
Zhou Qing hurriedly let go of his hand.

Wu Di also withdrew his hand.

The two turned their heads.

I saw that at the door of the bedroom, Yaya looked curious, bit her finger, and said in a milky voice: “Are you hugging?” ”

For this question.


Zhou Qing’s face was flushed.

There is a feeling of being caught.

She didn’t know what to say.

“My aunt’s head hurts, and my father helps my aunt see if she is injured.” Wu Di explained.

“Auntie, don’t be afraid, we can see a doctor.” Yaya’s little face showed nervousness, and the little adult seemed to be comforted.

Zhou Qing breathed a sigh of relief.

He glanced at Wu Di appreciatively.

Yaya said nervously: “Does Auntie’s back hurt too?” Did Dad help Aunt rub her back? ”

Zhou Qing’s neck was even red.

looked at Wu Di complainingly.

That look clearly indicates… It’s all good things you do!

Feel Zhou Qing’s eyes.

Wu Di smiled helplessly.

Blame him?

“Three Six Three” also didn’t know who was so anxious just now.

Scratch his clothes to pieces.

Wu Di said in his mouth: “Auntie is fine, why doesn’t Yaya watch TV?” ”

Yaya breathed a sigh of relief and tilted her head: “Yaya misses Auntie.” ”

“Auntie accompanies you to watch TV.” Zhou Qing spoke up.


The rest of the time.

Living room sofa.

Zhou Qing hugged Yaya.

Wu Di sat aside.

Two big and one small, watching cartoons on TV together.


Zhou Qing talked to Yaya from time to time.

What about the conversation…

“Yaya, don’t call your aunt in the future, is it okay to call your mother?”

“It’s not good, Yaya likes to call Auntie.”


“Yaya likes her aunt.”

“Well… Nozomi doesn’t want her aunt to be with her dad? So I can see my aunt every day. ”

“Okay, okay, Yaya will see her aunt every day.”

“Yaya is really good, aunt kiss it.”


It’s just a few simple conversations.

Zhou Qing thinks to himself… Received Yaya’s blessing.


He also skimmed Wu Di amorously.

His face was full of smugness.

Am I smart?

Wu Di chose to ignore it.

Bully Yaya is young, or is she proud?

Attitude towards Wu Di.

Zhou Qing was not very satisfied, and directly put his foot on Wu Di’s thigh.

“Smoke you.” Zhou Qing said fiercely.

Wu Di pretended to be stunned and covered his head.

But in my heart, I sighed.

Women are really strange creatures.

Wearing high heels barefoot, there is no smell of sweat at all.

And thinking that when he hugged Zhou Qing just now, a faint fragrance came from Zhou Qing’s body.

Is it body odor?

Wu Di felt that today was late and he could distinguish it well.

Zhou Qing is not a body odor.

Midnight at 9 o’clock.

Yaya yawned.

It’s like a signal.

Wu Di turned off the TV.

Zhou Qing hugged Yaya and went into the bathroom.

A moment later.

After washing, Yaya had hazy eyes and was carried out by Zhou Qing.

On the way back to Yaya’s bedroom.

Yaya spoke: “Aunt, sleep with Yaya.” ”

“Yaya has grown up, it’s time to sleep on her own.” Zhou Qing’s face was serious.

“Aunt, Yaya wants an aunt.” Yaya coquettishly.

Zhou Qing looked at Wu Di.

Wu Di spoke up: “I have to go to school tomorrow, Yaya will go to bed quickly, and my aunt will have to go home later.” ”

“Don’t, Yaya misses her aunt, and her aunt accompanies Yaya.” Yaya’s little face wrinkled together, extremely aggrieved.

Faced with such a situation.

Zhou Qing led Yaya into the bedroom.

Wu Di walked upstairs to wash up.

Go back to your bedroom.

Lie in bed and wait.

Waiting… Waiting… Wait.

Wu Di, who sleeps relatively early on weekdays, fell asleep!


“Lazy pig, get up!”

“Get up.”

“Wu Di, hurry up.”


Wu Di felt that his nose was itchy.

There are still people talking in the ears.

Come to your senses.

Open your eyes.

Wu Di saw Zhou Qing.

Four eyes opposite!

It’s all in the middle of nowhere.


Early morning.

A ray of sunlight shines into the bedroom through the window.

Zhou Qing woke up slowly.

First of all.

She felt the sound of breathing beside her.

Subconsciously turn his head.

Zhou Qing saw a face that had been imprinted in her heart.


“Big bad.”

Zhou Qing snorted.

The heart is satisfied and shy.

Yesterday night, she gave all her first time to the man in front of her.


Zhou Qing thought of his own words yesterday.

“I learned to dance!”

“I’m not afraid.”

The more he thought about it, the redder Zhou Qing’s face became.

But Zhou Qing immediately thought of something and got up in pain.


Half past seven in the morning.

As soon as Wu Di woke up, he felt that his neck was sour.

Turn your head and look.


Quilt cover.

Pillows gone?

Then Wu Di saw Zhou Qing walking through the bedroom door, and saw him wake up… 0

Zhou Qing said with wide eyes:

“Big bad guy, you’re up?”

“Hurry up and have breakfast, Yaya is still going to school today, right?”

“What are you looking at?”

“Look you’re beautiful.” Wu Di smiled.

He was telling the truth.

Zhou Qing in front of him was wearing his plaid shirt.

Because the plaid shirt was a little big, it fell exactly at Zhou Qing’s thigh.

With the loose hair and rosy face, it is very stunning.


Wu Di sighed in his heart.

Zhou Qing was already the first woman in his life.

Give him everything that is most precious.

He will definitely take care of Zhou Qing for the rest of his life and not let Zhou Qing suffer any grievances.

“Nasty.” Zhou Qingjiao replied shyly.

With two white thighs, he ran to Wu Di’s side.

Pulled Wu Di up.

Get up.

Get dressed.

Go into the bathroom.

Looking at the rotating washing machine, Wu Di smiled.

Understood where the sheets, covers and pillows went.

“Wash your face and brush your teeth.” Zhou Qing, who followed behind him, shouted with a red face.

Then Wu Di washed up.

Leading Zhou Qing downstairs, he saw… At the dining table.

Yaya has already got up.

With cute pigtails, he is eating an omelette.

As soon as I saw Wu Di walking downstairs.

Yaya shouted: “Dad eats, and Aunt makes it delicious.” ”

“Then you eat more, little cat.” Wu Di smiled.


The two big one snacks are finished.

After cleaning up.

Wu Di was ready to send Yaya to kindergarten.

Zhou Qing followed without saying a word.


It is convenient to pick up Yaya in the future.

3.8 So.

Wu Di drove the Cayenne, carrying Yaya and Zhou Qing, who was facing the sky, towards the kindergarten.

Wait until after kindergarten.

Wu Di parked the car.

Holding Yaya, he took Zhou Qing’s hand and walked into the kindergarten.

One into kindergarten.

IG’s number one fan, Liu Qiming’s father, happened to walk out of the kindergarten, saw Wu Di and Zhou Qing, and said enthusiastically: “Di Shen, is this your wife?” Wow, what a blessing the god of the flute. ”

His voice.

Let the parents of several other students who send their children hear.

They all looked towards Wu Di.

“Hello everyone, I’m Wu Di’s girlfriend.” Zhou Qing showed a quiet smile and nodded to Liu Qiming’s father.


When she saw Teacher Yaya, Zhou Qing also shook hands warmly and said bluntly: If there is anything about Yaya in the future, the teacher can contact her.

And exchanged phone numbers with the teacher.

It’s like a hostess.


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