Di are suitable?”

I’m 1.73 meters.

A bit higher than Rita.

Wu Di was a little over 1.8 meters and stood with me.

It really fits!

Looks, occupation, height…

“Is that so?” Rita blushed and said, “Sister Yushuang, do you really think Wu Di likes me?” ”

“Okay, then I’ll wait for Wu Di to come back from Baodao Province.”

“No, I’m going to Baodao Province.”

“I want to see Wu Di win the championship and take back the continental championship for the LPL.”

“Confess to Wu Di then.”

Rita fantasized about that beautiful picture in her mind, with a look of longing.

But she immediately noticed that Yu Shuang looked like she was wandering the world.

“Sister Yu Shuang, have you listened to me?”

Rita stomped her foot angrily.



“You have a good idea.” Yu Shuang woke up and said.

But a strange thought arose in my heart.

How nice would it be if Rita and I weren’t good sisters?


Inside the Loft House.

Second layer.


Zhou Qing’s mind was confused.

What did she just say?

There is a need… Can you help?

Oh, my God!

How can I say that?

I’m a girl!

Will Wu Di feel that I don’t know how to be shameful?

But in the heart.

Zhou Qing had a sense of relaxation after telling the secret of his heart.


I shouldn’t be afraid!

Tingting has been gone for so long?

I am with Wu Di and can take better care of Yaya.

No one loves Yaya more than I do.

Tingting won’t blame me!

Zhou Qing raised his head and said firmly, “Actually.” ”

“Do you remember?”

“When you and Yaya moved into this big house, you took me to the elevator that day.”

“I said I had a question for you.”

“But I didn’t ask.”

“Now I want to tell you what my problem is.”

“I think you’ve changed.”

“It’s changed so much, you rarely accompanied Yaya before, you have been silent, dreaming of playing games and competitions.”

“Do you remember? The day you resigned, it was evening. ”

“We talked a lot.”

“You’re playing with the computer again!”

“But you didn’t go to the game, you meditated on the computer.”

“It’s still the first time I’ve seen you so seriously, and I admit that from that moment on, my heart was moved!”

“After that…”

“At the entrance of the Shangri-La Hotel, you smiled and led me inside.”

“After moving to a new home, you are worried that Yaya will be injured and look at Yaya nervously.”

“What you said to me when you sent me away.”

“Write songs for me?”

“Can you write for me for the rest of your life?”

··· 0 Ask for flowers··

“No matter what song, I will like it.”

“Accept me, okay?”

Finish these words.

Zhou Qing closed his eyes.

Waiting for Wu Di’s response.


I don’t want to hear Wu Di refuse.

But in the heart… Zhou Qing was extremely flustered.


Wu Di listened carefully to Zhou Qing’s words.


Wu Di was a little confused.

After crossing, going home for the first time, not playing games, meditating on the computer?

Is that… The computer is so stuck!

Wu Di clearly remembers that when he wrote his resume and sent emails, the computer was all eaten one by one.

Where is the mind to play games?

Are you serious about meditating on computers?

Wu Di is clearly considering which of the LPL teams is suitable for him.

As for… Play with Yaya, worry that Yaya will be injured!

Yaya is his daughter.


He decided to pamper his daughter for life.

That’s what he’s supposed to do.

If you write a song…

Zhou Qing took care of Yaya for so many years, and also took care of him for so many years.

He just wanted to repay Zhou Qing.


Wu Di had an idea.

I treat you like a buddy, but you want to sleep with me?

But Wu Di is undeniable!

Zhou Qing is indeed extremely beautiful.

One meter seven height.

Long hair tied into a ponytail.

A thin light makeup, looking plain.

White as snow.

A pair of curved eyebrows, set off by bulging silkworms.

The slightly closed eyes are beautiful.

Perhaps because he often dances as a singer, Zhou Qing is also in good shape.

Not an exaggerated anterior convexity.

Rather, there is meat where there should be meat, and there is no meat where it should not.

One more point is fat, and one less point is thin.

The legs are also very slender.

Match the black stockings worn today.


Such a woman.

If Wu Di wants to say that he has no idea, it is.

Thinking about the old days.

Zhou Qing’s care for Yaya, the care for him.

Think about the present.

What Zhou Qing said.

Wu Di knew what to do at this time.

With open arms, he embraced Zhou Qing into his arms.

Put your hands on Zhou Qing’s back.

Bend down.

I looked at the snow-white collarbone around Zhou.

Wu Di lowered his head.

Be prepared to show your answer with actions.

Zhou Qing’s eyes widened subconsciously.

His hands grabbed Wu Di’s sleeves indiscriminately.

Tiptoes raised slightly.

Raise your head to cater to Wu Di.

Right at this critical moment!

Yaya’s childish voice sounded: “Dad, aunt, what are you doing?” ”

… Fourth…_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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