This answer.

Apparently dissatisfied Kim Myung-so.

The IG players were also not satisfied.

They all asked aloud.

To this.

Wu Di said that he would know when he was in the game, and he would not say it now.

This also caused the following time.

The IG team members gathered together and discussed the heroes Wu Di would use.

From AD Heroes.

To the single hero.

To the single hero…

In a word.

The crowd discussed all the heroes over and over again.

There are no answers.


In the sight of everyone, Wu Di pulled over Baolan and asked a few words.

Everyone saw Baolan nodded in shock and said, “It’s not particularly good at it, but it can be used.” ”

“Brother Wu Di, this can also help?”

“Wow, how weird!”

Wu Di smiled and did not speak.


Baolan was chased and blocked.

To the regret of the IG players… Even if they surrounded Baolan and began to tickle Baolan’s flesh, Baolan would rather die.

Resolutely don’t say what kind of hero!


Due to the second day of the competition.

That afternoon.

After learning about the schedule.

Kim Myung-so let the IG players play casually.

No training tasks are scheduled.

At 6 o’clock in the evening.

Kim Myung-so received a phone call.

After the phone hangs up.

Inform the IG team members of a dismissal 24.

It’s late today.

The four teams of the LPL had a dinner.


The group made the elevator and went to the hotel’s restaurant.

When it came to the restaurant.

The WE team members have arrived.

The members of the RNG and OMG teams have not yet arrived.

The two squads gathered.

Under Kim Myung-so and Redmi arrangement.

Got a seat and sat down.

Kim Myung-so and Redmi found a seat alone and chatted.

Not far apart.

Wu Di could hear the conversation between the two.

“Tomorrow to fight SSG, are you sure?” Redmi asked.

“Oh, what’s not sure?” Kim Myung-so smiled: “Let’s aim for the end of 20 minutes.” ”

“Win or lose?” Redmi surprised.

“What do you call that? If I lose, can I say that? Kim Myung-so was dissatisfied.

“Got it.” Hongmi looked awkward: “Your team’s Wu Di has developed the system again?” ”

“Thou shalt not speak, thou shalt not speak.” Kim Myung-so shook his head.

When Wu Di heard this, he smiled.

Even if Kim Myung-so wanted to say it, what could he say?

And right at this moment.


Kang Di came over, looked at the child next to Wu Di, and said mysteriously: “Wu Di, let’s talk.” ”

Wu Di was not familiar with him.

I don’t understand what Kandi is doing?

“What’s going on?”

“Child, I’ll have two words with Wu Di.” Kang Di spoke up, looking inconvenient.

Hear Conti’s words.

How can a child not understand what Kande means.

Think you’re in the way?

The child glanced at Wu Di.

See Wu Di nodding.

He didn’t take Conti and changed seats.

And then.

Wu Di heard Kangdi’s words: “Buddy, have we two met?” ”


“I’ve seen it when I shake hands.” Wu Di didn’t know why.

“No, I mean did we meet when we were playing?” Kandi’s voice was extremely low.

“Our country’s service has not been scored, and Hanbok has not been played.” Wu Di shook his head.

“It’s not this game, ‘chicken’ you understand the emperor anxiously.


This time.

Wu Di understood.



Simple two words, the connotation is extremely rich.

Conti thinks that his barbarian is also the Lord W’s?

Call chickens?

Seen it while playing?

Wu Di said that he didn’t want to deal with this guy.

Even if he needs to, he still uses the Barbarian Master W skill?

“Didn’t you say last time you shook hands that young people should be temperate? You are definitely an expert. ”


“We’re okay today.”

“I heard that the girl from Baodao Province is good, are you interested…”

Kandi’s words did not say anything later.

Because he feels that it has been clearly expressed.

Conti is looking forward to it.

Since shaking hands after the last match, Kang Di has been very strange when he heard Wu Di’s words.


Finally made him think.

Wu Di must have known his barbarian lord W.

As for how to know…

According to Conti’s ideas.

Or when he entered and exited those places, he was seen by Wu Di.

Either the chicken is unprofessional and tells Wu Di about himself.

Think of it this way.

Kang Di felt that Wu Di was a fellow practitioner!


At the dinner.

He couldn’t wait to come to Wu Di.

I want to work with Wu Di to master W skills.

After all.

How can two people play together.

It’s exciting to think about.

Kandi thought of something and continued: “Although Rita is good, brother, you can’t hang a tree.” ”

“House flowers don’t have the fragrance of wildflowers.”

“Believe me, let’s play together?”


For this invitation.

Wu Di was too lazy to take Li Kangdi.

Changed seats directly.


Looking forward to what happened to Kandi these days.

If Wu Di remembers correctly.

It was at the S7 intercontinental tournament that Conti used the Brute W skill.

but was grabbed by his girlfriend.

So a Weibo post from his girlfriend appeared on the Internet.

Since then, Kandi changed his name and surname to become ‘Emperor of Prostitution’.

I really love you, but I have to be a.” This Kandi’s words have also become fiery classic quotes.

Ignore Wu Di’s attention.

Kandi thought that maybe the two were not familiar enough to play together.

I feel a little regretful.

But I still gave up the idea of playing together.

Returned to his seat.


Number 21.

The day the Continental Race begins.


Wu Di and the team members, led by Kim Myung-so, went to breakfast.

Halfway through.

I happened to meet the members of the WE team.

First look.

Wu Di saw Kangdi.


Conti put a lot of band-aids on his cheek to his neck.

This thing.

It just made Wu Di find it quite interesting.

And did not take it to heart.

Wu Di is still concerned about the continental competition that started this afternoon.


S7 Intercontinental Race.

The LPL won the championship.

Rng, OMG, WE, EDG four teams.

Fame for a while.

There is a faint meaning of stepping on LCK and punching Europe and the United States.

Until the S7 finals held in Yanhuang Mainland.

LCK double male nest for the crown.

Countless LPL fans were heartbroken, and even many chose to leave the LOL game.


Wu Di brought the IG 903 team to the S7 Intercontinental Tournament.

The decision starts from this moment.

Let LPL rise.

Don’t wait for the belated S8 World Finals.


Number 21.

1:40 p.m.

Xionggao Esports Stadium.

The Continental Race is about to begin.

First game.

It was SSG vs. Team JT.

Let’s be honest.

For the JT team, Wu Di has no impression.

After all.

LMS Division.

Except for the FW Lightning Wolves.

In other words, AHQ can get its hands on it.

The rest of the other teams!

It’s all a school of smelly fish and rotten shrimp.

For this game.

Wu Di did not expect it.

If SSG were serious about playing JT, it would be ridiculous.

How to say.

SSG is also the S7 World Finals champion.

Though… This championship is a little moisture.

It has a lot to do with Bang lurking in SKT and crying Brother Li.

But he’s also a champion.


Ten minutes before the game.

Inside the LPL lounge.

Wu Di sat on the chair and saw the figures of Guan Zeyuan and Miller appear on the screen.

The two introduce themselves to each other.

Start warming up.


With the entry of both players.

The first game begins.

At the beginning of the game.

SSG is extremely proactive.

Every line hits fiercely.

Especially the down-road duo.

The strong combination of Ember Gajira, after the second level, has to be unforgiving and crazy to cross the line to fight.

This makes.

On the commentary table.

Guan Zeyuan turned over!


Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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