Wu Di’s affair with Rita.

The Internet is buzzing.

Everyone present has more or less heard this news.

Hearing is better than seeing.

At this time.

Rita is completely in love with a small woman.

How to look.

Rita’s performance doesn’t look like a scandal?



Next time.

With Team WE and Team OMG coming.

The group boarded the plane.

The child, who was originally sitting next to Wu Di, switched seats with Rita when he was aware of the time.

Rita gave him an appreciative look.

And then…

IG team members all around!

RNG team member next door.

Even the OMG and WE team members in the distance quietly set their sights on Wu Di and Rita.


The gaze around.

Rita didn’t care.

There was only Wu Di in her eyes.

Sometimes… Laugh and say two words.

Sometimes… A pair of beautiful big eyes, looking at Wu Di tenderly.

In a word.

The strong smell of dog food in first class.


And Wu Di also knew it in Rita’s words along the way.

Rita is not a commentary on the Continental race.


The LPL broadcast commentary of the continental race is ‘Miller’ and ‘Guan Zeyuan’.

Rita just went to the 987 site to support him.


Rita put it bluntly.

For such a blunt explanation and Rita’s performance along the way.

Wu Di had an idea.

This Nizi’s trip to Baodao Province this time has bad intentions?

Ill-intentioned to yourself?


More than two hours later.

The plane lands.

Buses dispatched by LMS divisions.

Escorting members of the four LPL teams, LPL commentary team and LPL staff, they went to a hotel next to the Xionggao City E-sports Center.

The hotel is well equipped.

The room was quite clean.

According to the situation of two people, Lms officials have booked six rooms for the IG team.

Under Kim Myung-so assignment.

The child and the king of Ning.

Broiler with Duke.

Royale and The, shy

Four IG staff accompanying the team stayed in two rooms.

At last.

Only Kim Myung-so and Oh Di remained.

Kim Myung-so glanced at Wu Di, then at the small suitcase, and said that it was Rita who came to recognize the door. ’

The famous iron rooster plucked its feathers.

Directly threw the room card to Wu Di.

I went to open a private room myself.

And then.

Room doorway.

Only Rita and Wu Di remained.

At the same time, the doors of the surrounding IG members’ rooms were cracked.

A pair of eyes quietly observed.

“Come in and sit?” Wu Di spoke up. (dadf)

“Don’t, don’t be in too much of a hurry!” Rita blushed and ran away pulling her suitcase.


Wu Di was a little embarrassed.

Just after entering the hotel.

Wu Di already knew that Rita had booked the room in advance.

Just now.

He just invited Rita to sit for a while.

What is the answer?

Don’t be in too much of a hurry?

What is going on in this Niko’s head?


“It’s a pity!”

As soon as Rita ran out not far away, Wu Di saw the doors of several surrounding rooms open.


The child, the broiler, King Ning, Baolan and Duke walked out of the room.

Well… Behind Baolan is The, shy.

Everyone looked like they were not looking lively.

The child even sighed: “Brother Wu Di, with my many years of experience in flirting with sisters, as long as you fight for it, Sister Rita will definitely enter the house.” ”

The broiler nodded approvingly.

Even The, who had just joined IG, nodded.


Rita’s performance can be understood by anyone who is not blind.

Just to start.

The, shy were in the airport lounge, thinking that they had just joined the IG team, and Wu Di was a senior.

So The, shy chose to avoid suspicion.

Find a couch and close your eyes.


The, Shy found.

IG and everyone else didn’t shy away… Even the members of the RNG team gathered to watch.

The, shy into the pit.

Start watching.

From the airport lounge to the plane.

After the plane landed, it was on the bus.

The, shy kind of understood.

This is Rita’s upside down Wu Di senior?

How can this be the goddess of esports?

And then.

I found the scene just now.

Don’t be in too much of a hurry?

Does it mean… Take your time?

The, shy thought in their hearts, is it to learn two tricks from Wu Di’s predecessors?

Flirting with girls?


Run to the elevator.

Rita calmed down a bit.

In the mind.

It’s all Wu Di’s words just now.

Go in and take a break?

Wu Di wants to treat me… Do what?


Go in and take a break… Nothing, right?

Just a simple rest!

Even if Wu Di wants to do something… In fact, as long as you confess to me, isn’t it logical?

Will he catch up?

Or send yourself a WeChat?

Wait a minute, Wu Di, right?


Wait a minute!

Rita held her mobile phone, expecting Wu Di to chase after her, or send WeChat.


Just then, the elevator doors opened.

Rita saw Kim Myung-so walk out with the key card.

“Go back to your room?” Why not stay a little longer? Kim Myung-so spoke up.

In the face of Kim Myung-so’s inquiry.

As if she had been broken by something, Rita nodded in panic and said, “Well, I’ll go rest.” ”

Walked into the elevator and quickly pressed the door closing button.

She can’t always say to Kim Myung-so: She’s waiting for Wu Di to keep her? Want to go to Wu Di’s room, right?

Reaction to Rita.

Kim Myung-so is inexplicable.

In order to give Rita and Wu Di space to get along, he went to open a room with heavy bleeding.

More than a thousand pieces of flowers went out, is it still so unpopular with Rita?

Run directly into the elevator and close the door?

I don’t care if you want the room rate?


Kim Myung-so thought of a possibility.



Wu Di just chased the children away and went into the room to finish putting away his belongings.

I heard a knock on the door.

As soon as the door opened.

Wu Di saw Kim Myung-so with a worried look on his face:

“This afternoon, the continental schedule is out.”

“The official competition will be tomorrow.”

“The continental race is very important, you have to pay attention during this period!”

“Don’t let quarrels affect your mentality.”

“I won’t say much.”

“I’m sure you can master the size.”

“Remember, lead IG over the LCK mountain.”

“Come on!”

Finish speaking.

Kim Myung-so sighed old-fashioned and turned to leave.


Wu Di was a little confused.

He could understand every word Kim Myung-so said.

Linked together.

He didn’t understand.

Don’t let the fight affect your mentality?

What do you mean?

Don’t… Did he just lose two sentences to the child and count it as a quarrel?

Wouldn’t it?

The child’s skinless and faceless strength, even if he really scolds him twice, it will not affect the child’s mentality.

Or is it rather?

I scolded the child and affected my mentality?

Be all abroad!

Wu Di closed the door!


Walk in the hallways of the hotel.

Kim Myung-so looked proud.

Meizi thought in his heart that even the emotional problems of the players had to be solved by him.

How competent is he as an IG coach?

For a raise, you have to get a raise.

Kim Myung-so thought about it.

It was decided that as long as he won the continental championship, he would ask Wang for a salary increase.

At least one million annual salary increases, right?


“If you don’t give me a raise, I’ll tell my boss about Wu Di and Rita.”

“How witty I am, I glanced at Rita and found that Rita was not in the right mood. The two young people must have quarreled! ”

“Take precautions, let Wu Di’s mentality not be affected!”

“This credit, the boss must give me a raise!”


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