3 p.m. on the 20th.

The schedule of the Continental Race is announced.

In the on-site gaming room.

IG Team members gather.

On the screen of the projector, tomorrow’s schedule is being displayed.

2 p.m. on the 21st.

JT and SSG.

3 p.m. on the 21st.

MVP vs. OMG.

21st 4 p.m.

SSG and IG.

5 p.m. on the 21st.

M17 with OMG.

6 p.m. on the 21st.

AHQ and RNG.

7 p.m. on the 21st.

FW and SKT.

This schedule.

Let Kim Myung-so be grim.

He didn’t expect that on the first day of the continental competition, Team IG would meet Team ~ SSG Team.

Former LCK coach.

The strength of the SSG team, Kim Myung-so is very clear.

The S3 is on the rise.

The S4 White SS sweeps everything.

Even during the S5 season, SS Blue and White disbanded.

But the restructured SSG is still the top team in LCK.

Today’s S7 Summer Race.

Team SSG was even more popular in the LCK division, losing only one small game in four rounds of the summer tournament.

Points lead the LCK division.

Many LCK fans are shouting that the era of ‘SS Blue and White’ is coming back.

It’s a vicious battle.

Kim Myung-so began to explain the characteristics of SSG teams based on the research of the four continental teams in the LCK division these days.

“After the start of the summer season, the way SSG plays has changed a lot.”

“Right now, the pace of SSG is slow.”

Speaking of this, Kim Myung-so paused and said seriously: “Don’t take it lightly because of the slow pace of SSG. You must know that although the pace of SSG is slow, the control of resource plunder and line power is still top-notch. ”

“Team SSG’s favorite thing is to rely on the right to pull and let the opponent die slowly.”

“So we need to pay attention to a few points when facing the style of play of the SSG team.”

“The first point is that SSG’s Tano An is in charge.”

“I believe you should all be familiar with Anzhangmen, this player has switched from the middle unit to the field position, and in the past two seasons, it has been the most stable point of SSG and the driver of SSG’s rhythm.”

“Playing SSG, you must not make An Zhangmen too comfortable in the wild area.”

“But don’t forcibly invade wild areas either.”

“The best situation is to cooperate with online teammates and put pressure on Ann to make him unable to develop and do things.”

Speaking of this, Kim Myung-so looked at the child, then at King Ning, and continued: “Secondly, SSG’s single Cuvee, Cuvee’s performance this season is very eye-catching. ”

“To be the number one LCK point in the SSG Summer Tournament is largely inseparable from his performance.”

“This player has a very aggressive style and a good awareness.”

“Against Cuvee, either choose a strong hero to fight with him, or develop obscenely.”

The voice fell.

Kim Myung-so looked at Duke, then at The, and Shy

But still didn’t say it.

Tomorrow’s IG starting lineup.

Kim Myung-so continued: “Crown, the SSG singles player, is very detailed and plays very strongly. ”

“It’s a very strong…”

Listen to Kim Myung-so gushing about hau1.

Wu Di looked strange.

Kim Myung-so’s evaluation of Ahn and Cuvee.

Wu Di is still recognized.

After all, the S7 season is the season when SSG returns to its peak.

An Zhangmen’s GANK awareness, wild thinking and mastery are indeed very strong.

Team SSG was also able to defeat SKT and win the S7 Finals thanks to Ann.


Cuvee is the singles player.

In the S7 season, Wu Di believes that he is better than Khan, who claims to be the first single on S7.

Compared with SMBE, which is known as the world’s number one singles in the S6 season, it is also not too much.

Wu Di thinks these two players can pay attention.

But Kim Myung-so said… Crown is the ‘crown brother’ commonly known as the ‘crown brother’ of LOL players, and the playing style is strong?

Wu Di wanted to laugh.

What is the situation of the crown brother, Wu Di has seen the S7 finals and still knows it very well.

Wire pressing?

That’s impossible!

Single kill, don’t even think about it.

Wu Di thinks.

Even if Brother Crown encounters some second-rate singles, he may not be able to play an advantage on the line.

After all, Brother Crown is notoriously ‘mixed’!

Of course.

Since Crown Brother is SSG’s single, mixing does not mean weak.

It’s a matter of play, style.

Brother Crown’s group still has a hand.

Very good protection for yourself…. As for how much output to play, then it is up to fate!


Kim Myung-so praised the SSG team members so much.

Wu Di also tasted something.

Probably knew Kim Myung-so’s thoughts.

First Quan and Cuvee.

Praised Brother Crown again.

Isn’t it necessary to boast about the duo of Emperor and Corejj again?

Strong against the line.

Fight wild and ferocious.

Radical style.

Doesn’t this make it clear that you want to let The, Shy Ning King play?

After all.

In the training matches in the past few days, The, Shy Jing showed a strong style.

King Ning’s fight against the wild is also notoriously reckless.

Kim Myung-so doesn’t want IG to follow the rhythm of SSG.

······ Ask for flowers…

Be quick and slow.

Break SSG’s slow-paced operational play!

For Kim Myung-so this idea.

Wu Di didn’t have any ideas.

In his opinion.

It doesn’t matter if it’s The, Shy, or Duke.

He will lead IG to SSG.


The plot after that.

It was similar to what Wu Di expected.

Kim Myung-so started talking about the SSG Downroad duo again.

Ruler Emperor and Corejj.

Kim Myung-so said seriously: “The duo of Ru Emperor and Corejj has been working together for two seasons. ”

“The line style is fierce.”

“The fit is perfect.”

“Of course, I’m still at ease about the next road.”


Kim Myung-so changed his tone: “We IG team now have two options. ”

……. 00

“One is to choose a late lineup, try to be obscene in the early stage, wait until the later stage, and win with the advantages of the lineup.”

“One is to play the fast pace in the early stage, to break the slow with the fast.”

Kim Myung-so seemed to consider it.

He spoke: “I think it’s better to play the early stage.” ”

“We IG were originally an early fighting team, so there is no need to fight with SSG in the later stage.”

“Tomorrow, King Ning will start playing wild.”

“The, SHY sent orders.”

“Duke and the kids look more down there.”

“After the group stage, there is still a good chance that you will meet SSG team again in the final, and then you will need to perform well.”

Due to the foreshadowing of the front.

These words speak out.

Justified and reasonable.

It also shows that there are children and Duke in the continental competition.

To this.

Kid and Duke unfortunately didn’t start, though.

But chose to take over Kim Myung-so’s heavy responsibility.

Say that I will definitely observe it.

And King Ning and The, shy

Both were starting for the first time in such a big game.

Very excited.

The statement will definitely behave well.

Kim Myung-so smiled and nodded.

Negative hands.

Very proud in my heart.

Win thousands of miles and strategize.

Aren’t these two idioms talking about him?


The next word for broilers.

Let Kim Myung-so’s pride disappear in his heart.

The broiler asked loudly: “Coach, what system will we play tomorrow?” ”

The first The, shy, Baolan, and Ning Wang all inquired.

Everyone felt that since Kim Myung-so was so familiar with SSG.

There must be a system for targeting.

Everyone expressed their anticipation.


… Factory…_

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